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Sunday, August 14, 2005

True Love Never Runs Smooth.. Horoscope for better love.. LoLz.. Nothing to write so post this.. Becuming Fortune teller liao.. U guys like essay long blog hor.. So this one can let u all read till eyes popped out loh.. Hahaha.. >_<~

* Symbol : The Fish
* Ruling House : Twelfth House
* Ruling Planet : Jupiter / Neptune
* Gemstone : Yellow Sapphire
* Element : Water
* Most compatible with : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
* Can be good with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* A 50-50 chance with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* Doubtful with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Pisces Personality

Like its symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisceans are always torn between choices whether to seek the light or sink into the darkness. Being well liked for their kind and sympathetic nature, their charm of manner and carefree nature will impress many. You are compassionate, and unless pushed to the wall, will rarely hurt anyone. A Piscean can be very caustic but the sarcasm is not always direct and generally goes unnoticed. However, this can land you in a spot every once in a while. You find it difficult to conform and follow rules or to cope with discipline. When the going gets really rough, the Piscean may try to flee down river and hide amongst the vast schools of fish swimming lazily around. The very weak-willed among you are likely to indulge in alcohol and drugs to escape. Alternatively, you might be able to pour out your emotions in creative arts. You put your emotions in poetry or short verse but seldom open up to those around you on a personal basis. Although you might be impractical and somewhat uneasy with the real world, you are brave and prefer a lot of independence. Pisceans like to delve in spiritual matters and lots of you are fascinated by the occult. Maybe because many fish are psychic or their dreams can be strange and portential. Remember one thing: you are the culmination of all that has gone before, whilst Aries is the birth of the zodiac, Pisces the twelfth sign is death and eternity, you are the distillation of all the other signs.

Pisces Lover

In the world of romance, you crave fairytales, being more in love with the idea of love than being in love itself. Though you are strongly attracted to good looks, your attention will completely fizzle out if your partner is not intelligent; you may just simply lose interest once you have been able to "secure" the object of your desire. For some, the pursuit is sometimes more fun than the end result. Those born under Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces make ideal partners for Pisces. Pisceans can be unnecessarily suspicious and jealous, and this might cause a lot of heartache. Although you will expect a perfect marriage, your unpredictable moods will be the reason for some tension at times. The most important ingredient you bring to a relationship is love. You are gentle, sensitive, and a romantic through and through, valuing fidelity in a marriage and will be kind and affectionate to your spouse and children. Though you let your partner take on a dominant role in public, you like to rule at home. As you long for love, it is essential that you establish a loving relationship with your family.

Pisces Professional

Pisceans will do well in performing arts, especially the theatre. In science, Pisceans tend to work in the fields of either physics or medicine. They will also do well in ocean-based occupations or working with animals. Pisceans normally have talents that will get them money and fame. The streak of independence in you rarely allows you to be dependent on others. You will be ready to help the needy, having no consideration for a rainy day, even if you are not sure that it will be returned. You hate to chase money owed, hoping that it will be returned voluntarily. You are often distracted when bored, which tends to affect your work adversely. You need to be focused and inspired to give your best.

Pisces Traveller

You love water and would head straight for some beach resort. Perhaps scuba diving and water skiing on holiday is your dream holiday; though splashing around on the beach is your idea of fun too. You are generally very emotional and romantic so would love to holiday with your partner.

Pisces Well Being

Pisces people have slow metabolisms, which is why they wake up sleepy eyed and listless, poor eating habits can bring troubles so try to set regimes and stick to them, Pisceans lungs are not strong, they can be a bit asthematic and are also prone to colds and flu bugs. Those of you living in cold climates should take adequate protection against the cold (keep your head, hands and neck covered). Those living in warmer climes should take special care of personal hygiene. Most of you are less than average in height, with large or small hands, big feet or little feet there are generaly no in betweens. You have a tendency to put on weight, unless you make special efforts to fight it off. A double chin is common among Pisceans and a good number among you have large eyes and a wide mouth. Ankles and feet are the vulnerable areas of Pisceans. Some also suffer from liver and digestive afflictions and varicose veins. Painting, listening to music, reading and dance can help calm your nerves. Swimming is a good form of exercise as well as relaxation for you. Pisceans are often good at martial arts as they have the necessary inner strength, try some Tai Chi first thing in the morning to put life in perspective for the rest of the day.

Pisces Luck

Warm colours like red, yellow and orange are lucky for Pisces. Your lucky stone is amethyst, whereas Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are favorable days. Wednesday and Friday do not prove to be good for people under this zodiac sign. Neptune is your ruler and your element is water. Water people are never petty. They are clever and plan well ahead. But they often tend to be timid. The element Water is represented by blue or black. Water shapes include gentle undulations like waves in a river. A water house has numerous bays, and like the ebb and flow of water, experiences regular change in fortunes)

Pisces Kids

Often found to be living in a dream world, the Piscean kid is frequently misunderstood and wonders why the others don't feel the same. Being extremely emotional, he or she is compassionate to other people's needs and lends them a shoulder to cry on. The Piscean kid is an introvert and could be the target of bullying. So, you'd need to handle those situations with care. Beware of sending this dreamer on any urgent errand!

Pisces Teens

The best shoulder to cry on -- that's the Pisces girl for you. Compassion and sympathy are the hallmarks of this girl and don't be surprised if she ends up in the profession of social welfare. Since much of her time will be taken up relieving others' worries, she will hardly find time to pamper her personal self. Comfortable in second-hand clothes, she'll be happy in whatever makes her feel comfortable. The Pisces lass has a dreamy disposition and loses track when she wanders. She is invariably late for appointments. The best institution suited for her will be, preferably, a small liberal arts college. Always willing to help a friend, the inner beauty of a Pisces lady lies in her creativity and powers of empathy.

Kind and compassionate, a Piscean lad generally goes out of his way to help others. He never intentionally hurt others and seeks to avoid confrontation at all costs. He spends much of his time in the cocoon of his private dream world. He is absent minded at times. He sees the world through rose tinted glasses, he walks around with his head in the clouds. He is generally a loner and often has to be drawn into the company of friends. By and large, he is very selective about his friends. He often lacks in determination and this may account for his not realising his potential. He is an impressionable person who could get into wrong company that might have potentially disastrous consequences. If he can be motivated to work hard, there is very little he cannot achieve.

* Symbol : The Scorpion
* Ruling House : Eighth House
* Ruling Planet : Mars/Pluto
* Gemstone : Red Coral
* Element : Water
* Most compatible with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
* Can be good with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* A 50-50 chance with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* Doubtful with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Scorpio Personality

Intense, dominating, and energetic -- your hypnotic stare and your vital force overwhelm those around you. You are passionate and committed to your friends and ruthless with your enemies. Upon the battlefield of life, you are the one who leads, storming the gates of the fortress. Scorpios have a keen intellect and admirable qualities of patience and creativity. You are definitely not the gregarious, social kind, always ready to please people. You are genuine and most of the times, above petty gains. However, you are certainly not above conspiracy and manipulation. Like the scorpion with the sting in its tail, people had better watch out before they rub you the wrong way. Quite a few of you will devote considerable time and energies to develop strategies and plot revenge against your enemies. You are a determined lot. Set to achieve, there are very few challenges that you will not meet. Actually, all activity must hold a sense of purpose for you. You have an inner strength and a great capacity to endure hardships. There is in fact a streak of masochism in you that enables you to destroy something you have nurtured with great care and love. You can easily change course if it suits you better. Nevertheless, you are dynamic, fascinating and often mysterious - a combination that draws many towards you.

Scorpio Lover

You are among the best lovers, instinctively knowing what your partner wants. You are intense and passionate and none of your lovers will ever forget you. You will sweep many off with your magnetic charm. You will rarely distinguish between a passing fancy and true love. For you, it will always be a passionate involvement. Scorpios can also be very jealous and will go to any lengths to claim what they feel is rightly theirs. You will find your ideal life partner in fellow water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It is the water signs that understand you best. You may have disagreements with your family, as you feel they cannot understand you or the intensity of your passion. Though you are a good parent, you can turn wrathful without warning. This often makes your relationship with your children rather uneasy. The Scorpio house will be comfortable and classy, but not overtly flamboyant as you do have an eye for detail and will prefer the minimalist style.

Scorpio Professional

You are ideally suited for the sciences and will do extremely well as physicians and surgeons. Architecture and mechanics are also some areas where you will excel. Whether in industry or the military, you will make excellent commanders. Some of you will be interested in fine arts, literature, and journalism -- fields in which you will do quite well. You need not travel long distances to seek fortune and success. In fact, travelling sometimes has quite the opposite effect on you. You will have a good head for business and will be able to plan your investments shrewdly. You normally look towards making big money, but must have patience, lest you adopt less than honourable means to reach your goals

Scorpio Traveller

You love to holiday in those exotic places that normally others don't go to. Visiting Pyramids in Egypt to the Great Wall of China would always appeal to you. You can withstand any climatic conditions. Package and guided tours are not your idea of holiday. You like to be different in the places you visit and your approach to holidaying.

Scorpio Teens

A Scorpio girl is secretive, mysterious and enigmatic. She is a very focussed person, and once she makes up her mind, there is no stopping her. She is very passionate, and occasionally quite manipulative. As she is given to frequent mood swings, she can be a handful at times. She is a very sensitive person who relies on her intuition to explore the world around her. She enjoys sports, which satisfies her competitive urge. Stubborn and strong-willed, she doesn't believe in half-measures. She is erratic and unpredictable, yet on some days she can be amiable company and on others she jealously guards her privacy. This also applies to her appearance, as at times she won't step out of the house without being well dressed and at other times, she won't bother to comb her hair. School life is unpredictable, and even if she is not a model student, she can achieve her goals by the dint of sheer determination and perseverance.

He is a mysterious and secretive person who never reveals what he is thinking. He possesses an almost mystical and magnetic quality but can also be quite ruthless and dangerous. He usually has a penetrative insight and needs to know people to the core. He enjoys sports, but mostly for the competition it offers. Being a water sign, he is unpredictable and occasionally undergoes mood swings. He is a very passionate and intense person who cannot tolerate things not going his way. He enjoys challenging hobbies. He usually has his own agenda and expectations from life and he goes about fulfilling them with a single-minded passion. He is confident and resourceful, with people flocking to him, but mind you, the sting of a Scorpio can be really dangerous

Scorpio Kids

The Scorpio child is penetrating and passionate, and quite mysterious -- reasons that often lead to disagreements with other kids. What might appear to be an unsophisticated probing nature is nothing but the crass honesty of this child. It is very difficult to dissuade the Scorpio kid who has already decided on something. These ventures are often ingenious, yielding interesting results. Don't be surprised if you find a streak of jealousy in this kid.

Scorpio Well Being

Scorpios are perhaps the most mysterious and difficult to understand of all the signs of the zodiac. They often seem to have a love-hate relationship with food. Some of you could be overweight while others among you could be anorexic. The Scorpio tendency to brood and keep worries and troubles inside could result in digestive problems. As a cure, some of you will over eat, while others won't eat at all. Many Scorpios also suffer from insomnia and sleep-related disorders. Try not to brood over the day's problems. Swimming is a good form of exercise as well as relaxation for you. You have an attractive, tidy appearance and a fine skin texture. You tend to put on weight, as you grow older. You are prone to catching infections faster than most others and often suffer from fevers. The throat, pelvis, groin and bladder are particularly vulnerable in the case of Scorpio's. Take extra precaution against contagious diseases.

Scorpio Luck

Black, blood red, burgundy, wine, and maroon are good colours for the scorpion. Bloodstone is your lucky stone, whereas nine and other numbers that add up to it are lucky numbers. Tuesday and Thursday are good days. Mars and Pluto rule you and your element is water.

* Symbol : The Ram
* Ruling House : First House
* Ruling Planet : Mars
* Gemstone : Red Coral
* Element : Fire
* Most compatible with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
* Can be good with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* A 50-50 chance with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* Doubtful with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Aries Personality

When the parade comes to town, look at the one who leads -- it will most likely be an Aries. Not one to be cowed down by failures, you play the game for the recognition it brings. You love to take on new challenges and even lead the way, offering new ideas and finding easy solutions to problems that might seem baffling to others. But in all this, you can't be rushed; you certainly cannot work with someone breathing down your neck. Given the freedom, you will enjoy the challenge and do your best. Although you are pleasant company, you may not be the most popular person around, but that is something you don't take to heart. For you, it is more important to be honest and to be able to speak your mind. You cannot be accused of being short tempered, but once annoyed, it is not easy for you to hide your displeasure and a quick outburst is all you need to calm your nerves. In a teamwork environment, you like to stand up and be counted; you certainly do not like to be ignored. Ironically, it is when you feel rejected, that you are able to contribute your best - perhaps more out of a need to prove to yourself than to be a winner. Once a team member, you will never let your partners down. Try not to be too impulsive; you must make decisions with a cool head. Aries are grand openers but sometimes lacking in the finishing department when someone else can tie up the loose ends. Try to be more diplomatic and use restraint to avoid unpleasant consequences. Remember, not everyone has the fire.

Aries Lover

When in love, you don a pair of rose-tinted glasses and the world is a magical place for you. The idea of romance captivates you and you ignore all else to be near your beloved. Candlelight dinners, soft music, slow dances, late night walks hand in hand by the light of the moon on remote windswept beaches - everything is possible, and it does not stop there, Aries will profess undying love for their beloved - a promise they are most likely to keep. Ideal life partners are most likely to be other Aries, Leos, Sagittarians, or Scorpios. On the family side, life may not be the picture of harmony, as you have a tendency to be opinionated and forceful, always wanting to have the last word and this may cause friction. You need to be more flexible and tolerant to achieve a harmonious family life. Aries do make caring partners, although at times you might expect too much from your spouse, this will be more so in the case of men than the Aries women who will settle down to their partners' habits more easily. Home is a neat place, a practical blend of comfort and aesthetics, preferring well-ventilated houses where there is enough space to move about.

Aries Professional

Aries make good professionals and generally do well leading from the front. Not one to be closed in, they like to be the captain of their ship with freedom to roam the decks, handing out orders and making sure things get done. Fields like engineering, medicine, space science and metallurgy are good places for an Aries. But you also belong in any job that may bring you recognition or attract attention to yourself. Your sympathy with the underdog and a sense of fair play, combined with the courage to speak your mind should also make you a good trade union leader. And although you will also do well in business, you must be careful not to be overconfident and not to invest your money rashly

Aries Traveller

You love to explore new places that too at the speed of light You often take the fastest means of transport to your destination. Adventurous holidays including water rafting, bungee jumping or horse riding is what drives you wild. Since the heat and energy level is high you naturally prefer cool places for holidays. The mountains are a place you love to explore and visit, especially if there is a little cottage where you can shack up and rough it out!

Aries Teens

The Aries girl is a live wire, full of verve. She has loads of energy to burn, and attracts a lot of admirers. She has a fiercely independent streak and likes to chart her own course. It is not unusual to find her taking on leadership roles at school. As Aries rules the head and the face, she will always be particular about her makeup. She can be a bit selfish at times; she sure won't like to exchange clothes with a younger sister. There could be some major feuds with siblings, and parents may have to intervene occasionally. She is a hyperactive, forever rushing from one activity to the next. Being the energetic type, she is very likely to be actively involved in sports, usually the physically demanding ones. She is self-sufficient, and goes after what she wants with will power and determination. She thinks big and is likely to go to the right academic institutions. She is definitely an achiever who is going places.

A parent will find it hard to keep up with the Aries boy; he has tremendous reserves of energy. He usually has a fiery temper and can be dangerous when aroused. He is one of the most dynamic people around. Occasionally his haste will get him into trouble, or even accidents. The Aries teen views life as one long competition, and always struggles to come out on top. This, combined with his impulsiveness, often leads to frustration. He is a born leader and always rushes to take charge. Be it the football team or the local cricket club, you will find him in a position of authority. The Aries lad can be a bit self-centred at times due to his need to have things his way. He is a bit of a pioneer and wants to chart his own career. When presented with a challenge, he will be the first to jump up and accept it. Strength, determination, initiative, energy and courage are his greatest strengths. This boy is certainly going places.

Aries Kids

The Aries child is simply unstoppable when it comes to exploration and adventure, and indulges in a host of extra-curricular activities, from climbing trees to playing soccer. Pioneering by nature, and often rebuked for irrepressible enthusiasm, this kid is very sensitive about independence and so it is also important to give this child a feeling of self reliance. Thoroughly imbibed with the competitive spirit, the Aries kid doesn't know how to slow down, and let's face it, is not meant for parents who are faint of heart!

Aries Well Being

You are always on the move and don't have the time to eat sensibly. Your eating habits mirror your busy lifestyle: lots of starches and fats, not enough of proteins, vegetables and fresh fruits. You drive yourself very hard, always striving to reach the top, often landing yourself in stressful situations, resulting in related disorders: heart disease and stomach ailments. You are advised to set aside some time for eating nutritious, balanced meals at the right hour. Increase your intake of proteins, fresh fruit and vegetable. Limit your intake of white breads, carbohydrates and fatty or processed foods. Caffeine should be avoided, as it only increases stress levels in the body. Include some form of exercise, however light, in your daily routine. A nice, relaxing, after-dinner walk can make a big difference. While exercising, don't push yourself too hard. You also have the tendency to injure yourself, so do be careful. Although not overly tall, you are set apart by your bone structure that is squarish, giving the impression of a strong build. Most of you you have well-developed muscles and very regular facial features. Aries tend to have even, white teeth. Although you are as strong as the ram that represents you, be careful with what you eat and exercise regularly if you don't want to put on weight around the middle, which most of you do. You are most vulnerable around the head, eyes and face. You are prone to headaches and should definitely take utmost precaution against head-injuries and accidents caused by fire.

Aries Luck

White and red are your lucky colours. Red coral, red ruby, garnet, and bloodstone - these gemstones are known to bring good luck to Aries, as does diamond. Select a Tuesday to start a new venture or to propose to your sweetheart - it is your lucky day. And nine is your lucky number. Mars is your ruler and your element is fire.

* Symbol : The Bull
* Ruling House : Second House
* Ruling Planet : Venus
* Gemstone : Diamond
* Element : Earth
* Most compatible with : Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus
* Can be good with : Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
* A 50-50 chance with : Aries, Sagittarius,Leo
* Doubtful with : Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

Taurus Personality

Taureans like to be rooted -- whether it is your environment, work, home or your opinions. Thus you are a picture of stability to some and to others you can be stubborn, with a mind closed to new ideas and a certain unwillingness to change. But it works both ways, you are determined and do not easily buckle under pressure and adversity. You are patient, loyal and caring. Like the bull that represents your zodiac sign, you will be slow to anger but once annoyed, you will rage and turn ferocious. There is no stopping you then. Like fire, you can be a good friend and a bad enemy; you can also be quite shy and reserved. But like the proverbial bull in the china shop, a little clumsy in both life and language being remarkably outspoken and expressive with speech and exaggerated hand and arm movements when enraged. You are not the kind to undertake risky ventures and certainly are not too apt to be rash. This is partly because you are lazy and partly because of your need to hold on to what you already possess. You like to live comfortably and are a good provider. Ruled by Venus, you seek the pleasure of the senses and to you, being a true admirer of beauty, material comforts are far more important than for other zodiac signs. You are stubborn, carrying this trait to all spheres in your life, thereby, in a way, closing your options for a better life. Your stubbornness, combined with laziness can create problems you will find difficult to deal with. Often you will make little or no effort to change the situation around you. Nothing seems to drive you but the temptation to acquire some material benefit to keep you and yours happy.

Taurus Lover

Taureans are family-oriented people and enjoy spending time with loved ones. You are drawn towards children and the children in turn, look up to you. Large-hearted to the point of being self-sacrificing, always putting your family's needs above your own, and getting along with everyone, unless they try to dominate you is the Taurean way. Strong believers in fidelity and stable relationships, you can be romantic, attentive, tender, and affectionate. Rarely feeling the temptation to stray, you can be quite possessive and can indeed get jealous if your partner's attention wavers. The romance with your partner is something that will be of constant interest and is unlikely to die even when you settle down to the routines of married life. Taurus will find an ideal match in fellow Taureans, Virgos and Capricorns. Marriage with an air sign like Aquarius could also prove successful. You will take a fair amount of interest in what you fill your house with and will definitely do your best to provide all material comforts.

Taurus Professional

Taurus is the money-sign of the zodiac and make excellent businesspersons. Not only will you be successful in making money; you will be able to preserve it well. You should be able to develop your business profitably and very rarely allow any rash decisions to harm your interests. You will make good financiers and bankers. If you choose the arts, as some Taureans do, it is more likely to be music, where you will excel; also doing well in work connected with land or environment.

Taurus Traveller

You are an earthy sign. The lush and rolling hills are ideal for holidaying...but only in an out of this world resort where good living is high. Good comfortable living is your number one priority. Everything is pre-planned from ticket booking to hotel reservations. Basically you are homebodies so travelling to unknown places is not something you are always ready to do. A holiday in a familiar place or not too far away from home ground is what you need.

Taurus Teens

This girl is extremely fashion conscious and loves to dress up. She is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty. She has a penchant for necklaces, as Taurus, her sign, rules the neck and throat. She can often be seen at shops, spending her stash of cash. She can be a bit self-indulgent at times, so gently remind her that she may not need all the things she spends her money on. She has a weakness for all things sweet, which often causes digestive problems. She is extremely patient and determined as she systematically goes about realising her goals. Her ambition ensures that she is both hardworking and helpful towards others. She is not likely to be actively involved in sports, though she wouldn't mind light sports like golf. The Taurus girl is a bit obstinate at times and holds fixed opinions, but on the other hand, when she sets goals for herself, she follows them up thoroughly and unwaveringly. She is rarely hindered by obstacles that others find daunting. Look out for her, she will go places.

The Taurus lad is big, powerfully built and obstinate. While he may be extremely stubborn and want to have his way, it would do well to remember that 'his' way is probability the best 'way' of all! He can be very opinionated, but he can also be extremely patient, tolerant and dependable. He pursues his goals with perseverance and determination, and it shows up in his schoolwork. He does well at school, paving the way to a good career. He can often be self-indulgent, spending money on the good life. He works hard so that he can pay for his own indulgences. The Taurus lad knows the value of networking and always mixes with the right crowd. He is a plodder, and rarely gives in to frustrations. He enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and gardening; anything that gets him close to the earth. The Taurus boy is a neat, orderly person. All in all, he is the perfect son to have.

Taurus Kids

Endowed with a balanced disposition, the Taurean child believes in a steady approach to things. A practical mind, combined with a disciplined regularity goes into the making of this well-adjusted kid. A homely and inquisitive child, this youngster often acts stubborn and has a tremendous need for affection. There's no harm in letting this kid spend sometime in the kitchen, because, besides being a diligent student he or she would probably grow up to be a future gourmet as well.

Taurus Well Being

This zodiac signs rules the neck, throat, tongue, ears and the thyroid gland and care should be taken to avoid any trouble in these areas. You are muscular and athletic, but you have a tendency to put on weight. Vegetarians should consume good quality protein from lentils, pulses and fish It is very important to take good care of your health, as people belonging to your sign are predisposed towards heart-related complications later in life. You can avoid this by maintaining a simple exercise regimen. Aerobics, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc. at least three times per week would be ideal. Yoga is good too, but is not a substitute for aerobic activity. As most Taureans do not bring home their work pressures, you are not likely to suffer from stress-related problems. You are also very slow to anger. However, when you do, it takes a long time for your anger to cool down. This poses an additional danger for your heart and blood pressure. Whenever you feel a bout of anger rising within you, take a deep breath, count to ten or walk away Although you tend to look rather stocky and are prone to put on weight, you can be surprisingly graceful in your movements. You have a good complexion and noticeable eyes. Taureans are prone to throat infections that if neglected, they may lead to laryngitis. Thyroid and constipation are also common complaints.. You maintain a high protein/high fat diet. You must also consume good quality protein from lentils, pulses and fish (if you are a non-vegetarian). Stay away from fatty meats and cheese. It is very important to take good care of your health, as people belonging to your sign are predisposed towards heart-related complications later in life. You can avoid this by maintaining a simple exercise regimen. Aerobics, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc. at least three times per week would be ideal. Yoga is good too, but is not a substitute for aerobic activity. As most Taureans do not bring home their work pressures, you are not likely to suffer from stress-related problems. You are also very slow to anger. However, when you do, it takes a long time for your anger to cool down. This poses an additional danger for your heart and blood pressure. Whenever you feel a bout of anger rising within you, take a deep breath, count to ten or just walk away.

Taurus Luck

Rose pink, brown, grassy green and all shades of blue are good colours for Taureans. Friday is your lucky day, whereas number six and others that add up to it bring you luck. In gems, you should go for diamond, white zircon and moonstone. Venus is your ruler and your element is earth.

* Symbol : The Twins
* Ruling House : Third House
* Ruling Planet : Mercury
* Gemstone : Emerald
* Element : Air
* Most compatible with : Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
* Can be good with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* A 50-50 chance with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
* Doubtful with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Gemini Personality

Funny, brimming with life, full of ideas on one hand; inconsistent, capricious, superficial on the other. These are the twins that represent Gemini, a bundle of maddening contradictions. Be that as it may, they can be simply adorable creatures who love life and add zest and happiness to the world by being what they are. You are the life and soul of any party, amazing all and sundry with your apparent knowledge of everything. Although, it is easy for many to see through how you only skim the surface- it does not really bother you since you are going to give up your audience sooner than they are going to give you up. You may be a Jack-of-all-trades but it does not mean that you lack the ability to master skills; you just don't have the time, something else always seems to come up. You are versatile and have an amazing grasp of the subject you choose, although it may not interest you for long. With an active and creative mind, you can come up with the goods but it still requires great effort for you to follow them up. However, your talents, like you, need to be recognized and appreciation serves as encouragement.

Gemini Lover

You are best advised not to rush headlong into marriage; give adequate thought before popping the question. Libra, Aquarius, fellow Gemini, and Aries are best suited as life partners for Gemini. Make sure you feel very comfortable with the person you want to marry, before you commit yourself. Anyone romantically involved with you, even for a short while, is likely to find you affectionate, interesting, adventurous and a fun person to be with, but your fickle, almost uncaring attitude will manage to break many hearts before you finally settle down. You may be a notorious flirt, but it will be wonderful coming home to someone who has stood by you through all the highs and lows. Be sure that your partner shares your sense of humour. You are a fun person to be with. You get along with children like a house on fire. You will never stray if your family life is satisfying.

Gemini Professional

You will do well as linguists, teachers and writers. In fact any field, which allows you to come in contact with a variety of people, will hold interest for you. Some of the well-known media personalities are Geminis. Travel and marketing are other areas of work you can be satisfactorily involved in. It is easy for you to work for people who admire your capabilities and trust you with your work. A word of advice - don't be greedy about money and avoid speculation.

Gemini Traveller

You love to travel with close friends and family in tow to talk to. Mercury the ruling planet wants constant interaction and mental stimulation. You get easily bored so they prefer to go on a package tour. You would probably pack your cell phones, books, magazines and best sellers go where you go...just incase you are caught in a situation that has you doing nothing! Television sets are a must your like to stay connected.

Gemini Teens

The Gemini girl is quick on the uptake, brilliant in patches. Represented by the Twins, she is apt to run in opposite directions. Her heart may want peace, but her mind needs stimulation. Smart and witty, she has loads of friends and the phone will never stop ringing. Her communication skills are highly developed and her letters are usually masterpieces. The Gemini lass needs a host of hobbies to keep her occupied, which is why she is constantly engaged in everything from aerobics to philosophy. Though she loves to talk and gossip, she usually excels at studies. And she does that without trying hard too hard. She enjoys sports like swimming. She may also be involved in athletics, burning off the excess energy.

He is a smart and likeable young man, who charms everyone with his ready wit and humour. Though he is not a born leader, he always participates in group activity -- he loves people. He generally lacks in consistency and flits from one thing to the next. A variety of things capture his imagination, be it chess, trivia or computer games. The chief dangers are a lack of patience and an unwillingness to persist until a thing is thoroughly mastered. He sometimes glib-talks, simply skimming over a X-Scanned: By Symantec Anti-Virus Scan Engine X-Scanned: By Symantec Anti-Virus Scan Engine Subject: FW: FW: Zodiac Zone without a thorough understanding. He is a born charmer and can leave a group enthralled with his talk. He may find his calling as a politician or a public servant. However, he may change his mind a hundred times about his future career.

Gemini Kids

This is a child who revels in doing too many things all at once and needs to have his or her hands full to keep boredom away. Of course this mischievous youngster is very likely to spring nasty surprises on Mom, but is equally good at entertaining friends, of which there'll be plenty. This kid has a great sense of humour and you have no choice but to sit back and take in all the action. The Gemini child loves to talk. Make sure you leave around a lot of good reading material.

Gemini Well Being

Gemini's have supple bodies and a good bone structure. You have a cheerful face and it is very easy to detect signs of anxiety, tension or unhappiness in you. Your face gives away what you might try to hide behind wit and humour. Gemini's also rarely put on extra weight. The rib cage, shoulders, arms and fingers are vulnerable to accidents, while some of you may suffer from bronchitis and asthma. You are particularly wary of physical pain and would go that extra length to avoid any unpleasant situations. Your busy lifestyle is often the cause of your problems. You are frequently involved with more than one task at a time. If you don't slow down and find time to take care of yourself, your health is likely to suffer. You must take time out to rest and relax as your hyperactivity can leave you feeling stressed and anxious, so it is essential that you take steps to bring your stress level down. Drinking chamomile tea with milk before bed will soothe your nerves and help you relax and sleep well. You could try Yoga as a remedy for your problems. It would calm your nerves, help you slow down and improve your concentration.

Gemini Luck

Pearl grey, light green and silver are lucky colours. While selecting jewellery with precious stones, aquamarine your lucky stone stands foremost, surrounded by diamonds would also be beneficial. Wednesday is a good day for Geminis. The lucky number is five. Mercury is your ruler and your element is air.

* Symbol : The Crab
* Ruling House : Fourth House
* Ruling Planet : The Moon
* Gemstone : Pearl
* Element : Water
* Most compatible with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
* Can be good with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* A 50-50 chance with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* Doubtful with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Cancer Personality

Certainly not the easiest person to understand, you are an introvert with a capital I. Emotions are hidden beneath the tough exterior that you possess -- quite similar to the crustacean that represents your zodiac sign. Although you can be kind and affable, your mood swings are unpredictable, tending to be bitter and melancholic, often feeling hurt unnecessarily. While you like to draw sympathy, you can be fairly insensitive towards others, snapping, being rude and short-tempered. However, your seemingly cruel behavior is only a clever means to hide your own insecurities and complexes. Inside, you are almost like a timid, hurt child. You can be admirably kind, generous, understanding and gracious, if all is well with you. Cancerians can be seen involved in many charitable activities, although they will all be at a very public level. No matter how unpleasant you may seem to some people, you have a conscience that prompts you to do the right things - like standing by people in their time of need. Like most water signs, you too have good intuitive powers and mostly put them to good use in managing your life. You have an urge to travel to distant lands but you are a home-loving person. You can do without being so crabby, if one may say so. Keep your moods in check. Remember the people you hurt most often are the ones who have been good to you. You tend to make a mountain out of the molehill and are prone to self-pity. Reserve some of your sensitivity for others who may need it. You can be a tad untidy which won't endear you to more stable signs.

Cancer Lover

You are continually pulled into romance with those who are quite opposite to you in nature. You are strongly attracted to people who are confident, strong and successful.. Although you fall in love all the time, your introvert nature and your uneasiness in disclosing your true feelings makes many of these affairs one-sided. You are not likely to rush headlong into marriage, because in selecting a life partner, you will be most likely governed by your head. Those belonging to the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will make good partners for Cancerians. Nevertheless, love for a stable home and loyalty towards the spouse will reward the majority of Cancerians with a reasonably happy married life. You attend to domestic chores cheerfully, take a keen interest in the children. and believe in saving for the rainy day. Man or woman, Cancerians love their home, it is where they feel most secure. Like Sagittarians there is a place for everything, but the Cancerians idea is -- it just does not matter where it is put as long as it's somewhere, under the bed, in cupboards, up in the attic, the garage; not that you are not untidy -- you are the original hoarder and for some it can take a while getting used to this.

Cancer Professional

You have a keen intellect and are good with your hands. You will make commendable painters and sculptors. You will be successful in sales and will do well in advertising and marketing for the food and drinks industry, discussing new campaigns over long lunches, or deals over a lazy breakfast would be utopia to you. Some of you may take to writing as your full-time profession, mix that with being a food critic and the world could be your oyster. Most of you will have reasonably good careers, although there will be a tendency to change to an entirely different field midway. This may happen sometime around the age of 35. Money and material wealth are fairly important to you and most of your important decisions in life are made with the accompanying monetary benefits in mind. Although you are almost miserly with the money you earn, sudden windfalls and gains are often squandered away thoughtlessly. Speculation and gambling rarely prove lucky for you.

Cancer Traveller

You are always happy when you are near water. You love to swim, sail or boat on holidays. Water has an added attraction for you. You are not very adventurous where new places are concerned so you normally keep visiting the same destination over and over.

Cancer Teens

More emotional than the average girl, she appreciates the nurturing aspects of home and hearth. She is dependable and does not view her duty as a chore, but really a pleasure. A true nurturer, she is a comfort-giver to all around. The Cancer girl goes through life with a shell around her that is not easily cracked. If fact, she can stay in that shell until she's sure it is safe to step outside. Most Cancerians are apt to be crabby from time to time, and the Cancer girl is no exception. However, for most part, she has a cheerful disposition. She takes her studies seriously and can retain information well, thanks to her good memory, which also makes her good at taking exams. She will sail through her exams with flying colours. She is apt to view college merely as a means to a great career rather an end in itself.

The Cancer lad is very emotional and apt to mood swings. He often takes offence when none is intended. He is family oriented and a deeply caring person. You can count on him to help out with family chores. He is bound to be involved in sports, preferably those requiring a team effort as he is drawn towards the camaraderie of a team. His hobbies usually involve collecting things. He never throws away anything. He is a natty dresser, though he is certainly not narcisstic . He tends to be a bit of a miser and rarely spends money on himself. Since Cancer rules the stomach, he usually has a healthy appetite, so make sure the fridge is always stocked. He usually makes a good leader and his friends look to him for help and guidance. He is likely to gravitate towards a small college or university where he can build a family environment away from home.

Cancer Kids

The Cancer child is generally bashful and withdrawn, preferring a quiet and peaceful existence, but being very sensitive, is susceptible to tears when things go wrong. The maternal instinct is an ingrained quality and the Cancer kid often becomes the baby sitter of the family. Blessed with an excellent memory and a good record in academics, this kid is given to occasional mood swings and then it's best to give him or her some room to be alone. If you find your Cancer kid lazing around don't worry too much; it's just a passing phase. The Cancer child values family ties and loves to celebrate family reunions.

Cancer Well Being

You normally do not like to engage in too much of physical activity. You would rather spend time lying around at home, reading a good book, snacking on a lot of chocolates and sweets, while this means that you have no problem relaxing, it also means that you have a tendency to overeat, especially fatty foods. You are often struggling to control your weight. To get around the problem, you will have to radically alter your eating habits. Lots of fresh fruits will appease your craving for sweets, while fresh vegetables and salads could replace less nutritious snacks. A low fat, high protein and vitamin-rich diet will have to form the basis of your diet. Last but certainly not the least, you will need to find some time for exercising. As you enjoy spending time with your family, you could try involving them in your exercise regimen, it will add an element of fun and you will have the added benefit of getting the exercise you need. You are prone to illnesses of the stomach and heart. You may also suffer bouts of melancholia. Therefore, you must also take care not to fall back on alcohol in your times of stress, as alcoholism is a great danger in your case.

Cancer Luck

Pale yellow, silver, violet and light green are good colours for Cancerians. You are not really affected by Monday blues. In fact, Mondays will find you upbeat, as solutions come easy and things seem to go on the right track - it is your lucky day. For those Cancerians who like jewellery or like to wear gemstones for luck, pearl and moonstone would be a good. You're lucky number is two. The moon is your ruler and your element is water.

* Symbol : The Lion
* House : Fifth House
* Ruling Planet : The Sun
* Gemstone : Ruby
* Element : Fire
* Most compatible with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* Can be good with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* A 50-50 chance with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* Doubtful with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Leo Personality

You are born to rule. Like the king of the jungle, you are a natural leader. It is not for you to take orders. Needing to assume authority, wherever you are, you are the focus point at any party. Noble as you are, it is very difficult for you to be sly and sneaky. You are honest, frank and courageous and although tending to be outspoken, you are courteous and understand the need for diplomacy when the situation demands. You have a strong aesthetic sense, not only with regard to your possessions, but also the environment around you. You are easily attracted to the rich and the famous, the bold and the beautiful and would often like to fashion your own lifestyle after them. In other words, you are easily seduced by material wealth and luxury and believe in living life in style. Your hobbies will probably be the sporting type or something that is vigorous. You will pursue your hobbies with considerable enthusiasm and excitement and will plunge into them whole-heartedly, at least in the beginning.

Leo Lover

You have a gregarious personality easily standing out in a crowd, always the centre of attention at social gatherings. You are often loud and brash and people often take offence to that. If your big ego doesn't get the better of you, you can be a warm and considerate person. You are a lover with style, wooing your beloved in the most elegant manner. You wine and dine them, shower expensive gifts and roll out the red carpet all the way. You will find ideal life partners among fellow Leos, Aries and Sagittarians. A word of caution, however -- when you enter wedlock, married life will rarely be the same as it was during courtship and if you want smooth sailing, you will have to be less domineering and treat your spouse as your equal. Nevertheless, you will enjoy keeping a home that is good looking, where you can show off your taste and which is also reasonably equipped with material comforts

Leo Professional

You are definitely not suited for any lowbrow job. You should do well in white-collar establishment, where you are required to call upon your skills as a leader and a manager. Normally, you should find yourself heading in the right direction work wise from the age of 22. Since you like to lead a comfortable life, you will manage to earn enough to meet your needs. However, beware of speculation and gambling, as these may not prove lucky for you. Leos often find themselves involved in financial litigation but whether they are settled in your favour or not will depend on your natal chart.

Leo Traveller

You love to to holiday in style. They don't like roughing it out on holidays like trekking or cycling but instead want to be pampered with a good body massage or pedicure. You stretch your pockets to include a luxury cruise or a stay in a five star luxury hotel. You enjoy the thought of eating exotic cuisines and people waiting on you hand and foot!

Leo Teens

Leo girls are at the centre of attraction all the time. And that is the way they like it. The Leo girl always manages to look good. She has a fine sense of style, and is always dressed for effect. Her natural flamboyance and verve make her ideally suited for the show business. With her creativity and drive, she could very well become a film star. Her hobbies include acting and others artistic pursuits, activities like tennis, riding and sailing. She is a sociable person and can always be found in groups. She is a born leader; she dreams big and aims high. She may be a handful at times, but this young lady is definitely going places.

The Leo lad cannot be held back in narrow confines. He is a big player for sure. The Leo boy is a born charmer. He is a born leader and is usually the leader of his group. He sets his own rules and plays by them until he's bored, after which he will pick a new sport. He usually excels at school because he cannot comtemplate being anywhere but the top. He likes to think big and will aim for the best universities. He could grow up to be an actor, or an important politician. Driven by ambition and vitality, he wants it all. His flamboyance and love for the spotlight makes him take quite naturally to fame.

Leo Kids

A born performer, the Leo child simply loves to be in the public eye. And being extremely creative, he or she loves to show it by putting up little theatre shows for friends and family. Being the natural choice for a leader, this kid also never forgets to share the spoils of success with pals. The best assets of the Leo child are diehard optimism and cheerful disposition, which makes him or her very popular among friends. Extremely proud, the Leo child simply refuses to take criticism. Quite often, the Leo kid does things for that round of applause.

Leo Well Being

Being a leader and commander, you tend to burden yourself with a lot of responsibility and work related pressures, so a good diet and unbounded energy helps Leo maintain good health. Occasionally you are too busy to eat a proper meal but you do try to substitute with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Leos are so often single-mindedly busy pursuing career objectives that this can take a toll on your health. You will have to learn to slow down and relax more often. Many Leos are predisposed to heart-related ailments. Thus, you will have to cut down on demanding activities and avoid excess salt in your diet. Though most Leos enjoy exercising, you tend to get bored very easily, it is essential then that you bring an element of fun and variety in your exercise routine. Warming up and stretching your muscles before rigorous workouts will help avoid strains and pulls. Leos are a good-looking lot, with your looks reflecting all the sun's energy and vitality. Try some yoga it's gentle pace should help you overcome any tensions in life. Problems with your heart and back, as well as those of the spleen also can adversely affect Leos Take care not to put on weight and eat healthily and Leos will live to a ripe old age.

Leo Luck

As it suits you to be the centre of attraction, go ahead and wear reds, orange, sunny yellow with the occasional foray into purple. They happen to be your lucky colours, along with white that stands out anywhere. If you are buying a ring or any precious gemstone, go for topaz and amber. While you like to take the day off and relax on Sundays, remember this is also your lucky day and you can use it for any important work. Your lucky number is 1, The Sun is your ruler and your element is fire.

* Symbol : The Virgin
* Ruling House : Sixth House
* Ruling Planet : Mercury
* Gemstone : Emerald
* Element : Earth
* Most compatible with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* Can be good with : Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
* A 50-50 chance with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* Doubtful with : Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

Virgo Personality

Practical, cool-headed and thoroughly meticulous -- that's what you are in a nutshell. You are not unnecessarily swayed by emotions and even if sentiments were running high, you can keep a cool head to weigh your approach. Often quiet and reserved, you try to stick to your world, keeping it as tidy and perfect as you can. Nevertheless, you are bustling with energy and always have plenty to do. You are not afraid of taking on challenges and prove your mettle with hard work and a quiet determination. Your quest for perfection and your inability to ignore even the smallest of faults generally proves good for you. You are Nelson's Horatio, quite content not to be in charge, but there to make sure everything runs smoothly and is done as required. You believe in fair play and rarely manipulate. Violent confrontations are not your cup of tea and indeed render you quite ineffective in your work. Honest and forthright, you do not like hypocrites and cannot hide your displeasure at sycophants. Although you are not short-tempered and in fact are slow to get angry, when you do have arguments you try to put up a stiff resistance to anyone opposing you. You tend to make bitter enemies, and like an elephant you remember events that happened a long time ago. You love to travel and generally this proves beneficial for you.

Virgo Lover

Not the most passionate of signs, a Virgo's love life is rarely turbulent or stormy. You are not the kind who likes to cuddle and make a public display of affection but can be quite romantic in your own way. In fact, a Taurean, Capricorn or a fellow Virgo will appreciate your style of courtship, which will include sending a never ending stream of flowers and going to romantic dinners at quiet and elegant places. Even though you are kind and loving, your no-nonsense and critical nature often puts off a lot of people. You always demand perfection and are easily disappointed. Unless you can accept people for what they are and overlook their frailties, you will find it hard to have a loving relationship. A Virgo home is neat and tidy; you go about filling your kitchen with gadgets that may not be of much practical use. Your obsession with order and neatness around the house can be quite infuriating to your partner, who will never seem to meet your exacting standards. Otherwise, you should settle down quite comfortably in marriage.

Virgo Professional

Virgos do well in science and mechanics, often inventing and developing appliances or other new things. You are enterprising and hardworking, and make good managers. As an earth sign, work connected with land is also favorable. Not surprisingly, you have an interest in gardening. You are fond of reading and writing and have a flair for handicrafts. Some of you also make good performing artistes. You will have to work hard for your riches, so be careful with your investments.

Virgo Traveller

You are basically worriers so before a holiday starts you will be found with a list of things to do, places to see and if possible they would like to know if they can learn something useful like cooking, painting, etc on holiday! At the back of your mind you feel guilty about wasting your time. So an environmental or educational holiday is just ideal for you.

Virgo Teens

The Virgo girl is a shy and reserved young lady, disposed to spending much of her time fretting over things. She is a perfectionist who is never satisfied. The ever-organised Virgo is forever planning and making lists. She chooses her friends, both boys and girls with care. She prefers the company of like-minded individuals, perhaps those who are as health conscious as her. As Virgo rules the nervous system, this young girl is prone to nervousness and anxiety. She is consumed by her obsession for detail. Studious and hardworking, she always gets good grades, which gives her immense satisfaction. She is not out there to seek glory and fame, but merely the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. Relationship with her siblings may not be good as she is prone to criticise them constantly. Academically, she is inclined towards research activities. She is ideally suited to be a doctor, nurse, programmer or editor.

He is always very particular about his appearance and is a fussy dresser. He is not a big spender, and is careful with his money. He takes a logical approach to every aspect of his life. He expresses himself in a straightforward manner. He often lacks tact and his criticism is not always endearing. With his analytical mind, he is often engaged in activities like chess and advanced mathematics that stimulate his mind. This leaves him little time to participate in physical activities and sports. He is usually a top performer in school and has all the ingredients for a successful career, possibly as a businessman or a doctor. He should watch out for anxiety or depression, which are common amongst Virgo boys.

Virgo Kids

The Virgo kid is a diligent worker and quite capable of accomplishing a lot within a day's work. Having a meticulous nature and being drawn towards more absorbing tasks like plotting stars or laying a garden, this child is a perfectionist and abhors failure. A nervous stomach could also be a part of his or her constitution. At the end of the day nothing is more pleasing to this child than the sight of a tidy room or the satisfaction of a job well done and then, this kid loves to relax with something as simple as a vanilla ice cream!

Virgo Well Being

Virgos tend to be fussy eaters and you often suffer as a result. Mostly, you suffer from anaemia because of iron-deficiency in the diet. You also tend to suffer from back, muscle and bone injuries because of lack of sufficient calcium. Try to include fresh fruits, vegetables and fish in your meals, you should also consume milk and dairy products. The vegetarians among you will have to take care to include iron, protein, calcium and minerals in their diet. Some of you could be prone to dental problems, so you should take extra care of your dental hygiene. Many of you could face psychological problems, as Virgos tend to be compulsive worriers. Try not to let your worries get the better of you. Distract yourself by taking pleasant walks, listening to soothing music and dancing. You have sharp features, often highlighted by a straight nose and thin, perfectly shaped lips. Most of you have good complexion when young. Virgo's are mostly of a small slight build and are, in younger days, a rather delicate lot, health-wise. Many of you tend to have a weak liver and gall bladder and often complain of digestive disorders. However, your health does tend to get better with age.

Virgo Luck

Pearl grey, silver, white and forest green are your lucky colours. Jade, green or white is your lucky stone. Wednesday is your lucky day. Your lucky number is 5. Mercury is your ruler and your element is Earth.

* Symbol : The Scales
* Ruling House : Seventh House
* Ruling Planet : Venus
* Gemstone : Diamond
* Element : Air
* Most compatible with : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
* Can be good with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* A 50-50 chance with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
* Doubtful with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Libra Personality

Easily the most pleasant and beautiful of all zodiac signs, depending on which side of the scales you are on, and if they're balanced, Librans possess natural charm in abundance and an easy going manner that makes things they desire, quite easily accessible to them. Compassionate, generous and diplomatic, you will find people always ready to do you favours. Of course, you too will be equally helpful when they need you. You are often accused of being lazy, but it is only because you burn too much midnight oil and need to recuperate. Indecisiveness is your biggest drawback. It is a trait that often leads to delays; you spend an inordinate amount of time weighing up the pros and cons. You are most apt to postpone difficult decisions for as long as possible than face unsavoury situations. You will be frequently called upon to settle disputes, something you will do with a keen sense of justice. You can provide a heroic, gung-ho display in defending what you judge as right, and then when everyone agrees, you jump ships, raise the pirates flag and become the devil's advocate -- such is the nature of a Libran. You are like the pair of measuring scales that represent this zodiac sign; most of the times it is balanced, but then when the scales tilt, the Libran can be quarrelsome, restless, superficial, vain, confused, or even depressed. Then mysteriously it levels out and all is well, balance is achieved, the easygoing nature, the charm, the sense of humour and tact that will win you new friends and keep those other admirers happy. Librans are big collectors and great admirers of physical beauty. They tend to be big spenders. They like to live in beautiful surroundings and are fairly obsessed with keeping a clean house. In your need for material things, you will even flirt to get what you want. And by the way, try to be a little more tolerant towards those who make snap decisions or seem impulsive, because not everyone is Libran.

Libra Lover

Emotional relationships are based on equal give and take. Librans tend to be involved in a number of affairs and sometimes their affection and friendship is misunderstood as something quite different. Since you tend to get attracted to the opposite sex quite frequently, you must think before getting into a life-long commitment. Ideal matches will be with those born under Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Librans like to have friends come over frequently for meals and parties; being good hosts, they ensure guests have a relaxed and comfortable time. As a sociable person, you have a large number of friends; this could arouse a lot of jealousy and suspicion in others, therefore, an imposing partner would not be wise. You work very hard to be amiable, so you have no problems in getting along with family members and can go to great lengths to keep them happy and contented. The home environment will be comfortable and neat, a garden with flowers would be nice, but if that is not possible, a few ferns and indoor plants will be fine.

Libra Professional

Librans make good lawyers and judges. You will also do well in arts, especially music. Science and navigation too will attract you. Alternatively, you can become wine tasters or can even manage breweries. Your work and productivity are easily affected by your moods. You do your best only when you are mentally at peace with yourself. Financially, you will be lucky. A lot of you marry people who are economically better placed than you. Alternatively, you enter business partnerships that bring you money. You do tend to be extravagant but in case you fall short of finances; you will find friends and relatives promptly jumping to assistance.

Libra Traveller

For you a holiday must have style and elegance. You are made for glamour and luxury. Camping holidays are not your cup of tea; unless of course the tent is fully equpped with lots of trappings. The journey has to be short and comfortable. You don't much care for the idea of being on a train from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Physically you like to look good so stylish luggage with elegant clothes is a must.

Libra Teens

She is a beautiful young lady who is always surrounded by admirers. She is a born charmer who loves to have people around. As Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty, she is always well dressed and possesses a fine sense of style. Many Libra lasses wind up in the beauty and fashion industry for this reason. Librans can't stand being alone and constantly socialise, and in all probability, are in relationships. And being a born charmer, she will be able to keep the group enthralled. She is sometimes dismissed as superficial and insincere, but her intentions are always genuine. Since Libra is an air sign, she should do well in academics. She is drawn to beauty and aesthetics in her career.

The Libra lad is always conscious of his appearance. He always moves in the right circles, as he wants to be seen in the right company. He is a smooth talker and a born charmer. As Librans make good diplomats, he brings harmony to his group and manages to accommodate divergent viewpoints. At times, he may appear a bit superficial and lacking in passion and deep-rooted beliefs. The main interests of his life are dressing well and spending time in the company of friends. He has a fine sense of style and enjoys spending on luxury. He has a high I.Q. and should he put his mind to it, there is very little that he can't achieve. He will go to the best Universities, mostly because it will enhance his image.

Libra Kids

A born negotiator, the Libra child wants everyone to live in peace and will combine persuasion with flamboyance to effectively mediate in any kind of conflict. This trait, coupled with a preoccupation for a fine external appearance gets the Libran child a lot of friends. This child gets good grades at school, and when it comes to sports, prefers individual games like tennis or golf. Chances are that the Libran kid will be a little indecisive at times, so you may need to do a bit of hand-holding then.

Libra Well Being

Though most Librans are blessed with good health, some of you could suffer from problems like allergies, asthma, frequent colds and flu. Librans are very active; looking after other people does take up a lot of your life. You should always take time out and rest when you need it. Some of you could put on a few extra pounds, though getting rid of them should not be a problem as Librans are active people who enjoy sports, dance, etc. Librans generally have clear complexions, fine hair and teeth. You also have beautiful eyes, though many of you born under this sign may require glasses because of weak eyesight. You are healthy and have lots of stamina. Most of you are gifted with an attractive face and good complexion. Although you may not look strong when young, you are more robust and do get by without any serious problems. As you grow older, you may become a minor hypochondriac, suffering from imaginary ailments. The weaker ones among Librans often suffer from diseases of the stomach, bladder, kidneys and the spine.

Libra Luck

It will do well for you to go for rose pink, pastel shades of all colours, especially light blues. Among precious stones, opal will prove lucky for Librans, while number six is their lucky number. Fridays, sometimes-even Mondays are good days for you. Venus is your ruler and your element is air.

* Symbol : The Archer
* Ruling House : Ninth House
* Ruling Planet : The Jupiter
* Gemstone : Yellow Sapphire
* Element : Fire
* Most compatible with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
* Can be good with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* A 50-50 chance with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* Doubtful with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Sagittarius Personality

Bold, dashing and spirited. It's a bit difficult to keep pace with you - whether it is in your movements or in your speech. You like to be free as the wind that blows, quite uncaring of the effect you may have on your surroundings. You could not care less and hate being in an atmosphere that is physically or emotionally claustrophobic. Somewhat lacking in tact, your foot-in-the-mouth syndrome could do with a little thought. Nevertheless, you are honest but more than a little tactless. Sagittarians are ambitious - always aiming higher than the goal they initially set for themselves. You love challenges and are too full of energy to sit still. Although you see yourself more as a sportsperson than an intellectual, you secretly enjoy reading, writing, and exploring subjects unknown to you. You are a good learner and would do extremely well as an academician. You are quite popular, albeit a bit unconventional and are loyal to your friends. Many of you enjoy the patronage of influential people but unfortunately; you will also have your share of enemies who mean serious harm. You are often driven by excitement and can be a bit ungainly when in this state; sweeping gestures tend to send things flying. You are sometimes insecure and edgy. You tend to doubt your decisions and judgement. The advice is - trust your instinct. Avoid going by what people tell you if you want to succeed in your work. A word of caution though -- your instincts may not work too well when you are betting, gambling and speculating, and you may end up losing heavily.

Sagittarius Lover

Although affectionate and loving, Sagittarians are not apt to be too demonstrative. Not much cuddling, showering of gifts, or saying it with roses - something that may be misconstrued as lack of warmth. However, you will make it exciting enough for your beloved. Bungee jumping, mountain climbing, horse riding, going to exotic destinations... all this you will do with your partner. Besides fellow Sagittarians, you will find ideal life partners in Aries and Leo, being closer to your temperament than any other zodiac sign, only they will be able to share your excitement. Marriage with someone who is not able to keep up with your pace may be a failure, so make sure the person cuddling up tight in your roller coaster life is screaming in fun and not fear. You are a loving and playful person and though you are not prepared for children, you make a good parent; you use your enormous patience while dealing with them, giving them the respect they deserve. You are a risk-taker and are often attracted to danger. You should exercise caution as your family depends on you. Sagittarian homes have a distinct mark of their personality. Simply lifting ideas from elsewhere will not do for them -- they like to be a little different.

Sagittarius Professional

You will do well in most occupations that require you to be outdoors. You make good sporting people. You will also succeed as teachers, lawyers, and politicians. Business and banking too are good for you. If you find your work tedious, it is simply a signal for you change to something more exciting. Jupiter, the symbol of good fortune, riches, and status, rules you. Although you will achieve most of this, it will be rather late in life. In fact, up to the age of 30, you are likely to suffer financial setbacks, mostly because of your tendency to be rash. However, you learn well from your mistakes and these monetary setbacks are not going to upset you too much. In fact, even when you are well settled financially, you will not particularly crave for landed property and assets.

Sagittarius Traveller

You dislike going for a peaceful quiet holiday away from the hustle-bustle. The idea is to have fun and frolic on holidays rather than lying with a book. You are born travelers so if possible would visit all the places given in a tourist book. You are open to having a trekking and camping holiday.

Sagittarius Teens

This is a young woman you can always count on, and most of the times, she is fun to be with. The Sagittarius girl never lacks company; she is bubbling with energy and ready to explore any thing. She certainly has the gift of the gab but her tendency to blurt out whatever's on her mind can land her in a mess. People around won't understand that she is simply being honest. If she finds something interesting she will simply go for it. She is not the kind to spend long hours in front of the mirror and happily shares her wardrobe with other girls. The young Sagittarius will excel at school and is likely to travel to another country for higher studies.

A Sagittarian young man is steeped in the spirit of adventure and loves to roam the world more than anything else. He dreams on a grand scale. And what is interesting --this has a good chance of coming true! He has a fiercely independent spirit and finds it really hard to commit himself to anything. The best thing about him is that he is open to all kinds of ideas and this wins him a lot of friends, and lovers as well. Another reason for his popularity is his carefree, fun loving nature, and the enormous generosity that he bestows on his friends. He has a lot of energy bottled up and sports provide just one outlet. The Sagittarian will spend his life chasing wild dreams

Sagittarius Kids

A happy-go-lucky kid, the Sagittarius child needs to travel all over the place and enjoy his or her freedom to the fullest. Characterised by a positive attitude to life and high energy levels, this kid gets naturally attracted to sports and has an open mind and easily mingles with a diverse group of friends, mindful of being fair and just to all of them. The Sagittarius kid is very talkative but his or her brand of candour can often spell trouble, which is of course cheerfully overlooked by most people.

Sagittarius Well Being

Sagittarians are fun loving, carefree individuals who live life to the fullest. As a result, they generally do not suffer from stress-related problems. However, most Sagittarians tend to take everything very casually, including their health. They rarely, if ever, visit a doctor, because they seldom require to. Sagittarians are the most daring and audacious of all the signs of the zodiac. They are always ready to try-out a new sport or adventure. The only problem is that Sagittarians are prone to minor strains, sprains and injuries. You will have to learn to take it easy and learn to do warm up's etc before putting your body through heavy exercises. Also, give yourself enough time to heal before embarking on any new escapades. A good diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy products should keep you on an even keel, with the occasional time out to rest and relax. A good complexion, shining eyes and a prominent nose are your distinctive features. Some of you may, however, suffer from nervous disorders. Sagittarius rules the motor functions and the lower limbs that in some cases may be vulnerable to injury.

Sagittarius Luck

Autumn colours like yellow, bright orange and rust browns, turquoise and a splash of purple are colours that will bring you good luck. Your lucky stones is turquoise. You are lucky with number 3. Jupiter is your ruler and your element is fire.

* Symbol : The Sea Goat
* Ruling House : Tenth House
* Ruling Planet : Saturn
* Gemstone : Blue Sapphire
* Element : Earth
* Most compatible with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* Can be good with : Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
* A 50-50 chance with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* Doubtful with : Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

Capricorn Personality

Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness; this makes them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up with patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy in being the achiever. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive.

Capricorn Lover

Your ardent and incurabe romantic yearning for true love, which is checked by Saturn -- the stern planet of discipline. It commands you to be calm, practical and serious. To top it all your practicality and sensibility ensure that you snag the right partner in marriage who can be a good parent and do you proud. Those belonging to the zodiac signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo will make good partners for Capricorns. Nevertheless, love for a stable home and loyalty towards the spouse are your primary concerns. Man or woman, Capricorns love their home, but they are reverent about family ties -- be these their own or the ones created with the partner. If you marry a Capri then be prepared to love your in-laws, no matter what. They seldom marry in haste and abhor divorce, but when it happens it is final.They are pretty good and strict parents always concerned with the best for their children's future.

Capricorn Professional

Capricorns make good business people. Shrewd and hardworking, it is unlikely that you will take any rash decisions. You are ambitious and even if you do not have a career of your own, you will make sure your spouse climbs the ladder. You are not up to too much competition and will work at your own pace and deliver the best you can. Capricorns will do well in the fields of academics, industry and even agriculture. Dealing with antiques is also a good profession for you. Money rarely comes to you as an unexpected windfall. It will come through hard work and it will come in a bit late. You should, however, settle down comfortably by the time you are in your early forties.

Capricorn Traveller

You love high places and blossom on mountains. Though you would love to go on a luxurious and comfortable holiday but you are equally frugal about spending money even on a holiday..and keep your expenses in check. Even on holiday you keep yourself disciplined and active; no overindulgence for you. You enjoy historical places and the romance surrounding them.

Capricorn Teens

This young lady is both studious and diligent; she doesn't see much beyond work. She will figure at the top of her class, and that's just the first step for someone as ambitious as her. She is generally friendly, a trait which helps her to achieve her goals, but she'll need a lot of external support to prevent her from taking life too seriously. Conservative by nature, the Capricorn lass is realistic. Her cautious approach to life does not allow her to be a daredevil. Her exceptional organisational skills help her to tide over most crises and attain her goals.

The Capricorn lad will rarely find any leisure since he will be busy chalking out future plans. Serious by nature, he has no time for flippant socialising and has his mind on more important matters. Of course he doesn't want to be rude, but his passion for getting things done often makes him a little bossy. In his leisure time the Capricorn boy loves to indulge in competition, especially in sports, and he finds it very difficult to cope with defeat. For that he needs the support of his compatriots. One-to-one competition also appeals to him. Practical and reliable, he can be trusted with any new responsibility. At the end of the day, a Capricorn boy likes to be surrounded by the spoils of his success. He has been striving for it all through the day. Someday his toils will pay off and he will rule the world.

Capricorn Kids

The Capricorn kid starts behaving like an adult from a very early age. An entrepreneur from the beginning, this child has ambitious plans to touch the sky someday and what is more surprising, it is all chalked out in great detail! Being a cautious player, of course he or she is not going to attempt something that could possibly fail. An excellent sense of responsibility enables this kid to have a way with peers. There lurks a perfectionist in every Capricorn child, who's ready to walk that extra mile.

Capricorn Well Being

Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness, making them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest of climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up through patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy towards achieving in your work field. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive.

Capricorn Luck

It is the darker colours, the colours of night, that bring you luck. Black, brown, blue and grey will be good colours to wear, while in gemstones you should choose sapphire, amethyst, garnet and black onyx. Numbers 1, 4 and 8 and those that add up to these prove lucky for Capricorns. Saturday is your lucky day. Saturn is your ruler and your element is earth

* Symbol : The Water Bearer
* House : Eleventh House
* Ruling Planet : Saturn / Uranus
* Gemstone : Blue Sapphire
* Element : Air
* Most compatible with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
* Can be good with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
* A 50-50 chance with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
* Doubtful with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Aquarius Personality

You seem to live on a different plane altogether - sympathetic, sensitive, friendly, but distant. It is very difficult for you to become very involved with anyone or anything. You are very conscious and value your personal space, this tends to bring about a certain loneliness, although you have a whole lot of friends who hold you in high regard. You tend to be philosophical and have strong intuitive powers. You are an admirer of beauty and everything about you seems soft and gentle. You are unconventional and like to be original, something that results in bizarre and unpredictable behaviour. You like to broaden your horizons of knowledge and are always ready to think beyond the present. Having an analytical mind, you are particularly drawn towards science. You are not easily agitated and are patient and persevering. Aquarians hold strong beliefs and it is not easy to change their minds or opinions. However, in matters of religion, they are not fanatics. They accept the idea of universal brotherhood and are mostly modern in their outlook.

Aquarius Lover

You will allow very few people to encroach on your personal space. The lucky ones who you allow intimacy,will however find you fascinating and quite enchanting. Those you fall in love with will most likely share your artistic and intellectual interests. Once in love, you will try to make everything perfect for your partner. You will accommodate, compromise and adapt even if you find that person is not exactly the ideal match you imagined him or her to be. Besides Aquarians, you are best suited to marry those born under Gemini and Libra. Your fondness for travel will find you settling down some place far from where you spent your childhood. You are a home-loving person, having a penchant for cooking and other domestic activities, collecting spices and trying out various recipes are often your pastime pleasures. Your approach to love and marriage is logical and intellectual, loving with your mind, as well as your eyes. You treat children with respect and give due consideration to their views.

Aquarius Professional

You are not overly worried about money. Your savings will mostly go towards charity, travelling or simply to buy a place, which will enable you to get away from the rough and tumble of city life. You should, however, be careful about money, as you are apt to suffer serious losses. Aquarians do well in artistic pursuits. Many of them turn out to be brilliant scientists and physicians. Law is another field Aquarians can pursue without serious difficulties.

Aquarius Teens

If the idea is radical, it must be an Aquarian idea. She seems to be game for anything; the rebel in her makes her unique. She has the guts to take on society; on her own terms. She doesn't care for much small talk; the Aquarian will have lots of acquaintances but hardly any good friends. She's good with style and fashion; trust her to spring an original on you. For an evening out, she will never opt for a sentimental movie; she is likely to enjoy an experimental theatre performance in the dark! Even when she studies, she builds an unconvential environment around herself. The Aquarian girl is not for everyone, but then she doesn't want to be either!

The Aquarius boy generally keeps to himself. He has a lot of creativity within him and needs space to do his 'work'. He is not into sentimentalising and don't be surprised if he doesn't remember birthdays. A display of affection is not for him. But you can expect the unexpected. The Aquarius lad loves the company of someone who can keep up with him. He loves sophisticated gadgets, and don't be surprised if this techno youth ends up creating a software that leads to big success. Knowing an Aquarian will be a unique experience full of little adventures.

Aquarius Kids

Fiercely independent and free spirited, the Aquarian child can be a little deviant, but then that is part of the charm. Being the creative sort, this child will be one of the first to master the newest technologies and create wonders. This kid will do extremely well at school and being intellectually inclined, will need to be surrounded by plenty of books. The Aquarian kid, in spite of enjoying the company of friends, will still have his or her own way of doing things and is difficult to rein in.

Aquarius Well Being

Though, members of this sign are prone to infections, most suffer from poor circulation, sore throats and, cramps in the lower limbs. Unless they catch the sport bug at an early age, most Aquarians have to be pushed to take some sort of exercise; brisk walks and cycling are good ways for Aquarians to keep fit. As you like traveling, you generally have no trouble relaxing, especially when given a good book to read, although you'll never be a couch potato a little extra effort would not go amiss. High cheekbones or a finely chiseled profile are the most prominent facial features of Aquarians. You carry yourself with considerable grace, possessing a smile that can disarm anyone and you use it to such good effect on those around you. Most of you have healthy childhoods barring the unusual or weird and although you develop a good constitution as you grow up, some areas of your body, like the throat, lungs, heart, the nervous system, calves and ankles remain vulnerable. So, lots of fresh air, exercise and a good nights sleep will not go amiss.

Aquarius Luck
The lucky colours for Aquarians are grey, black, aquamarine blue, green and purple. Saturday and Sunday are their lucky days, whereas numbers in the series 4 and 8 prove good. Sapphire, opal and onyx are good stones for Aquarians to wear. Uranus and Saturn are your rulers and your element is air.

Aquarius Traveller
You are not much of planners so generally the holidays you take are not pre-planned months ahead. Infact for you, planning takes away half the fun! You like to visit off beat places. Sitting cross-legged meditating and seeking inner peace is your idea of absolute heaven. Finding a partner for such a holiday may be a problem for you.

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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