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Monday, August 27, 2007

Army captain dies in race.. Second such fatality this year..

Juz last month.. Captain Ho Si Qiu finished a creditable 23rd out of 1369 runners at the 10km Saucony-100Plus Passion Run here..

Yest morning.. The 25 yrs old platoon commander from the OCS took on a bigger challenge - the 21km Singapore Bay Run.. Also known as the Safra Sheares Bridge Run or Army Half Marathon 2007..

But as he crossed the finishing line at 7am.. Abt one and a half hours after the race started.. CPT Ho collapsed and stopped breathing..

Medics attended to him within 30 secs.. At the medical post.. An intubation was performed and cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR.. Was carried out immediately.. But no heart rhythm was detected..

CPT Ho failed to respond and was sent to the SGH.. He was pronounced dead at 0807hrs..

Police have classified the case as unnatural death and are investigating..

CPT Ho's death is the second sudden death from running this year - the first athlete who died was 17 yrs old Thaddeus Cheong in June.. Juz after crossing the finishing line at a national triathlon selection trial for this yr's SEA Games..

Organizers of yest's run.. Which is into its 16th yr.. Said measures were in place to ensure the safety of the record 70,000 participants.. An increase of 5000 from last year.. There were 13 medic points set up and over 100 medical personnel deployed..

Said a spokesman for Safra: "During registration.. We advised participants to hydrate during race day.. Give their bodies adequate recovery time during training.. Give the bodies a complete rest before the actual race and take fluids at each of our water points.. "They were also advised not to take part if they feel unwell.."

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.. The Community Development.. Youth and Sports Minister.. Who participated in the run.. Along with Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean said last night he was saddened by CPT Ho's death..

But he felt that the organizers had taken all possible safety measures..

Said Dr Balakrishnan: "As I was running.. I noticed there were many ambulances.. Medical teams and medical equipment.. This was one event in which the SAF.. I believe.. Made every effort to ensure medical cover was present.. Was available and was able to move into action immediately..

"At the finish line.. CPT Ho was treated by a full medical team inclusive of a doctor.. So.. At this time.. It appears that what measures that could be taken.. Were alreadi taken.."

This latest casualty comes at a time when the National Sports Safety Committee is due to release its report to the Singapore Sports Council (SSC)..

The 12-member committee is finetuning the report to ensure all areas of safety are covered and best measures are implemented..

Mr Balakrishnan's ministry is also studying a preliminary report submitted by the National Sports Safety Committee.. And is discussing the findings with relevant sports associations..

Unfortunately.. Being a regular in SAF is not as simple as performing duties on their part.. Juz wanna be honest.. On surface they alwayz said if not feeling well dun take part.. But did they ever know how many NSFs had been forced to take part in the half marathon.. Juz try ask ard and u will know.. If dun go.. Probably they will be issued with "threats"..

Juz as they speak abt transparency.. I reali wonder how transparent SAF is.. And juz how realistic the government is too.. U know all these events like half marathon etc plays a part in individual's assessment for promotion.. Same goes for Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).. If u juz get a miserable pass.. Out u go.. Of cuz the final criteria still lies within the Current Expected Potential (CEP) being assessed even before one join the civil service.. Juz imagine all these little stuffs contribution to individual's assessment.. If I'm a regular like CPT Ho.. I will probably participate in the run even if I'm unwilling to.. Or even worse.. If I'm unwell.. Why? Cuz the world is realistic..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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