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Friday, February 25, 2005

Today class attendance was reali quite ridiculous.. Machiam all nvr cum.. Me dozed off awhile then woke up becuz I sensed Stephen disturbing me.. Then I received a sms from Stephen asking me to wake up.. Tat's lame loh.. -_-" Anyway to pass time.. Stephen and me played a few games like tic tac toe and bingo.. Then the rest also joined in to play bingo.. When class was over Stephen asked me to go peeled off the article at the back.. Walan so mani ppl looking at me loh.. Machiam I was the one that steal those articles last week.. @_@" Then Stephen asked me to help him took his bag.. We got a discussion before class end mah.. But nvr get to present it.. So the papers Stephen wrote was still on the table.. When I intending to stuff the papers into his bag.. Kena caught by him.. Wahahaha.. =p While waiting for Xiaohui to walk up.. One of my frenz called me up for a meeting.. Then Liying walked up first and hit me.. Haha hinting me to give the present to Xiaohui le.. LoLx.. ^^ Shaking her hand saying Happy Bday.. She seem stunned.. Haha.. Walking out of lecture theatre.. Liying like teasing me.. So I use the discussion papers which I rolled up and hit her head.. Wahahaha.. *Dong* Then went to Customer Service with Liyee and Stephen to get Stephen’s deferment letter.. After a while Adrian.. Jolene and Sherry also came along.. Getting the letter we went LT 2.08 to look for the Chen Yu.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang.. Hiding at the corner of the pillar calling Yongtang name mani times.. But no response.. Asking them for lunch but they discussing their project so the rest went to Megabites for lunch.. Then going home with Alyssa.. Jiamin.. Liyee and Stephen.. Alyssa took west line while the rest took east.. Reaching Tampines I asked Jiamin at nite want go Pasar Malam or not.. Then she said she want to play the Viking ship.. @_@" Anyway we went to the Pasar Malam in the afternoon.. Then meet tio Jiamin’s mum.. Haha damn paiseh.. =p

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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