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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ppl are queuing up overnite juz to be the first few to get PS3.. And why is this so.. Let the take u through..

Why the PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) system is a Must-Have?
By: CEO Kaz Hirai of Sony Computer Entertainment America

With the launch of the hyper-powered PS3 – available November 17 in two unique HDTV-ready models, 20GB ($499) and 60GB ($599) editions – we had burning questions about the system. Why is the platform truly next-generation? What in the heck is a Blu-ray Disc™ drive? Precisely what kind of killer horsepower does all that cabbage buy?

And so we stiff-armed the PR handlers, flipped off security (hey, no one said we were smart), tap-danced around executive assistants and took our queries straight to the top: Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Kaz Hirai, the man directly responsible for shaping the system's destiny in the land of democracy, Elvis worship, all-night diners, Mom and apple pie.

Following are his thoughts – in plain English, mind you – on why PS3 is a guaranteed smash hit, how the technology's applicable to your everyday life, and (naturally) which subordinates will be sent to certain death if you don't pony up. Seriously: Contrary to popular belief, looming battles ahead or no, everyone's favorite commander-in-chief does have a sense of humor…

Q: Hands down, why is this the year of PS3?

A: Look at what PS3 packs in the box in terms of cutting-edge technology (e.g. the Cell processor and RSX chip), combined with the storage capacity of Blu-ray and the ability to go online from day one. Add to that the ability to tap into your original PS2 and PS1 library and operate together with the PSP® system. And don't forget the fact that we have a track record of bringing out products with a long lifecycle… For example, the PS1 has been on the market for 10 years, PS2 for six, both of which are still doing well, and will do so for years to come. When you consider these facts, I think the value proposition that we bring to the market with PS3 is unparalleled in terms of both technology and price point compared to any other product in the market this year, or any other year for that matter..

Q: Let's talk about Blu-ray: From an average player's standpoint, what type of advances does its inception bring?

A: First is the increased disk capacity: 50GB of storage space versus DVD's 9GB limit. This actually has a direct bearing on the consumer's experience. Some of our PS3 launch titles are already in the 20GB range. Which means that if you had a machine with any other drive – say, a basic 9GB DVD player – these would be shipping as 3-disc sets, which means that at some point in time you'd have to swap out discs or cache information to the hard drive. Although frankly, even with 20GB titles, it's not a big deal if you were asked to store them on the PS3 hard drive. With 60GB of space, you've got room for three titles right there. Really, when you think about it, however, Blu-ray is the only storage device that effectively allows the kind of data capacity to deliver consumers a seamless gameplay experience.

Q: How will game quality – sound, graphics, etc. – improve from the medium's introduction?

A: The ability to store up to 50GB of uncompressed data will allow project leaders and producers to come up with more compelling content. And again, this is possible without having to ask the consumer in 5 years' time or whenever to invest in a two-disc or three-disc set. Or, had we gone with another storage device, having to ask them to buy another drive to enjoy this caliber of content. Had we not utilized Blu-ray, we may later on have had to go "Here's a disc drive adapter for you to buy." That's not a good value proposition for anyone, consumers or game makers alike, nor would we be presenting a product that's fully-featured, all pitfalls we wanted to avoid.

Q: Say we decide to spring for a PS3: What does the investment get us?

A: If you look at competitive platforms, you're asked to buy additional adapters and upgrades [to ensure systems' long-term viability.] And if you do so, that's at least $599 right there. And, when you really consider the fact rivals' next-generation storage devices play only better-looking movies and not truly spectacular games, you're again butting up against that 9GB DVD capacity limit. Plus, these systems don't offer true 1080p [high-definition visuals]. With PS3, you get true 1080p and a drive that plays forward-thinking Blu-ray games and movies alike. When you compare the options, it's apparent that we're offering a gameplay experience and value proposition that's pretty hard to beat.

The other thing that I would say is if you do avail yourself of the PS3 at $599, in addition to all the great features that I talked about, you're also getting a console that's future-proofed for the next 10 years. We're not going to suddenly come out in a few years and ask you to buy an adapter or ditch your PS3 and move onto something else. All things considered, no matter which way you look at it, we're offering quality and value that's unmatched.

Q: What does Sony hope to achieve with the system's debut?

A: The most important thing for Sony Computer Entertainment, which is a part of the overall Sony group, is to deliver the compelling kind of content that people are looking for in the interactive entertainment space. If you take a look at some of the great game titles we've got - whether it's Resistance: Fall of Man™, Gran Turismo™ HD or many of the great third-party titles – it's the proof in the pudding that'll make the platform. The way to ramp up the installed base of any system is to offer compelling software, flat out.

Q: Why are you confident you'll win the "console war?" And is there really one going on out there at all?

A: There's always been this "console war" mentality that seems to create a lot of headlines in the media. I think it's a nice way of packaging the story for readers to really understand the context of some of the competition that exists in the market. At the end of the day though, I think that we've always stood for something different.

Look at the way we manage console lifecycles. We have a very different approach that competitors have tried, but never succeeded, at copying. We always have a vision of where we want to go at any point in time during any of our product lifecycles. So, we don't come up with strategies or change tactics based on what other manufacturers are doing. That's been one of the keys to our success. We basically have a vision that we want to follow, and we'll do so regardless of what others are doing in the space.

Q: The one thing that consumers would never guess about you based upon your public persona?

A: [Laughs] I'm not exactly sure what public perceptions are, but I'd like to think that since I joined Sony Music in 1984, I've always been about entertainment and bringing fun to the consumer – and having fun myself while doing so. Some people may perceive me as being more of a serious kind of guy in terms of the way I carry myself in public. But for me, you know, working and giving back to society has to be a fun process. The only way to do that is to be in a business where there are already a lot of fun people as well. I might not get up there and start singing on the stage at E3 or doing too many funky things, but I think people think I'm way more serious than I am.

Q: So you won't cut off your pinky finger if you feel you haven't sold enough PS3 systems?

A: [Laughs] No - I don't think so.

Q: Perhaps someone else's?

A: We'll see about that. I don't think anyone's going to have to cut off anything or suffer too much, because I truly believe that Blu-ray and PS3 are the only way to go when you think about the future.

Q: Number one song we wouldn't want to hear you performing in SingStar™ Rocks!?

A: The Ridge Racer™ theme tune.

Q: Finally, what's your top dark horse candidate in terms of a specific PS3 game that will really surprise and delight the heck out of audiences?

A: Actually, I would mention all the titles that are coming out on the platform for the very first time. We're famous for introducing new franchises with every new launch of our products. For example, on PS1, we introduced franchises like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon™ and Twisted Metal®. With the PS2, the SOCOM brand. The same strategy applies to PS3.

You'll see some franchises carry over from previous platforms, but new titles like Resistance: Fall of Man™ and Warhawk™ have huge potential. Fans of the original PS may remember Warhawk as one of our initial launch titles in 1995, but it's essentially been reinvented here. Like MotorStorm™, which is another franchise that we're bringing to the PS3, these titles are fresh in the United States, so they all tend to be dark horses. But I guarantee that when you look back in 2-3 years' time, they're going to be considered household names, just like Gran Turismo, as franchises that define the PS family of products.


PS3 Technical Specifications:


Cell Broadband Engine™
The online capability of the PS2 features the unpredictability of live competition.. Play, strategize and compete with friends and opponents, even if they're in a different time zone..


Blu-ray Disc™
The built-in Blu-ray Disc™ player means you can enjoy next-generation high-definition entertainment, including games and movies..


Always On
PS3 delivers "always-on" online connectivity; offering a world of online possibilities including multiplayer gaming, text and video messaging, voice chatting, downloading content and browsing the internet..


SIXAXIS™ Wireless Controller
The new SIXAXIS™ wireless controller enables you to harness the powerful potential of the PS3 system..


Experience high-definition gaming with PS3 games..


Multimedia: Music, Photos, Internet, Videos & Movies
PS3 provides an endless array of multimedia activities, all without even inserting a game..


See the PS3—just choose your angle..


Product Details
Which is right for you? The PS3 is available in two configurations: 20GB hard disk drive (HDD) and 60GB HDD..

Play B3YOND™
PS3 computer entertainment system unleashes a brilliant, high-definition entertainment experience..

As its digital soul, the Cell BroadBand Engine™ represents a tour de force in parallel processing, which means a gaming experience that is beyond what you know today. Its built-in Blu-ray Disc™ drive delivers a whole new generation in high-definition gaming and unmatched digital media storage. Whether it’s gaming, Blu-ray movies, music or online services, PS3 invites you to Play Beyond..


High-Definition Capabilities
Enjoy high-definition entertainment, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) means you can use your PS3 with High-Definition displays as well as conventional or standard TVs..


Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
The PS3 comes with either a 20GB or 60GB removable hard disk drive (HDD)..


System Interoperability
PS3 and PSP play nice together. Easily exchange media like photos, videos and music from your PS3 system to your PSP system. And get ready to witness an explosion in creativity as developers take on the challenge of integrating the PSP system into PS3 games.


Backwards Compatibility
Play thousands of PS1 and PS2 games as well as your CDs and DVDs on the PS3..


Some PS 2 or PS format software titles may perform differently on this system than they do on PS 2 or PS, or may not perform properly on this system.. PS3 does not support a vibration controller..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, November 13, 2006

Holidays arrived and it's the last holiday for me.. Finali Sem 5 is over.. So it's the last and final sem le.. Provided clear all modules without fail.. And how will this last holidays be spent for me and the rest? Haha.. I duno abt the rest.. I guess I will be enjoying the last time since it's reali the last holidays.. Must go work after graduating in Sem 6.. So dun reali can enjoy the so called Sem 6 holidays..

Alot of my frenz going overseas for holidays.. Like Raz.. WH and XH.. Haha.. Bon voyage to them even though it might be too late to say cuz they alreadi left for their trip alreadi.. Will be waiting for WH to bring me back my favourite wife's biscuits.. Haha.. Yummy!!

GST becuming 7 percent? WTF!! 5 percent is alreadi alot.. Now still wanna further increase it to 7 percent!! And our government will give all sort of reasons to explain why there is a need.. The reason is kinda obvious.. Like what the latest news reported on abt subsidising the needy.. I mean if they are reali needy and need aid.. I'm fine with it.. But there are obviously some ppl who know that the government will feed them if they do not have jobs.. And thus abused such rights.. And who are the one who suffer in the end.. It's us loh.. We as consumers paid for our goods.. Services and taxes.. In the end these money is used to feed ppl who refuse to work despite they have the ability to.. Not as if they are disabled.. Even disabed ppl have more pride than those faggots feeding on consumers' sweat money..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

As the last paper approaches.. The more slack one will be.. And it's damn freaking lots of lectures to study for HRM.. Haha.. Well.. As usual.. Pick and study.. Juz throw some which I think is boliao.. Irrelevant.. And obviously wun be asked at all..

Everyone also slacks quite alot from Sem One until now.. After tml paper.. I gonna start my FF-XII.. And den watched Deathnote Episode Four.. Muwahahaha.. Yeahz.. So it means no time for other stuffs le loh.. Btwn there is news that the movie version of Deathnote Part Two will be out this winter in Dec.. Wooo..

Though there is still one last paper LM to focus on.. But I think not only me.. I feel the rest also need to relax their mind abit le loh.. Time to chill.. Dream.. Play.. Slack.. And sleep.. =X

Gd luck to those taking minor specialization paper tml!! Ganbatte!!

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^