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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Woke up 7am this morning.. Washed up cum brushed up.. Had my so called light breakfast.. And I am ready to set off.. Meeting up with leader at 0845hrs at Kallang control.. I looked at my time.. I found that it seem quite dangerous to wait for Bus 69 now.. So I took a cab down to Central.. Yeah.. Juz nice.. Reached Central at 0817hrs.. And the train came swee swee for me.. Heeee.. =P Estimated time to destination is 15 mins only.. Reached liao.. I went to the toilet.. Walking past the entrance.. I saw three dragonboat members from SAF Team.. I only take a glimpse of it.. I din saw their face.. So when I out of the toilet.. Ming was there already.. He asked me whether I know Kenny.. I was like huh? Catch no balls leh.. Ming said it’s my sch frenz.. I huh again.. LoLz.. Reali mah.. No head no tail.. Of cuz I huh and huh loh..

In the end the person Ming told me about went out of the toilet.. I was like oh I @@.. Hahaha.. I din know he called Kenny.. Oh maybe I forgot his Christian name liao.. He used to be my sec sch frenz.. Last time kicked ball together one.. Anyway just now the three SAF ppl are them loh.. Two of them I know.. While the third one I no idea whu is it.. Kaozz.. I think I reali blind loh.. Ppl so big I also din see.. Maybe just too obsessed with their nice SAF Team PT-kits ba.. So din bother to see their face also.. Hehe.. >_<~

Headed for SDBA straight after waiting for the rest.. Know a number of new frenz today.. Training becoming intensified abit.. Had a run from SBDA towards Benjamin Shears Bridge.. Waaa.. When I looked over at the bridge.. It was reali damn far loh.. I said to myself.. This time jialat liao loh.. Long time no run liao.. Last run is at Maju Camp during the Ippt.. Thinking of asking.. Permission to fall out.. Wahahaha.. Machiam military days.. And we did three sets for each of the items.. Five chin-ups.. Twenty pushups.. Twenty crunches.. And twenty squats.. *Panting* Reali slacked liao lah.. I cheated.. Heeee..

Had a race with one dragonboat team.. As expected.. We lost it.. The second time.. Another team joined in.. So now is three dragonboat team head on.. Haha.. Lost again.. Then I wondered why.. I looked over.. Chey.. No wonder they so fast.. Got so many ppl more than us.. And I not ashamed since most of us are newbies unlike our opponents.. Most of them are old birds.. Anyway like Roy said.. Dragonboat is not about winning.. Whether u get first or second also no big deal.. It’s all about the team spirit and coordination.. Ya.. I agreed with him also.. Without the spirit and all that.. Winning is like no meaning at all.. In other words it’s just a hunger for victory and nothing else.. Then again whu dun wish to win.. Bet that is the wish in every sportsman..

And so we called it a day.. When to bathe.. As usual it’s full house.. Cuz everyone also ended at the same time.. No more no less.. Seeing those big big guys.. So envy loh.. =D~ Uncles also zai zai one.. Feel like biting off the flesh off them.. Hehe.. Then again seeing them gives me the motivation.. I feel the world is full of hope again.. Hahaha..

And so our team went to Beach Road for lunch.. After a tiring day.. Stomach will be yearning for food.. After makan we went home.. I was in the train with Alex.. Bryan and another gal.. I din tok much.. So the gal asked me why I so quiet.. And added is it I quiet or is it I shy.. Hahaha.. Ya loh I shy mah.. LoLz.. I replied her that I am not quiet hor.. Btwn today there was a Wakeboarding Championship held at Kallang also.. And Ming told me that confirmed can see a lot of babes one.. Woohoo.. Cuz gals veri siao in wakeboarding one.. So a lot of gals confirmed will be taking part in this big event.. Hmm.. Let’s see how many from my class chiong wakeboarding.. *Counting fingers* One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. And five..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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