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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Today go MAB class.. As usual I was the oni one on the second row.. Then Ivy today came over to sit beside me.. Claiming that her sisters nvr save seat for her.. -_-" Hmm.. Then the ppl from my clinque like veri stunned.. Machiam having the shock of their life loh.. And Chen Yu started to suan me loh.. Then the rest queued up also to suan.. LoLx.. During break time.. Duno whu went to said Ivy and me.. Nehneh.. Then all also started to say here and there.. Si Joanne duno said what lah.. What I her second knight.. Zzzz.. I as a Leader of Ming Sect how can be a knight.. LoLx.. Then Tricia asked me to be her small male mistress.. WO PUI!!! Wait for a century also wun happened lah.. Jiamin at break told me that I look gd in dark complexion.. Since when I white before?? [?_?] We went over to Megabites for lunch.. Then Andy came over to join us.. And we went off without waiting for him.. Wahahaha.. What he ate reali damn erxin loh.. I smelt liao like wanna vomit.. Joanne said "walao you said you wanna vomit".. Then she also got that vomitting feeling.. Must be expecting liao lah.. Oopz.. =x Joanne was the last one to paid her card mah.. So me and Liyee thinking of our evil plot.. Then I said "Oie.. Ai mai?" Great man thinks alike ok.. He straight away got what I mean.. Then we pushed the glass door.. 1.. 2.. 3.. "Yihui are you done" Wahahaha.. She looked at us machiam wanna kill us.. Quickly seek for shelter.. She came out looking for the two culprits.. Haha.. White belt cum yellow straps can kick you to heaven ok.. Then go student lounge played table soccer and pool.. Actuali wanna went Clementi for pool one but they wanted to study so bopian.. And got this kum gong kia Shaofeng who actuali came to school thinking that today was afternoon class.. LoLz.. Went into the class still thinking waaa he was so early that no one was in the class ar.. -_-" Ard 1430hrs plus.. Everyone also left.. Me and Shaofeng went Tampines.. Stephen went church.. Tricia went worked.. Jolene.. Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry went studied.. Going Tampines Mall to find Alicia.. Heard from Yongtang she working there selling Cisco Alarm System.. I went in cannot find her.. Then until I went out then I saw her.. I pajiao ar??? Anyway tok to her for quite some time.. As usual she bo business.. Then went over to buy TOTO.. Calling Jolene to ask those at school studying for number.. But she nvr picked up so I call the knight.. Nehneh all gave me the numbers machiam damn lame one leh.. >_<~ Then I was at Cold Storage then Liyee called me.. So I purposely said "Moshi Moshi" Then someone suddenly laughed so loudly from his phone.. Kuku loh its Jolene on the line not him.. *Humphz*

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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