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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sorri for not updating for so long.. Haha.. Was busy doing other stuff.. *Fingers crossing behind* LoLz.. Juz that I'm lazy lah.. Though I'm on com 24 hrs everyday.. But my contact with the keyboard is on key A.. S.. D.. W.. Space bar.. Ctrl.. And the mouse loh.. Must be wondering why only these keys that I touched.. That's the keys for me to frag.. Haha.. So I'm basically fragging for promotion.. I'm working towards the rank of Brigadier General.. Haha.. And that will take me duno how many tons of frags.. =p

I was looking thru the portal.. Den saw the sem schedule for the cuming new sem.. So I clicked on Sem 6 first.. I saw the usual modules.. But how cum no SM.. In my mind I tinking knn loh.. (Pardon me for swearing!! Haha.. I'm amicable most of the times!! =p) Why we always the last batch to kena shit stuff like SM? LoLz.. Den my memories told me that we are not the only sem taking SM that time.. So I went to click on Sem 5 schedule.. Yup and so it was rite that from now on SM will be in Sem 5.. So to satisfy my curiosity.. I practically can click on every single sem schedule lah.. From Sem 6 to 1.. Hahaha.. I know I'm boliao lah.. =p

Joa and Step had left us for exactly one mth four days.. They reali enjoyed alot.. From the pics I have seen.. Haha.. Not bad not bad.. By the way.. Step u should go see One Piece 312.. U will cry again.. Esp when it's accompanied with the song called "Dear Frenz" by Triplane.. When u free den listen to it.. I have uploaded it in my playlist.. Haha.. But must watch with that episode den powerful lah.. The translation of the lyrics is veri qiang also.. All in all.. It's juz like Chopper's story.. Reali veri nice.. Haha.. Anyway it's abt the story of Merry..

It was my first time watching Initial D.. As in I din watch that time it was released in cinema.. Haha.. I tink Jay reali act quite well.. As in Takumi is always like tat in the world of anime loh.. Jay brings out Takumi's personality.. Den the "Yi Lu Xiang Bei" is damn nice lah.. Though I listened that long time ago.. Somehow I realized every songs has their own uniqueness and a point where it forces ppl into a state of subconsiousness..

Be it whether it is a chinese.. English or Jap.. As long as the lyrics hit u in some ways.. One will kinda put himself or herself into the story of that song.. It's true.. Reali.. That's why we have the category of sad and happy songs.. Happy songs of cuz will make one happy.. Sad songs of cuz will make one sad.. Sad songs like what many mentioned are also know as "commit suicide songs".. Haha.. But it's still up to individual's mental ability to differentiate btwn reality and illusion loh.. I dun deny sometimes when I listen to some songs.. Will make me cry lah.. But that's only happened when something happened at that point of time loh.. It's not cheap to make a drop of tear loh.. It took 10mg of amino.. 7mg of h2o.. 5mg of sodium.. And 3mg of chlorine.. Haha.. Well.. I juz anyhow say one lah.. Muwahahahaha.. Dun believe me!! I bet some of u believe wat I said rite? Heeee.. Juz dun cum taking parang after me!! =p

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^