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Thursday, April 19, 2007

How's everyone preparation on the exams.. I think I'm still slacking.. But I believe there's always somebody even more slack than me.. -----> Pointing to Step.. LoLz.. Correct rite!! Dun even pretend to turn ur head and ask who who.. 就是你!! Hahahaha..

I flipped the SM notes.. And seriously I feel that the notes damn suxs.. Hmmx.. Let see what are the words I used to describe it.. It's messy and untidy.. And is there reali a need to have so many diagrams around?? I juz wondered loh.. Initially I tot the notes was prepared by Rodney.. But realized the name below belongs to Peter O'Neil.. Chey.. I still wanna curse Rodney for being so unprofessional.. Haha.. Oops.. Rodney kept emphasizing that Peter O'Neil is gonna be merciless.. Cuz he is a simi pure royal blood of simi academic blah blah blah.. Zzzz.. Well.. Who reali care abt that lah.. We juz wan to get over this shit and enjoy our last holidays.. Keke..

It's gonna be 12mid soon.. On behalf of those who known our bday gal.. Let's wish Sherry a happy bday.. May all ur wishes cum true.. And always stay bubbly and chirpy!! =^-^=

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Went to look for HelloBB today.. Enter his room heard this eerie sound.. Eeeek.. I saw this game he is playing.. Walao veri scary game.. Worst than Resident Evil.. That game is exactly the conversion of movie Ju-On.. Reali loh.. I'm not dua kang.. Title of is called Ku-On.. U see the name also resemble the movie.. The opening scene turned me off.. *shivers* And I juz kena scared a couple of times.. >_<~ Definitely not a game to play in the nite.. HelloBB also said he scared to play in the nite.. LoLz.. And hor.. The analog will vibrate de mah.. When u reaches some places which u most likely will contact with monsters.. Or should I say undead instead.. It will vibrate juz like our heart beat loh.. Thumping slowly.. It juz simulated exactly how the player is feeling currently.. That anxiety and nervousness reali chill through our central nervous system.. Interested to know why it chills my freaking bones? Ask HelloBB to bring along for demonstration at chalet.. Hahaha..

Ever tried Dynasty Warriors chaos mode before.. Umpteen times when HelloBB and me wanted to try and complete once.. It's always either me KO or he KO.. Reali veri hard.. Seriously I tink they are cheating loh.. CHEATERS!!! Wahahaha.. =P

I'm falling deeper and deeper into Bleach and Naruto Shippuuden.. Like wat HelloBB mentioned.. It's getting climax soon.. *Nodding my head* I juz can't wait to see the next next and next episode.. I juz wanna fly myself down to Japan and watch there.. Haha.. And I simply luv the new opening theme.. Nice nice..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's the last lecture for everyone.. I guess everyone will be thinking time reali flies.. Ard 1095 days have passed by so far.. Okie not exactly 1095 days.. Plus minus ten percent limit..

I had my breakfast with Alys and Jm.. Went for the drive through Mac at King Albert.. The auntie was laughing at us.. I think is me loh.. >_<~ Maybe I seem abit gong abt what I wan.. Cuz it supposed to be the driver to make orders mah.. Instead Alys said it for me.. Haha.. Had our breakfast outside LT.. And Rodney came out.. He went to tok to the sch staff which were sitting there.. Crapping here and there abt the escalators which will be up soon this Sept..

Ivy went past us.. Asked me why so early eat breakfast.. I reali duno how to reply her loh.. *Faint* Jm was giggling when Ivy said that.. Having breakfast at 9+ is early huh? LoLz.. I was telling Jm that if dun eat now den eat when.. During lunch meh.. Haha.. Xx appeared a while later.. Once she opened her mouth to speak.. She will start to make me laugh.. She is hilarious to extreme.. I forgot what's the thing that started making me the victim for Xx.. And she was saying that she like guys older than her.. Haha.. But I alreadi know abt her lorry driver liao leh.. Haha.. Lorry driver aka bf loh.. She was asking who betrayed her.. Alys straight away said it's Jm.. LoLz.. Cuz Jm r/s with me is better.. Haha.. Alys must be damn gd at archery.. Hahaha.. I guess I do not need to explain u guys also understand what that mean lah.. Yt came by later.. So we dragged him to join us.. Haha.. Den I straight away victimized Yt.. I tell Xx that Yt also older than her.. Keke..

After SM lecture.. Everyone was busy taking photos here and there.. Cuz it's the last and final moment for being classmates.. Anyway I took with my clique and my baobei's grp.. Hahaha.. Aiya din realized Xh also wanna take with me.. Nvm still got nxt time.. After last paper still can.. Yeahz.. I always think Rodney is veri yaya papaya.. And when I had my last conversation with him.. It was like.. Aiya I also duno how to explain.. It's veri subjective feelings ba.. But kinda enjoyed the tok with him..

Juz as the Devils pwned Roma on 8-3 aggregate.. Milan and Liverpool are the same time in for the semis.. Devils vs Milan.. Chelsea vs Liverpool.. As many speculated the final will be Devils vs Liverpool.. But I hope Chelsea will be in instead.. Haha.. Cuz I wanna see Mourinho's reaction.. Seeing the cup is near yet so far.. I still prefer the blues getting raped by the reds.. LoLz..

Was overnite with Ly.. Sf and Step yest.. Had our winning 11.. But reali quite sad.. Everyone like no form.. So in the end.. Played until shagged.. Nvm nvm.. We will conquer again at chalet.. Haha.. Eh I was thinking how did is my sleeping style yest.. I knw that someone opened the door and kitchen light.. But I not sure who is it.. Cuz Ly's floor is damn chilling.. Machiam made from ice blocks.. I wanna went over to hugz Sf for some warmth.. Wahahahaha.. =X

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, April 09, 2007

During the last grading.. There is this pair of malay sisters sparring each other.. And guess what I saw.. The grader like hoping them to kill each other.. I saw his evil grins on his face when the sisters hit each other hard with the ping ping pong pong sound.. *Shivers* Machiam sadist loh.. Anyway after this grading.. Life will no longer be easy animore.. Haha.. Haix.. Cuz it's means I will have to know every single taegueks at my fingertips.. It like playing games.. Once summon.. Must do it straight away without having second tots of what it is.. Oh ya.. Andy now becuming veri great liao leh.. Standing beside the grader giving instructions to the gradees.. Instructor level liao loh..

Finali all the assignments are done.. From MC.. To SM.. Den to WIL2.. I think the evaluations are super er xin loh.. Juz writing on myself is alreadi so headache liao.. Still need to do for everyone.. The problem is.. It's difficult to change the style and stuffs u write in different forms.. Reali boliao lah..

And no one will like believe us when we said we haven start our WIL2 yet.. Sometimes I juz can't help to admit that we are pros.. Wahahaha.. =X But cuming to think of it.. Wrapping everything up within 72hrs is still my first time.. Haha.. Anyway our journey will end this May provided if nvr tabao lah.. And I'm super duper looking forward to the cuming chalet.. Let's hope this will be the most memorable one before the one I luv left for United States.. Keke..

I was at Caltex.. I saw this face veri familiar.. It's looks like Gurmit Singh.. Well.. I guess it's him.. He drives a black Chevrolet.. Carplate SFJ7846G.. Haha.. Wanna buy 4D mah? LoLz..

When I was on my way to sch for MC lect.. There's an ambulance three car length in front of me.. From the back u can see every car suddenly filter out from the right lane.. I was thinking that if switching on the lights and siren can have such priviledge.. Den I should also put one and try.. LoLz.. Anyway I heard that some of these ambulances are faking an emergency.. Cuz they wan to go to some places faster.. So switched on the light.. Blah blah blah..

Anyway I was happily on the right when I glanced on my rear mirror and to my shock saw blue flashing lights.. U must be thinking it's police.. It's not oni police.. It's TP somemore.. Right behind me.. So I have to get my arse off the right for it to pass.. After it passed me.. The car in front of me refused to filter off.. Den kena signalled by that TP.. It juz means "Hey u!! U better get the hell out of this lane for me to pass.. If not I'm going to book u for hindering 司法公正" Hahaha..

I saw this gal in our class which looks like KC.. Den I asked Step to see.. He said looks more like Ivy.. But after he see again.. He said eh she looks like KC leh.. Hahaha.. But too bad not much chance to see her again.. Unless tml SM she shown herself up.. Den we will ask the real KC to see.. LoLz.. But I think she's a repeated student leh.. Cuz in my memory I dun rem seeing her in Sem 3.. Which means if she is a direct intake student I should have her data by now cuz her looks is not bad mah.. LoLz.. >_<~ Unless she is like that Legend of our class.. Appearing oni a couple of times.. And this Legend is none but our Yang Guo!! Muwahahahaha.. =X Anyway i think her frenz is Joa's frenz also.. Haha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^