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Monday, February 07, 2005

Today go treatment.. As usual the receptionist will serve me tea.. Then I said thank u to her.. She said welcome.. Give me angbao can liao.. LoLx.. -_-" Today our group having a meeting for our marketing.. While waiting for Joanne.. I went to watch Kungfu at the vcd store.. When everyone is here we went over to BK at Pavilion for our lunch.. Then we saw this ahgua.. Yucks.. Erxin loh.. I said to Stephen "Stephen dun stop me I wan to go out beat him.." Wahahaha.. Action action nia >_<~ Then we started our dicussion.. Deciding whu do which part.. Then in the end Joanne use taiji push macro to me and micro to Liyee.. And she said she volunteered to do the marketing objectives which worth 2marks.. Haha.. Then Stephen added.. Nvm lah we just put her appraisal two percent can liao.. Hahaha.. Then when everything done.. We decided to play pool.. Suddenly Joanne so energetic.. LoLx.. Dicussion veri sleeply and lethargic.. Me and Liyee went to the toilet.. Heng I nvr pushed the tap first.. The tap water dun flow to the sewage loh.. It's directly hit the floor splashing ur legs loh.. Heng got Liyee be the sacrificee.. Then played 2v2.. Me and Stephen.. Then Joanne and Liyee.. I duno exactly how many rounds we played.. I only rem that Joanne pocket the black ball during the second turn nia.. LoLx.. And also me and Stephen won the game where Liyee and Joanne nvr pocket one ball yet.. Haha.. Then I laughed at Joanne duno for wat she done.. Then kena hit in the knee cap.. Damn loud the sound.. Now I upper is scratches and lower is blue black liao.. Hehe.. Left around 1630hrs.. We all went to Tampines Mall.. On the way Joanne said why I nvr "manja" Stephen liao.. LoLx.. Cuz before that I BK i did that to Stephen mah.. Wahahaha.. Then Stephen gave me that look -_-" Hahaha.. Anyway Stephen wanted to buy new year clothing.. While Me and Liyee going NTUC buy the secret stuff.. And Joanne going Century Square jalan jalan.. And Stephen keep asking wat me and Liyee buying.. Cuz we kept it secretive mah.. And then he said hey wat r u guys up to.. Hehehe.. ^_-Actuali nothing lah just planning to buy chocolates for our gals that r single in our clique.. Cuz Valentine cuming liao mah.. After Stephen went bought two shirts we went around to see see whether got anything special.. Liyee went off first cuz he in a hurry.. Then me and Stephen went over to the library to return his book.. After that we took Bus 27 home.. Tomolow is eve liao.. As a webmaster.. I also need off leh.. Hehe.. No writing of blog from Lunar one to Lunar two.. Hehe.. Joking lah.. =p

In Reality..
Sometimes Lying Is Better Than Dun Lie..
If Lying Can Make Things Better While Dun Lie Might Make Things Worst..
Why Not Choose The Former..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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