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Thursday, May 17, 2007

When the last announcement was made to stop writing.. It juz simply implying that it's time to get my arse into the working world (Provided din tabao).. Keke.. Aren't humans self-deceiving? When they are studying.. They hate exams so much that they wish they can get into the society to work.. And when they get into the society to work.. There are so much politics that they wish to study again..

Four days three nites.. It was fun.. Mahjong and ps-ing.. But nothing still beats the thrill of nite cycling.. Destination Changi V.. Tat distance is juz nice comparing to Geylang.. Haha.. Which will reali kill me!! I was supposed to lead the rest to the destination.. Haha.. But u knw one lah.. I'm still newbie in cycling loh.. Nvrtheless still try loh.. But in the end I juz stayed in the back so the rest can go ahead.. Ly will be accompanying be behind..

From start to final destination.. It wasn't smooth for me at all.. Either I lose balance fall into pits.. If not I becum a crash dummy.. Crashing into stuffs like railings and water barriers.. The railings is worst.. I rubbed my left forearm from one end to another until kena burns.. Machiam can light up fire.. Haha.. I'm exaggerating "the one end to another".. Haha.. =p But tat's reali painful lah.. Imagine when u are down the slope at high speed and u "bua" against the railings with that speed.. It suxs loh..

And wat made me feel funny is that water barrier incident.. Haha.. I simply threw myself into it like nobody's business.. And apparently I'm hugging the barrier as though I'm being suck by a gigantic vacuum cleaner.. LoLz.. And that damn Sf is laughing like mad.. Ok I knw it's quite exaggerating to hug the barrier until like tat lah.. But I can't help it leh.. Hehehe.. Heng it's nite loh.. If not alot ppl will see it.. >_<~ Eh I think the wound is getting abit erxin liao leh.. Esp that one from the arm.. Haha.. Go out must put dressing on it.. If not wait scare tio ppl.. LoLz.. And I dun wan to mummified myself until so over.. =p

Lastly.. Thankz to all those who make themselves free for the bbq.. Esp Charmaine.. Jolene.. Mandy.. Raz.. Trish.. Reali appreciate ur presence.. Thankz and thankz again!! ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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