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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This morning was chatting with Stephen.. Then I was asking him why not choose one day out of a week to set it a sport day for our clique.. He said the rest also tink that is a gd idea.. Then he said nxt Tues wan badminton again.. LoLx.. I said it’s fine with me but the rest I dun tink they will wan it again.. @_@” Then in the afternoon I was on phone with Andy for quite a while.. Pestering me to answer some qns.. -_-“ Haha.. But in the end still nvr dig anyting out.. LoLx.. =p Today just went down to book court for tomolow.. Returning I was toking to Joanne on msn.. In the end I asked her she knw tomolow wat time rite.. Then she said huh? Eh u knw I whu or not? LoLx.. Anyway she tot I her one gal frenz cuz me n her that frenz used same nick.. LoLx.. Sibei blur nvr check email to c whether same person.. Then she said u better be nice to me ok.. I said huh? @_@” She replied cuz she writing testimonial for me now.. Wakakaka.. =p Went down to mart to buy some stuffs.. On the way back saw this malay small gal ard 2-3yrs old ba.. Hehe c me keep smiling and veri happy.. Running towards me.. ^_^ So adorable and cute.. It’s true indeed when young everyone r angels.. But when grow up everyone seem to be devils.. Sad to be true.. But no doubt it’s still up to oneself to cultivate their own beliefs.. Just return from class.. Aching all over.. And me confirm on show on 13 Mar liao.. Hehe just now just put my name down.. *Argggh* My legs r trembling.. Haha.. >_<~ Think I pang chance them tomolow liao loh.. Hehe.. *Joking* I am noob in it also.. LoLx.. I called Jiamin abt tomolow thing then she nvr picked up.. Then I tot she angry abt it.. Chey actuali she was giving tuition so canot listen phone.. *Phew*

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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