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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Still rem Superband Champion Mi Lu Bing? I seriously tink that their new album rocks!! Quite a number of nice songs.. Maybe u guys should go listen to it.. I lurve their yong qi.. Liang Jing Ru's Yong Qi.. But I rem Step told me tat this song sang by them suxs.. But I tink it's nice.. Haha.. =) Anyway a few more songs like Tian Shi Juan Lian (天使眷恋) and Lei (泪) are damn nice.. If possible I will upload them..

I juz can't believe I will reveile at 4+ in the early morning and send my frenz off.. Actuali after sending my frenz off yest at airport.. I suddenly juz realized that actuali how much u missed someone is actuali depends on how much they meant to u.. And how much they took up in ur heart.. Hmmx.. I knw it's oni for juz 12 days.. But yet somehow I was like reluctant.. I guess tat happened when Joa and Step left too..

Actuali there's this breaking news circulating within NTU itself.. I do not knw the integrity of it.. But betta be safe than sorri.. Ok I shall begin by saying.. Juz last week there are these 3 NTU undergrads.. 2 guys and a gal.. They were jogging ard NTU I tink.. And we all knw that guys' stamina is much much betta than gal.. So that 2 guys jog further ahead.. Leaving that gal behind.. And this gal was being dragged away by 2 bangla.. And she was raped by them.. When she was dragged to the construction site.. There are another 10 of them waiting for their turns.. I mean 2 of them alreadi damn damn bad liao loh.. And another 10 is waiting.. This is reali a bad trauma.. That 2 guys reali will live in guilt for the rest of their life loh.. And we knw NTU will nvr publicize such news.. Cuz of reputation.. And no one will ever stay in NTU hostel again.. Juz a reminder to those reading.. Esp guys.. Nvr nvr ever leave ur female frenz alone.. Esp in the nite.. Alwayz stick to them like glue.. Even if they asked u to fark off.. Juz ignore them lah.. Rem guys' strongest attribute is "one ear go in.. the other ear go out.." I believe u all have mastered tat alreadi.. And I believe u will rather that u are the one being hurt instead of them lah.. And those who has female frenz staying at NTU or even NUS hostel.. Juz caution them ba..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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