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Friday, August 26, 2005

Yesteday morning went to Suntec to see the new MX Studio 8.. It's exp.. =/ After that I loitered around to wait for Shrek to appear.. =X We supposed to meet at the foodcourt one.. But I walked one round din see it leh.. I tot is becuz I din cum often that why I duno where is it.. Finali Stephen appeared liao.. He said he wanted Kenny Roger.. @_@ It's abit the weird.. Cuz it is more of dinner than lunch to me.. And so we went to the foodcourt to had our lunch..

After lunch we went to NLB.. Went to the ground level to see some sale of books.. And so Stephen happened to pick up this book.. And it's got info on our ER essay.. Haha.. And he asked me to take down the reference of the book.. Went to the basement to find some books for ER.. And found nothing there.. Btwn basement is the only place to borrow books.. From level 7 onwards.. It's all not for loan.. That's the reference section.. Stephen and me decided to go level 8..

And damn pissed off by the security personnel there.. He is nothing but an idiot.. Reali loh.. Where got such boliao rules.. No bags.. No notes.. No textbooks.. It's like going into the reference section without anything with u.. I mean if that is the library rule then so be it.. Can't him juz kindly be more polite.. I dun own him anything.. F***ing hell.. So Stephen and me locked up our bags in the locker.. As I was abt to enter.. I saw someone with a bag inside.. I was damn buay song.. So I went to ask him.. Why got ppl with bag inside.. And he said becuz he got lappy.. *Pui* Can't him see I was carrying my lappy also.. What made that person so special.. Juz felt like asking him that I tot u said "NO BAGS".. But I knw I would blow my top off if I insisted on this bag thingy.. So what if he is carrying a lappy in his bag.. If that the case.. Then might as well dun comply the rule of "NO BAGS".. Bag means bag.. Who cares what inside the bag..

I did my stuffs till ard 4+ and we decided to set off to sch.. On the way to Bugis.. Saw an ice-cream vendor juz outside the station.. So Stephen and me had some chilling cream before we headed towards sch.. Reaching Dover.. And took Bus 74 to sch.. Went to look for Liyee and we all settle down to have our dinner.. Yesterday BF class.. Mr Mervyn is funny loh.. Going through the sample paper with us.. Yet everyone look down.. Haha.. And he said "Class.. I promise I wun look at u all.. Pls look up here.." After saying that he use the paper to cover his face.. Wahahaha.. He quite cute.. Machiam kid like that.. Hehe.. >_<~ We were observing this chipmunk gal.. Hmm.. Not bad loh.. When she signing the attendance booklet.. We were like squeezing our eyes to see what her name.. And ya she uses a pink pen.. So by Saturday.. When we got our hands on the attendance booklet again.. Heee.. The truth will be out.. ^^

After BF.. I went to rush my ER.. Although it's seem like that I can done it quickly.. But it not so loh.. Changing here and there.. Waste so much time.. Cutting the length from 1.7k plus to lower amount.. Here and there.. Here and there.. In the end "here and there" till 3am.. *Diaoz* Anyway also need to wait for that xiaomifeng.. For him to send me his essay so that I can print for him..

Today overslept by 17 mins.. Haha.. So late for lesson.. Worried that the class might be full cuz got Class B ppl joining also.. But in the end I forgot that assignment due today.. No wonder so little ppl in the class.. Today is the graduation ceremony for Rmit.. As usual there will be a buffet held by Megabites going on.. Always wanted to infiltrate to steal food.. But those ppl got sticker tag on their clothes.. So wanted to act also veri hard.. And so din get to see Chipmunk today.. She pianging her essay ba.. Went to PS with Stephen.. Had our lunch there.. He win liao loh.. Yesterday Kenny Roger.. Today Cartel.. *Fainted* Later the show on Frontline is nice.. Cuz got things abt the Superstars.. Abt Weilian's disability blah blah blah.. Can someone blind make to becum a Superstar or is it juz a sympathy by the public for him.. Hmm.. Later 2230hrs see then know liao..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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