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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Today was my grading day.. Went there kinda early cuz everytime late go den no lots de.. So made an effort to go down earlier bringing along my LM stuff.. As I know beforehand that to study under such environmental condition is kinda hard.. But bopian also..

Grading today was well ba.. Juz that suddenly how cum I din seen any of that stupid pig's students.. So I was thinking maybe cuz he going honeymoon so threw his duties to someone else.. In the end I was the only adult taking the Grade 5 test.. The worst thing is.. The number of ppl taking the Grade 5 test is not in multiple of 6!! o_O" And it will mean that I will be all alone facing the grader.. >_<~ That's reali erxin loh.. Juz like the veri first time I took the grading.. All alone.. But today I'm heng.. Cuz was asked to split into 3-3 instead.. Haha..

Sparring was shiok.. Although I duno that guy.. But I rem I seen him once at Joo Chiat training ground.. Probably Mrs Tan knows him too.. Keke.. He was my opponent.. Becuz there are only two persons been graded.. Which is me and another kid.. So it means during sparring can't pretend and eat snake le.. It will be damn obvious to spot whether u are reali putting in efforts or juz playing merry go round.. Esp wjen u know that this particular grader is veri tiki one.. So die die also must avoid his scoldings.. And so that guy and I reali hit hard.. My right feet side was abit swollen.. Of cuz it's pain.. But think it worthed it afterall.. After that I shook his hand and I left for home.. To study for LM liao loh.. Haha..

Seem like most of us are going for the USA'07 work and travel thingy.. Was interesting reali.. Somehow when I mentioned it to someone.. The reply given is if I go den who take care of her.. Haha.. Well.. Probably that will be one of the reasons I held back.. So she better make sure I can take care of her.. Haha..

Actuali I alreadi mentioned to my parents abt this trip.. My sis supported me.. My dad too.. Except that after I told him that I probably return with 700 bucks as earnings which YT told me.. He told me that if only 700 bucks dun seem to worth going also.. Hmm.. True also.. Since food and lodging is provided.. It will definitely seem to be a nice and enjoyable trip.. The ironic thing is.. Even the cleaner in USA is paid higher than us.. So I was thinking maybe can work part time cleaner there concurrently with the amusement park job.. LoLz.. Anyway I was thinking working in SG itself will definitely get more than 700 bucks when u go work.. Unless that 700 bucks is in USD.. Assuming exchange rate USD/SGD is $1.67.. Den it will make up a sum of 1169 bucks in SGD.. Even if it's in USD.. The pay in SG is still higher than that.. Haha.. Probably looking for a firm job to settle down.. So can have enuff purchasing power to buy stuffs I wan..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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