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Friday, October 27, 2006

Went to meet Step at Hougang Central this morning ard 0700hrs so as to go sch togther den mugged again loh.. I woke up at 0400hrs to revise again.. I dun normally did that unless I have fear in that particular module.. That time OE I also did that cuz I reali scared of it.. Step fell aslp on the bus cuz he reali shagged out after burning whole nite without slp at airport to study.. I dozed off abit too.. But woke up soon..

In the hall.. Eve told me that she kinda scared of IF paper too.. Ya loh.. Me too.. I believe everyone is scared de loh.. Esp with that uncertainty in everyone hearts.. For me I only tink of these.. Will it be veri hard? Will there be stuns? Will I be able to clear this paper since I'm unsure whether it's cummulative or not? Blah blah blah.. It was reali a relieve for me and Helloboyboy.. Haha.. Ya loh.. Everyone know Helloboyboy and me always digged trench and waited for curry chicken de mah.. Haha..

The second page consists of Candidate's Family Name.. Candidate's Address.. Candidate's Phone no.. Candidate's Student no.. Candidate's Signature.. Ok for me I filled in name.. Student no.. And den sign it.. Den got one invigilator asked me to write in address and phone no. too.. o_O" I mean why must put address and phone no? That's simply makes no sense to me at all loh.. Anyway I juz filled in watever he wants loh..

I juz can't believe that Helloboyboy made such a stupid mistake.. Family name he wanted go put his daddy's name.. Muwahahaha.. I want to faint loh.. Ok I understand if he put only surname.. Cuz family name is kinda ambiguous in some sense.. At first I tot it's surname also.. But I searched further and find how cum got space to write last name.. Den no other place to write first name!! WTF!! So in the end combined both first and last name together loh..

Two papers had gone.. EG is still doable.. Not that bad.. IF on the other hand is better.. Those got studied de will be able to do most of the qns ba.. Well.. That's fair at least to such a difficult module k.. Neither do we have an open book category like MGB nor a delayed paper like HRD.. No one will believe that IF is fully theory based when it's been told to ppl.. Ppl will tink that finance mah.. Confirm punching of keys more than writing with pen.. Given that long hours of mugging without resting and sleeping for the whole nite like Step.. I tink we deserve to have such a paper as a condolence afterall.. Haha.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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