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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Today just meet Andy.. Charmaine and Jolene for lunch at Clementi.. Then Andy send us to sch with his car.. Today Sami class again.. LoLx.. He always knew that ppl like us will always be late for class.. So he nowadays always ard 1420hrs then entered the class.. Then he today veri pissed becuz of ppl keep walking in to the class late.. Then he bet with us saying "I guarantee at 1445hrs sharp confirm got ppl entered the LT again.. If not I chopped off my head.." Actuali hor he lost loh.. At 1450hrs then ppl entered loh.. But then he denied lah.. Nvm give him credit for predicting still got ppl cuming in.. And Stephen forever tapped my shoulder I know got something nt right liao loh.. Haha indeed true.. And he asked me got any update.. ROFL.. -_-" Then going home I called Alyssa.. Asking her whether she got went home with Jiamin and Kelly or not.. But she today got kumon so bopian.. Then I waited for Jiamin and Kelly at bus stop.. Boarding Bus 184 with them plus Colin.. Jolene and Sherry.. Jiamin was carrying a big bag in hand.. Aiya actuali want to help her carry but thinking of that three person beside me.. I consider again.. If not they duno say what again.. But after a while I heck care liao.. I helped Jiamin take the bag then Kelly said you should have done it earlier lah.. -_-" Anyway in the train we were toking abt the bak gua thingy.. I like the round type bak gua but she said till I scare to eat.. >_<~ Kelly alighted at Outram as she taking the NE line.. Then just nice got a seat so Jiamin went to take it.. Then she asked me want to share or not.. Then I say no lah.. She then said heng you said NO.. If not I punched you liao.. LoLx.. Hehe and I asking the little Ayumi to support me on the 13th March for showdown.. ^^

In Reality..
Sometimes Lying Is Better Than Dun Lie..
If Lying Can Make Things Better While Dun Lie Might Make Things Worst..
Why Not Choose The Former..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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