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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Went to Ikea on the second day after it official opening.. Was so crowded.. I was wondering how cum so much ppl.. Den I found out it's becuz of there are shuttle bus from various areas of SG to shuttle the ppl to Ikea.. No wonder so many ppl.. Den as I went sometimes ago.. Crowd is certainly reduced significantly as compared to the initial.. Thing is like that one.. Ppl tends to go for new things if not they will feel that they are somehow behind time.. Well.. Maybe kiasu is the correct and most appropriate term to use afterall.. Other than the new Ikea is more spacious than the old Ikea at Queensway.. It's nothing special.. Maybe juz some new facilities blah blah blah.. Shelves items are juz so much similar to the old one.. Tot it will import some new and unique items since it's X'mas.. Well.. Sad to say there is nothing unusual.. Haha..

I know I have been MIA-ing since a mth ago.. Haha.. Well.. Was busy mah.. Was busy with FF-XII.. Bleach.. Death Note.. One Piece.. Chronicles Tsubasa.. And etc.. I was chionging One Piece since after exams.. Was reali alot to chase.. The one Step lend me to watch is until Episode 130.. So I went to watch the rest of it.. The latest is Episode 290.. Imagine I have around 160 episodes to chase.. That's alot.. Anyway I have finished it until the latest episode 290.. Step u must see the behind story.. It's nice.. Got some part like Chopper's story.. Can cry one.. Haha.. There will be a new member for Luffy's crew.. This new member is hilarious.. If everything follows accordingly to the Manga.. Den the new member will probably joined in the anime version too..

And den for Bleach.. I have been chasing consistently so it shouldn't be any problems.. Current episode is 108.. Kariya died? So weak meh? Haha.. Well.. So new story with new enemies will emerge soon.. And Step dun delete those episodes u downloaded.. I wan to copy from ya soon..

Death Note is also nice.. Getting exciting.. The latest is Episode 11.. And was wanting to go for the Death Note Marathon.. But all full liao.. Haix.. The marathon is abt watching Death Note Part One and Part Two together.. Even though I watched Part One alreadi.. But it's nice to watch again.. Was looking forward to The Last Name.. The preview looks juz so tempting and exciting.. Another Shinigami appears.. White haired fellow.. And the gal is the owner of another Death Note.. She is the gal in Part One of the movie.. She looks AV to me.. LoLz.. Anyway she give half of her life span to that white haired shinigami in exchange for the shinigami's eyes.. Having the eyes almost meant that she is invincible.. Imagine L vs Yagami Light vs The AV gal.. Haha.. Where the power crashes!!

I mentioned earlier abt FF-XII.. It's juz so fun initially but at the later stage it's seem abit sianz.. Well.. It's not juz me.. I believe SF too.. And believe me.. Such games always have freaking enemies which is damn annoying.. I should juz say that they are farking cheaters or losers!! I nvr in my life fought such difficult opponent/s before.. Or I should say I nvr in my life fought for juz one battle for so long!! Imagine SF and me juz spent freaking five hrs or so to finish some annoying stupid dragon.. And I nearly defeat it in 3 hrs.. But that stupid dragon uses underhand methods.. Puiz!! And I think it reali depends on luck of whether that freak will go insane or not.. Wan to die liao keep using Death Strike like free.. Damn smelly.. And the farking ribbon is of no use at all.. Unlike FF-VII which can prevent instant death attack.. SF and me are cursing the person for designing the artificial intelligence of tis particular monster as well as the accessory ribbon..

Watching alot of movies lately.. Haha.. Kinda taking sweet revenge over loss of movies last time.. Hmm.. Eragon is nice.. Will be expecting part two juz like Death Note.. Next will be Curse of Golden Flower.. Charlotte's Web.. And Night at the Museum.. Which will be catching on X'mas Eve.. Heee.. After that Turkey time!! *Drool* =D~

Rain's tickets solding at $488.. $388.. $288.. $188!! WTF!! I wonder who will buy it.. But confirm got ppl go and buy one.. Pardon me if u r Rain's fans.. Well.. I juz feel it's vei expensive loh.. I know he is famous but the price is juz far too steep.. Juz assume the concert is four hrs.. If u bought a $488 worth of ticket for the veri front seat.. And watched it for that four hrs.. It juz make no sense.. It's juz throwing money into the bin.. That amount of money can do alot of things and buy alot of things too.. Give that $488 to a gal.. She can buy lotsa MNG and Zara stuffs.. Give it to a guy.. He can buy how much roses to his gf and dine how many times of Cartel.. Give it to a kid.. He or she can buy lotsa of power rangers and barbie dolls.. I juz find it a waste of expense lah..

I know if now going to any stores to get X'mas prezzies will be expecting alot of crowds.. But I was wondering how cum so many adults machiam like no need work.. All accompany their family to shop and buy gifts.. Is it juz a coincidence that all of them took leaves? They seems to me like having school holidays juz like the kids.. Ever stay in a particular shop deciding on which gift to buy for two hrs plus? Haha.. Sound ridiculous rite? But sometimes it's juz that hard to decide which one to choose.. Walking around the same old spot all the time.. Haha.. Might look suspicious to others.. But fortunately all of them are veri busy.. LoLz..

Almost forgot to apply for my deferment.. LoLz.. Today quickly sent out the mail to the relevant department.. Haha hopefully can make it in time.. >_<~ Holidays gonna end soon.. Time for the start of another new sem.. Another new story.. Haha.. Well.. All the best to everyone for the upcuming year.. Probably u may have new resolutions.. Guess this is probably the last post before the new year begin.. Therefore I shall wish everyone in advance a Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year!! Enjoy these special days with ur family.. Frenz.. Buddies.. And not forgetting someone special..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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