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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Today had a game of tennis with Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry and Stephen.. Just as I expected Stephen overslept if not he should be here before 1000hrs.. Haha then he sms me to say he not cuming le.. But he will be joining us for lunch later.. @_@” Then I called him to ask him cum down asap loh.. And he said ok.. Liyee and Sherry reached first.. Followed by Joanne and Doudou.. LoLz.. Anyway we played 2v2 since Stephen not here yet.. Liyee and Sherry Vs Joanne and me.. I tink we reali improved quite a lot since the last time we played.. At least the ball can be continued for some time btwn us.. Hehe.. Then I added maybe becuz Stephen not ard therefore we can played so smoothly.. =p Becuz Stephen’s style veri powerpact one loh.. Smack here and there.. Then Stephen finali came.. He came quite fast leh.. I was expecting him to be more late.. Maybe he took cab down.. Hahaha.. Today we reali played till quite late.. By rite should leave at 12noon.. But we played till 1330hrs.. Wow reali so enthusiastic.. ^^ Then Joanne left first after that later met us at kopitiam.. The rest of us went wash-up also.. Reaching the kopitiam at 1400hrs.. Again ordered minipot.. This time worst cuz the five of us all ordering the same thing.. Joanne wan meepok with chili without onion and pork crisp.. Liyee wan meepok more more with chili more more.. Sherry wan beehoon with chili.. Stephen wan meekia more more with no chili.. And I wan meekia more more with chili,, Haha.. Reali veri confusing loh.. Then Stephen had a hard time telling the auntie loh.. He took quite some time to return.. Hurhur.. ^_- In the end he said aiya all meepok lah.. LoLx.. Stephen was meddling with his cam mah then the kopi-shui auntie came over to c wat he doing.. LoLx.. Then I added auntie I helped u n Stephen take one photo aimai? Wahahaha.. Then we were quite lame lah.. We combined the five minipots to take a photo of it.. >_<~ Everyone was looking at us.. Paiseh leh.. Got one cat walked past under the table and tio Stephen’s leg mah.. And he jumped up loh.. Hahaha.. =p After lunch Joanne went home.. Liyee and Sherry went Bedok.. As for Stephen and me we went Tampines Mall.. After getting the stuffs we left ard 1730hrs.. Hehe.. Today is Yuan Xiao Jie.. Eastern Valentine’s Day.. Wishes all of u a Happy Valentine’s Day.. Then told them tat Stephen and me are dating each other today mah.. Kena shoot by Joanne saying we erxin.. Muwahahaha.. ^^

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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