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Monday, March 07, 2005

Server's Tagboard Basic Rules

1. LAMERS WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY WITHOUT WARNING!!! (You know who you are.. So be careful.. Haha..)

2. Use of anonymous nicks will not be ENTERTAINED!!! Offenders will be KICKED AT FIRST SIGHT!!! (Unless otherwise stated.. For example.. Someone special to me.. ^^)

3. Screen flooding or spamming will be KICKED and repeated offenders will be BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Don't be a whiner and keep things short and sweet.. Hehe..)

4. Use of abusive.. violent.. or blasphemous language; will be KICKED or BANNED WITHOUT WARNING AND REASON!!! (You know what you had done.. No need to explain any much further..)

5. Trying to act haolian and challenge the Administrator's Power will be BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Don't even think of PWNING me ok.. Hehe..)

6. Trying to act as an Administrator even though YOU ARE NOT ONE; will be KICKED or BANNED at FIRST SIGHT!!! (Like to act so much go join Star Search ba.. LoLx..)

7. Verbal harassment towards any girl will be BANNED PERMANENTLY AT FIRST SIGHT WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Who ask you to disturb my DREAM GIRL.. Serve you right!!! =p)

*Note: The Administrator reserves the rights to make any changes of the Rules at its discretion without prior notice.

Thank you. ^_-

The Administrator,
SpenCer~ yeKai

7 March 2005

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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