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Friday, February 04, 2005

Today reach sch damn early.. Even the early bird Liyee also not there yet.. ^_^ Then saw ppl taking notes so I also went to take.. Then I thinking how many sets to take.. I counted two times and confirm its oni thirteen ppl.. Then when I saw Adrian.. I said oh ya still got Adrian.. Then Mandy mentioned Charmaine then again I missed out one more person again.. But they said Charmaine not taking this module so nvm.. d[@_@]b Blur like sotong.. Then Shaofeng morning sms me said he not cuming to sch mah.. So I sat with Ivy today.. And Joanne see liao again.. !@#$%^&.. Then Stephen changed seat and sat with me.. Always like to tap my shoulders.. -_-“ And Jiamin today gave me a card made by her.. Alyssa and Kelly also got one each.. Veri thoughtful and sweet of her.. ^^ Keep asking me to read it.. But got Ivy and Stephen around mah so not nice.. Hehe.. Then I said y not I and Stephen read together aimai? She reply a big NO!! Wakakakaka.. =p Anyway I advised Jiamin to bring axeoil today cuz if not later when she.. Alyssa and Kelly went do project with Jane and May.. I think they gonna fainted on the spot.. Wahahaha.. And today class our lecturer was saying abt this motto “It’s so good even on its own” Everyone knws it’s the Gardenia bread.. But she said simi Guardian d[?_?]b LoLx.. Our lecturer forever like to say things wrongly one.. Last time bar top dancing said into desktop dancing.. ROFL.. Nxt class duno what she will say.. -_-“ Then halfway through class.. Ivy’s gang all MIA liao.. Most of us went Clementi for our lunch.. Whole table all eating economic rice except Liyee having balls noodles.. LoLx.. Me.. Liyee and Stephen were dicussing abt the Chinese name.. Then Stephen said u all called me Chinese name I will reply one.. I not like Yihui.. Wahahaha.. Joanne turned over stared at Stephen.. Then me and Stephen went off first cuz we having badminton at Tampines Stadium.. The rest all going KTV ba except Colin.. Hmm.. I wondering they managed to shake that undesirable frenz off.. LoLx.. Anyway gd luck to them.. Reaching the Badminton court.. Introduced by Stephen to some of his frenz.. Waaa got one gal not bad leh.. Good investment.. Hehe =p Wakao Stephen’s sandals damn salty smell lah.. I wanna fainted loh.. Then he illustrated to me tat time when he chased after the person that stole his hp one.. Machiam re-enactment.. LoLz.. Matchy started where I and Stephen paired up versus his another two frenz.. At first we were losing but after that we catch up and win that match.. Hehe not bad lah.. Then me and Stephen tried to keep the shuttlecock in the air by passing the shuttlecock with the racket to each other.. He kept smacking the shuttlecock to me.. -_-“ Wanna murder me loh.. Anyway he is gd lah.. Me also not bad lah.. Oops bhb again.. >_<~ We left around 1700hrs then I slowly walked home.. Cuz drenched by sweat so take bus might be smelly loh..

In Reality..
Sometimes Lying Is Better Than Dun Lie..
If Lying Can Make Things Better While Dun Lie Might Make Things Worst..
Why Not Choose The Former..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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