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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Yesterday went to East Coast with Chen Yu.. Daven.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Yongtang and me.. Reaching the Mac where they said to meet.. Saw no one so went to empty seat to settle down.. Yongtang came over.. He said he called me but I din heard it.. Calling from the opposite of the street.. Received a call from Tyngtyng abt the OGL thingy.. She wanted me to confirm with her abt Xiaohui and another frenz of hers.. Tyngtyng was asking me why I din joined.. Told her that it's must be in pair mah.. So no one to pair up loh.. After a while Chen Yu.. Daven and Joanne came.. Liyee and Sherry were still on the way.. Ordered a 20 pieces nugget meal to fill up the stomach since Joanne and Yongtang not yet eaten.. Setting out finali.. Went to put our stuffs to Daven's car.. Chen Yu.. Daven and Joanne went for blading.. While Liyee.. Sherry.. Yongtang and me rented bikes.. Ready to set off.. Get set and go.. I started and rode off earlier ahead of them.. Sick of getting stationary and kena feed by mosquitoes.. ~_~" Travelled till the drink stall where they always stop by to buy drinks.. Waiting for them there.. Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry went past me.. Din see me at all.. Haiz.. Tot they will see me one.. I camouflage till so nice meh.. =/ Anyway I loitered around before chasing them.. I went to the shop to buy drink first.. Actuali wanted to buy for them one.. But din know what Liyee and Sherry like to drink.. Scared buy drinks not to their likings.. Only know Joanne always drink orange 100 plus.. But the shop reali din have it.. So I also din get anything for her.. Knowing that they will be at the jetty so I went to look for them.. Saw them at the middle of the jetty.. Liyee and Sherry went to get the drink at the end of the jetty.. But in the end there is nothing there.. Then I went to help them buy.. On the way out saw Chen Yu.. Daven and Yongtang.. Told them that they were at the middle of the jetty.. Yongtang accompanied me to buy drinks.. Yongtang went to the rollerblade shop next door.. So coincidence it's his frenz shop.. He bought a pair knee guards.. Went back to jetty I hit tio the concrete barrier at the entrance of the jetty.. Till now my hand still numb.. >_<~ And there is always ppl walking on the cycle track.. Blocking cyclist's way.. Damn fed up.. Made me fall into the pit again.. Wandering at the jetty.. The rest were chatting.. I went to see the uncle fishing.. Setting off again earlier than the rest.. Went to do some chin-ups.. After that cycled with Liyee side by side.. Talking all the way till the place we rented the bikes.. Returning the bikes.. Chen Yu.. Joanne and Yongtang continued with their blading towards Fort Road.. While the rest went to the hawker centre inside East Coast.. Found a shelter empty place to settle down.. Waiting for the lord and gege to arrive.. Was asking Daven how much he bought the Nissan.. He told me the car is not Nissan.. It's Mitsubishi.. Oh ya hor.. No wonder I find it weird why Nissan got Lancer one.. LoLz.. Reali stupid lah.. I duno that time thinking of what.. Finali they came.. Went to order food.. Daven left earlier.. Sitting down eating.. Crapping.. Gossiping.. We stayed till around 2100hrs.. On the way home.. Rain was pouring.. Glad that it's not big.. Decided to take a cab back.. The gals and me all hopped into the cab.. While Liyee and Yongtang went to take bus home.. And we parted.. Reaching Tampines.. Joanne alighted first btwn Century and TM.. Tot she going home? @_@ And Chen Yu alighted further up at TM.. Leaving Sherry and me.. The uncle told me he's not familiar with Tampines.. Asked me to guide him.. LoLx.. I told him I also not familiar.. Haha.. Reali paiseh..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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