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Thursday, July 19, 2007

I simply hate the roll over advertisement at the bottom of msn.. It suxs totally.. Cuz whenever I'm dead.. I will alt-tab to exit my cs to take a look at my msn.. And after tat I will click on the bottom tab to switch back my cs.. And the mouse went past the advertisement.. And when I return to my cs screen.. The advertisement is there playing happily.. And I mean it reali playing at my cs screen happily than ever!! WTF!! Blocking my view loh.. I feel so stupid if I had to make a full 90 degree detour from the advertisement to click on my cs tab.. Ain't tat idiotic!! Zzzz..

Have u guys seen Xiaxue recent entry? Where she ranked SG top seven disgusting bloggers.. Maia and Steven Lim both kena.. Oh my gosh.. It's reali declaring war.. And if u realized most of them are artistes.. Well.. And tat is like being shoot like hell.. Laozhabor means old woman.. I believe u all knw tat.. Go read and u will understand wat I mean.. And u will know who is laozhabor also.. That auntie starring in "Juz Follow Law".. I'm not going to comment anything in here.. If not later kena ranked top eight also duno.. I'm innocent.. Hahahaha.. >.<~

Ivy gonna rom in 5 mths time.. So her nick said.. 5 more mths I'll be called Mrs Heng.. Haha.. I was tinking of calling her Auntie Heng instead.. Muwahahaha.. Or should I called her Princess Heng? Haha.. Anyway the title of Princess no longer valid for her ever since she becum cao lao.. Oops!! Muwahahahaha.. =X

The Bleach fillers are gonna end this Thurs le loh.. Yeahz.. Cuz from 136 onwards will be back to storyline again..

Bleach 135: Kon is Deceived!! Rangiku on the Lookout..
Bleach 136: Hueco Mundo civil war!! Ulquiorra's death..
Bleach 137: Battle of bad faith, Aizen's trap..

Oh ya I have not yet killed the silent lurker Huimin yet!! Huimin I'm gonna kill u for "wahahaha at me"!! Hahaha.. =p Maybe I should watch Polly Pocket instead rite.. LoLz.. I tink that will be worst loh.. She will probably be muwahahaha instead of wahahaha.. *shake head* =p

I was still tinking wat Sherry is toking abt the photo in Joa's entry.. *scratching head* Haha.. Now I get it.. Horhor.. Nice scandalous photo there.. Oops!! Hehehe.. =p Okie okie I knw I will be dead bird when Step and Joa return.. Haha.. I will exile myself first..p

Btwn Ly.. Starcraft 2 roxs!! Haha.. Let's go get it and rampage together.. Wahahaha.. =p

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Even though sch ends.. I still check the portal daily to see wat's happening ard.. I was wondering does it happen to me or everyone doing the same stuff.. Hahaha.. >.<~ I think sch starts yest liao.. No wonder the portal suddenly popped up with lotsa news and notices.. Now I juz check all the new mails.. And juz click delete.. Wahahaha.. Damn shiok leh.. No need see.. Cuz not affected by it anyway.. Unless convocation loh.. Hehe.. =p

First Eddie.. Now Chris.. Like wat Ly said.. Wat is happening to WWE?? One by one left the world.. Heard that it's becuz of steriods' side effect that cuz Benoit to suffer from depression.. Hence killing his wife and son.. And den commit suicide.. Haix.. Still tot of going Bugis to see him during this July Summerslam.. But.. =/

Recently one of the Superband member died too.. Still rem Soul? The second place of the overall contest with Mi Lu Bing as Champion.. One of them died in the car.. Probably committed suicide.. That's wat I guess.. Guys only have two problems.. First is money.. Second is lurve.. But since he has an extremely well to do family background.. So it's left with the latter option.. But he dun seem so vulnerable.. Well.. It's not easy to sustain mental stress esp when there are many issues cuming towards ya at the same time..

Have ya guys watched Transformers yet?? Haha.. Heard it veri veri nice.. Must watch.. Everyone saying that loh.. Sf watched it and said he dun mind watching the second time.. Hehehe.. *Evil tots came across my mind* Cuz I was looking for ppl to accompany me see loh.. Hahaha.. So I asked Sf loh.. Since he dun mind.. But I told him I'm not going to pay for his ticket hor.. LoLz.. =X As for Ocean 13.. Some said nice.. Some said suxs.. Upcuming Die Hard 4.0 i seem nice leh.. Hahaha.. Wait for Sf to leech frm the Chinamen!! LoLz.. But Sf is complaining abt the Shrek 3 he leeched from the Chinamen.. Haha.. He was saying wat the fark lah.. Visual wise is okie but audio wise suxs.. I was tinking in my heart.. Must be chinese audio loh.. Wahahaha.. Cuz from China mah.. I nearly silently laughed till fall off my chair loh!! But he said not that problem.. Instead it's echoing thru out the whole movie.. But I still tink that dubbing in chinese is terrible lah.. Imagine the gingerbread boi toking in mandarin.. LoLz.. Sf told me tat new AMK hub is up.. He said it's even better than the current TPY hub.. Wow.. Seem interesting leh.. Shall explore the new aircon interchange soon.. Haha.. And heard food veri nice.. If not nice.. I will kill Sf with my own hands!! Muwahahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^