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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Yesterday morning I was in my dream.. Then my hp rang.. I tot whu so early.. It was * that called me.. Asking me whether I wan to accompany her till the train came.. Actuali I think it's alrite one.. Though it might be veri foolish to go down and accompanied her for just 30 mins or 60 mins.. Then after that go back home again.. Kinda lame but I think it's still depends.. I think she is one of those that worth me going down to meet her even if it's just for that one minute.. I am contended.. Anyway I reali duno what to do cuz I also just woke up and by the time I finished washed up then I guessed the time is alreadi up liao.. And she will be leaving for her destination liao.. Time is reali too short.. Actuali I should have gone meet her loh.. Should have put on my PT shoes and ran all the way down.. It's alreadi quite a few times that I din meet her when she asked me.. Anyway she wun be those that will angry with me one.. Hehe.. Yeah and I know that it will be the same whether now or future..

Imagine as soon as u reached for a date with some frenz and u just said ur first word becuz someone just asked ur opinion about it.. And u got scold and shoot for giving ur views about it.. Reason been just becuz what u said is something another person dun reali like to hear.. It's reali annoying loh.. Plus that u got a veri volcanic temper.. What would u do? Pour tons of water into the hot and boiling lava that almost erupted so as to cool down it temperature.. Or u just let the lava burst out killing everyone at the scene.. Cannot be u let the atmosphere becuming so tense just for the minute u arrived rite.. Adopting this method in the end.. 忍一时.. 风平浪静..

And if there are ppl asking u to have a makeover.. How do u feel.. Conclusion One is that u look just sux and boring to them.. Conclusion Two is that been with u is a total disgrace to them.. Conclusion Three is they might reali wan u to look good and so called presentable.. Worst still is no matter how u change and change it's still the same.. It does not mean that u change liao reali will attract more gals or what loh.. If reali makeover create wonders then everyone will be doing it liao loh.. In the end.. It will attract more gays then gals loh..

Walking home from Central yesterday.. Holding a big bun in my hand.. Biting it as I strolled down the dark and cold street alone.. These are the quiet moment where one reali can recall the sweet memories in his mind for that particular day.. But I dun seem to recall any.. Haiz.. It's also suitable to hum some songs since the whole street seem to be own by u alone..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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