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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Went to meet cute today.. She was giving tuition at Pasir Ris.. So I asked her out for lunch.. I was frustrated when I saw three buses went past me.. I know that it liao loh.. Gonna be late.. Asking her to wait for me a while cuz I needed to go TM purchase some stuffs.. Was trying to do things as fast as possible.. After purchasing I went to the station.. Saw the time was three mins before the train reached Tampines.. So I went to toilet.. Peeing halfway and my phone rang.. Cute called me.. Saying that the train was reaching liao.. I was like huh.. So fast meh.. Bopian loh.. So I withdrew back some of the urine.. Rushed out then sped up the escalator.. Zipping my zip on the way out.. Seem like multi-tasking.. If ppl saw what I am doing.. They might think I am suffering from mental disorder.. Glad that I managed to catch the train.. Went to the fourth door to look for her.. As usual that is our meeting place all the while.. She tried out my Eas drink.. It was grape flavour.. We had a indirect kiss.. That is she drank then I drank.. Hehe.. Asking me alot of gong questions.. Will she becum muscular if she drank a sip of it.. Haha.. That's of cuz no lah.. So kua zhang leh.. But I reali like the way she looked at me when she asked me stupid questions like these.. Reali like those typical dream gal loh.. Duno how to describe that type of feelings.. Went for the OE workshop today.. The person giving the talk is Chan Lai Huat.. I think he was merely repeating all the stuffs he said during our first OE lecture.. Duno whether should say him having a great sense of humour.. Or is it just that lame.. And tomolow gonna see him again.. Zzz.. Accompanying Stephen to had his dinner at the canteen.. I also bought some food to eat.. And I went to buy drink.. I was stucked there again.. Zzz.. Stephen asked me why I buy drinks always like so long one.. Haha.. Not the first time liao.. Me always kena cut queue by other ppl.. In the end always the last one.. Am I been too nice to let ppl first or is it I must be damn kiasu like some ppl.. Heard that The Incredible Tales yesterday was damn funny.. Hmm.. Maybe to some ppl whu know the female ghost think it's funny.. And there are quite a few episodes of The Incredible Tales been rated PG.. Looked like quite hardcore hor.. I was wearing singlet then kena asked by my mum.. Asking why my arm so red.. Cannot be want me to tell her that I went to suntan loh.. Cuz these few days where got sun loh.. Even if got sun.. It's reali ridiculous that only that patch is red loh.. Or wanted me to say I am not well liked by my peers loh.. So always kena pinched and beaten up.. So I just said I kena bite by one veri big commando mosquito loh.. On the way home saw Jiawen standing at the interchange's pillar.. Staring at something.. Went over to say hi to her.. Stephen and I saw this advertisement at the notice board.. It's abt some animation competition.. He asked me to join.. Haha.. I was thinking of joining too since I alreadi have a piece of my work ready le.. Anyway I will probably be writing a brand new story ba.. My current story might be quite inappropriate for competition.. Got to check the webby for the requirements first.. Anyway the due date for submission will be 15 Dec.. Just nice after exam.. I am veri eager to hear from the Chairman of DB.. If successful then I will be going down for the trial this Sunday le.. Hopefully I can make it through.. My dream is to join SDBA.. ^^ And tomolow Stephen will be having his driving test.. All the best to him.. Gd luck.. Hope u and Miss K will clear all obstacles.. Remember dun ever choose Route 6 and 7 hor.. =P And today will be the veri last blog I gonna write le.. A great thankz to those who have supported me for the past one year.. Reali appreciate u ppl.. Alhough for the past one year many things might have happened.. Like anoymous ppl tagging to shoot ppl.. Causing some unhappiness.. And I pissed off to scold them back.. Reali a moment of folly.. All these while I had shared my views towards some matters happening around us.. Whether in sch or not.. Making public apology to those I think I did them wrong.. And sharing my joy and laughter that I had.. Maybe to some ppl this place is like a forum.. While to some it's just a place to relieve stress.. Or even the place for their reading pleasures.. I was reali wondering why I started a blog in the first place.. Is it for the sake of myself or someone else.. And I reali din expect that it's get so well response that many of my frenz supported me.. A sincere thankz to all of u again.. Until next time..

The time has comes..
I know what is best for you..
I know where I should be standing right now..
And I know how much I actually likes you..
I know we can never be together..
But I want you to know..
You are special to me..
Be it now or future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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