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Monday, August 15, 2005

I hate planes..

The more u wan to avoid someone the more she will appear in front of u.. Ya and so it happened today.. I got absolutely nothing discriminating against her.. Juz that things dun tend to be like last time.. That feeling I get from her totally faded.. From a colourful picture becuming into a black and white picture.. I feel like been chucked into a corner.. Juz like toys..

I turned my back and saw her.. She saw me.. I know but I pretended not to know.. I know it's reali bad of me to do that.. But I reali dun wan to force myself.. Haiz.. Nvm.. =/ Reali feared that we wun be able to chat like last time.. Whether face to face or over the phone.. My hp rang and I know whu that call is from.. I turned back and went over to her.. She can see I seem to be sianz and so called unhappy.. She can guess what is wrong.. And keep asking me whether I got things to tok to her.. I denied and tried to be like my usual self when I was with her.. Again trying to act is veri hard.. I'm not an actor.. And that day will be the veri last time I will ever helped her do things.. I dun wan to be a gentleman and yet in the end kena rejected for been helpful.. It's sickening.. I reali dun know why gals dun understand how guys think.. Or is it I should reverse the process.. I should be the one understanding how gals think.. Whoever that logic belong to..

Saw Charlie Choco Factory juz now.. Better than Seven Swords.. It was reali a great day for me.. And ya.. Great day dun last long.. I was reali looking forward to it.. But I was disappointed.. Nobody said anything.. So I expected something.. And what came out is another answer.. An answer which I dun wish to hear.. I hide.. I pretend.. I stone.. But no matter what I do.. A fact is still a fact.. =( I dun blame anyone.. Cuz like I said before.. Give and take.. Be glad that ppl are willingly to accompany me.. And not the other way round..

What isn't remembered.. Never happened.. Memory is merely a record.. You just need to rewrite that record.. I wish I reali could..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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