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Friday, February 18, 2005

Today marketing class is again boring and lame.. I was dozing away throughout the first half of the lecture.. But dun care loh.. Cuz I tink I reali veri shag leh.. Then sms Liying said finali wear her extrim top cum sch again.. Hehe.. The rainbow reali resemble extrim package box.. Then went to canteen for lunch.. Order chicken chop with Shaofeng.. Then wanting to put pepper in the soup one but I put wrongly.. I added salt inside of pepper.. LoLx.. When I was cutting the chicken chop.. Walan so much oil ooze out.. Sianz.. -_-" Just happened to saw Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly.. Having lunch at canteen too.. Then Stephen asked me to ask them whether they wan to join us nxt Tues for badminton.. So I went over to ask them but they said dun wan.. Say I nt sincere enuff loh.. @_@" Wa liew.. But I knw they say say nia loh.. Then suddenly asked me to play mahjong.. Just nice four ppl.. But I said dun wan lah cuz I suay tis year loh.. Then Alyssa said then all the more must ask me to play.. >_<~ Leaving liao Shaofeng said he will give me.. Joanne and Stephen a lift to Tampines.. Actuali I also feel like goin home one.. Hmm.. Anyway me.. Joanne.. Jolene.. Stephen and Tricia managed to squeeze into his car.. Then Joanne and Jolene kept kena hit in the head.. LoLx.. Joanne and Stephen stayed on in his car cuz they going Tampines.. Me.. Jolene and Tricia went for a game of pool.. Reaching the arcade then realised all the tables were taken up.. Then we put name down.. Then I bought some credits to play game.. We played photohunt.. Then after the game nt too long.. A table is finali available.. Then me and Tricia played the first round.. And I lost.. Jolene and Tricia then played the second round.. Jolene won the second round.. But she left after playing for one round oni.. After which it was me and Tricia playing oni.. Total 14 rounds played.. Finali score was 6-8.. I merely win her through luck nia.. Actuali win or lose also nvm.. It was the fun that made me enjoyed.. Cuz we did alot of stupid thingz.. Hehe.. Tricia should knw it veri well.. =p And there were these 3 chinese guys kept looking at us played loh.. I knw wat they looking at loh.. Feel like digging their eyes out loh.. Played till around 1530hrs then we left.. Cuz she got to work.. Then Tricia went to take Bus 7 while me went to mrt but then I din take mrt.. LoLx.. I went back to Clementi central to check whether there is a SG Pools located just beside the interchange as rumour.. In the end it's reali a rumour.. Chey.. Then I took cab home.. After reaching home suddenly headache.. Sianz 1/2 loh.. Then checked my phone and discovered a miss call from Jiamin.. Returning call and she asked me abt some stuffs.. After that my dad brought me to pay respect to Taisui at Old Tampines Road.. Then my dad still need to settle some stuffs so he asked me to wait for him at the car.. Walking towards the car I saw tis white dog lying in front of the door.. Haha I pressed the button on the key then scared tio the dog.. Hehe.. =p Then I opened the door.. The dog was looking at me and was tinking I wanted to give him food.. But too bad I got nothing to feed him.. Wakao reali veri pain.. I tink I go slp early liao.. Ya hor still need to help Shaofeng record Royal Rumble at 2300hrs..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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