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Friday, May 27, 2005

Today by rite got six ppl for badminton one loh.. But in the end oni five turned up.. Whu is the culprit that din cum.. It's STEPHEN!!! He overslept loh.. @_@" Tot he will turned up later on but hor it's no loh.. By order of the three princesses.. He shall be executed.. LoLz.. Today lose till no underwear to wear loh.. Lost all the way.. But it's fun.. Then got these group of angmohs from Hungary.. They just finished their hockey training.. So they approached us to ask us to let them played badminton for a while.. They are good.. Veri versatile.. Watching them played.. We machiam like ikan bilis loh.. And got one nice uncle see us like so pathetic playing with ruined shuttlecock.. So he gave us a brand new shuttlecock.. Thankz uncle.. =] And Raz today kept kena Liyee's underhand style.. Hahaha.. Raz learnt veri fast and used it on me.. =_=" Noooo... Raz dun entered the World of Darkness created by Liyee.. Hahaha.. =X Today I Hou Yi shoot bunny.. Three times liao.. *Burst Stream of Destruction* Booommm.. Wahahaha.. ^^ Then kena banned from bathing for four days by Joanne.. Teamed up with Chen Yu.. Din performed well also kena banned from eating for duno how mani days loh.. Haha.. In the end the days became longer and longer.. Different types of Activity also increased.. Cannot pee and shit for 50 days.. Etc.. LoLx.. Lalala.. After the game Liyee went to bathe.. So I also followed.. But din bathe.. Just use water to splash.. Then got one ahpek walked over to me and tok to me.. That is fine with me lah.. But he is naked loh.. His below that "thingy" is machiam like looking at me also.. It's just like two person toking to me loh.. By rite I should not be paiseh one since in ns it's just like a daily routine.. Walking ard naked not a big deal.. Since the whole camp is guys oni.. But in public I think it's abit extreme lah.. U nvr knw suddenly got small kids ran in then the mum ran in also to pull the kids out.. *Fainted* Anyway went to TM with them for lunch.. As usual the journey to lunch is machiam like going to the West to claim scriptures.. Wahahaha.. Poor Liyee and me.. Hehehe.. I think u all should guess it correctly lah.. The three princesses went shopping again.. >_<~ Went to a shop called Blush.. U knw at first I tot buy clothes oni mah.. Why asked Liyee and me to wait here.. So I decided to follow.. But as I went closer to see.. I saw this big label 36b.. Etc.. Waaaa.. Heng I din followed.. Hehe.. Aiya they buying their "Laundry" loh.. Wahahaha.. So in the end Liyee and me went to gaigai also.. After that went up to Lvl 4 to look for the three princesses.. Searched the whole foodcourt canot find them leh.. In the end they were looking for us too.. Tot we are at the arcade.. LoLx.. Settling down.. The gals went to buy their food first.. Chen Yu had wanton mee.. Joanne had beef noodles.. Liyee had indian cuisine.. Raz had fish slice noodles.. And me went for korean cuisine.. After that felt like having dessert.. Went to buy the dessert.. Make the auntie blur.. Hahaha.. Chen Yu's red ruby without ruby.. Wahahaha.. Joanne's ice kacang without kacang.. Making Joanne's ice kacang order.. I told the auntie no red beans and put oni the syrup.. Then I kept thinking what the syrup name.. Hmm.. The auntie looked at me.. >_<~ I said auntie I want the dark dark syrup.. The auntie was like stunned.. Simi dark dark syrup.. Hahaha.. In the end.. Got one secondary gal bought Chendol.. Then I pointed to the auntie that colour.. The auntie like machiam wanted to vomit blood.. Hahaha.. It's brown sugar syrup lah ahboy.. =p That secondary gal must be thinking why I so dumb.. *Blush* Aiya sometimes ppl do have the tendency to forget things one.. After Liyee finished his lunch.. He went to buy bubor.. Raz was asking is it cold or hot.. I told her cold one.. Wahahaha. Raz reali ahdumb hor? Hehe.. They were looking at the photo taken at last wakeboard.. Raz was complaining why they took the photo of her like that one.. Haha.. The funny thing is when Raz said.. Waaa.. U all took photos all tucked in tummy one hor.. Wahahaha.. Laughed till beng.. Leaving finali.. Chen Yu and Raz walked home.. Liyee went to interchange took Bus 67.. Joanne and me took Bus 72.. Went past a TV showing that Zoe's Tay movie.. That Hai Zi Shu.. Joanne said I am like that boy in the scene.. =_=" Then managed to see one of my frenz.. Boarding the bus.. Asked Joanne one qns.. The chinese character "日".. If add one line to it where will she add.. Haha.. Aiya but she heard of it before liao from FM 93.3.. Anyway the possible characters that can be formed are "田/目/白/旦".. Haha.. Haiz.. I think buay zhun one lah.. >_<~ Joanne asking me what I choose.. But I refused to say.. Hehe.. Then she said must be "田" loh.. Noooo... I dun wan to be "田" lah.. "田" is Stephen leh.. Wahahaha.. ^^ Joanne's sis will be leaving for Beijing at 2300hrs later.. Bon Voyage to her sis..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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