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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Today reached Mrt quite late loh.. I think ard 0830hrs.. But I expected some kaki like Chen Yu.. Jiamin and Raz be waiting for me at the platform.. Hehe.. =p We are all latecomers.. Haha.. Anyway I indeed managed to meet tio Raz.. Then asked where Chen Yu Ge Ge.. Haha.. She said she not sure.. But I know one loh.. That Chen Yu Ge Ge always at the other end of the train.. @_@" Chatted with Raz all the way till Dover.. Then asked her did she know that our Mrt North line missing N6 and N12.. Then she reali went to see.. Haha.. Raz then said erm can I asked u a question.. Reali out of my expectation.. Nvr know she also veri cheeky loh.. I stoned there duno wat to say.. LoLx.. Reaching Dover and as we were walking down the stairs.. Chen Yu was on the other end walking down too.. See I am right.. Always at the other end of the train.. While on the stairs I greeted her.. "Xiao Chen Zi xiang Ge Ge qing an.." Wahahaha.. That's lame.. But bopian mah if not kena chop head how? LoLx.. Then she told Raz I am the taijian.. Chen Yu trying to spell it out to Raz in English but she duno how to spell it.. Then said the "enuch blah blah blah.." Anyway it’s "eunuch" lah.. When Chen Yu failed to spell it out then she used action to show to Raz.. She did the cutting off pattern loh.. *Fainted* Then today after class I was sitting down at the bench there with Liyee and Stephen mah.. Then Liying they all walked out of the LT and I just took a look oni.. Then kena caught by Joanne and Tricia.. Joanne then said she saw me looking at gals.. Actuali I din reali know whu they were referring to at all loh? >_<~ Then Tricia said continue looked leh.. If not later they left liao then cannot see le.. Afterwhich some of us went for lunch.. Walking past the carp pond.. Stephen pushed me into the pond loh.. Heng he pushed and pulled me back loh.. If not win liao loh.. Zzzz.. Today Liyee.. Stephen.. Yongtang and me went for pool.. That Chen Yu Ge Ge said wanted to go one then in the end roti prata everyone.. Can join Joanne's Air force Team liao loh.. LoLx.. The pool today reali damn funni like hell lah.. Played for two quarters.. Each quarter consists of three matches.. Total of three rounds will be played per match.. Any teams win two rounds in a match win all.. Got one time I opened the ball then the white ball flew out and nearly hit a stranger.. Haha he heng ar if not he will be hit in the spinal cord then paralyzed liao.. Hehe.. =p Overall Liyee won two times.. Stephen won four times.. Yongtang won two times.. And me won fours times.. Yongtang today damn poor thing loh.. Lose till damn chum lah.. Then he said "Chen Yu quick possess my body.." Haha machiam calling god.. First four rounds kept losing till we called him "Mr Constant" Remember mathematics linear equation.. "y=mx+c" Constant always no effect one mah.. That's means Yongtang teamed with whu also same.. Lose all the way.. Wahahahaha.. It's me that helped Yongtang broke his curse of losing hor.. Then Stephen said I and him are the x-value.. While Liyee is the y-value.. And Yongtang no need to say.. He is the constant loh.. Muwahahaha.. ^_^ Hehe.. Then just now Jiamin asked me can I go out in the nite.. I said yes.. Then asked her she wants to date me ar.. Muwahahaha.. ^^

Score Board

--First Quarter--
Match 1
Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi Vs Liyee/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Third Round: No need to play
Aggregate: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-0

Match 2
Stephen/Liyee Vs Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Second Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Third Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Aggregate: Stephen/Liyee won 2-1

Match 3
Stephen/Yongtang Vs Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi
First Round: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Third Round: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won
Aggregate: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-1

--Second Quarter--
Match 1
Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi Vs Liyee/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Third Round: No need play
Aggregate: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-0

Match 2
Stephen/Liyee Vs Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Second Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Third Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Aggregate: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won 2-1

Match 3
Stephen/Yongtang Vs Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi
First Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Second Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Third Round: No need play
Aggregate: Stephen/Yongtang won 2-0

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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