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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Woke up veri early today.. Met my frenz at the coffeeshop.. They siao one leh.. Ordered so much dimsum.. In the end cannot finish it.. LoLx.. After that we took a cab to the stadium.. We will be participating in Tampines GRC Racial Harmony Walk 2005.. Haha.. >_<~ Reaching there around 0845hrs.. Looking for the rest of them.. Veri crowded.. And the Guest of Honour is Mah Bow Tan.. Plus some other MP also.. After we had done our part in the show.. Purpose to leave liao.. In the end waited for YG cuz he needed to settle some BGR stuff with someone here.. *Diaoz* ED also cheehong loh.. Went to ask for gal number.. -_-" Leaving Ben and me nia.. So we went to the Milo vehicle to take milo drink.. Ben reali bhb loh.. Cut queue and somemore the notice so big saying no filling of milo with container.. He bo chup and took the mineral water bottle to fill.. While waiting for YG.. We went into the stadium to see what going on.. Then kena spotted by the CC ppl.. Forced us to take part in some competition.. @_@" In the end bopian.. Take part loh.. I was wondering what game is it.. It's about having a big sarong.. Then squeezed in as many ppl as you can.. But without breaking the piece of sarong.. Actuali it's the competition btwn Tampines Central CC.. Tampines Changkat CC.. Tampines East CC.. Tampines North CC and Tampines West CC.. We representing Central.. I was there looking why so little ppl participating.. Then one whole chunk of ppl came down.. In the end we din get to play at all.. Haiz.. That battalion of Tampines JC ppl won.. They stacked ppl.. No wonder can get to a hundred plus in number.. After everything settled we went to Starbuck for a drink.. Arghhh.. Headache sux.. Pre-sch symptom.. Haiz.. And finali tomolow sch starts liao.. Sem 2 reali started fast and ended fast.. So is the holidays.. No more lazying in bed till late late liao.. =/

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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