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Monday, June 20, 2005

Weilian Rocks!!

Finali got this Daniel Chan song.. A song sang by Weilian.. One of the Project Superstars contestants.. Till now I am still veri impressed with Weilian.. Saw him once at the Tampines traffic towards TM long time ago.. That time reali got alot of ppl surrounding him.. Listening to his singing and playing of guitar.. Is heaven reali so unfair to a talented person like him.. After listening to his song during the third audition.. I cried when he sang the peak of this song.. Now I know why so mani ppl cried.. Host Quan Yifeng cried out.. Judges like Fang Zhonghua also eyes red red.. Enduring from dropping tears.. Jiamin also cried.. Haha.. Not I sentimental or what.. Just that Weilian reali bring out the song in a veri touching way.. Even better than Daniel Chan himself.. I duno whether to say this.. But I believe he wun win afterall.. Defining what "Superstar" means.. It's someone with the looks and talent.. I duno afterall whether the judges will be biased becuz he is blind and stopped him from moving towards the final.. If that the case I think it's reali veri unfair loh.. From what I heard.. Results will be based on judges 30 percent score while votes make up the rest of the 70 percent.. I hope those ppl voting will be cleared of what is talent.. The happy thing is that from what I see from Superstars forum.. Alot of singaporeans are supporting and voting for Weilian.. I voting for the sake of Weilian also.. I rather vote for Weilian than SG Idol wannabe like Sylvester.. Forum also got ppl shooting Sylvester.. Saying ppl like Shen Xianglong also wan to be SG Idol.. Even if Weilian din win.. Reali hope his talent will be recognised and given a chance to have his album.. I will definitely go and buy.. Weilian u rocks!! Jiayou!!

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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