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Thursday, September 28, 2006

I should wake up earlier.. But duno how cum slp and slp.. And wun wake up at all.. I only rem I was caught in a dream that was so difficult to break myself away from dreamland and make myself sober once again.. It was only until Step called me den I was finali break away from there.. And when I looked at the time.. It was nearly late for our meeting..

Step and me went for lunch as LY told us that he and Sher alreadi had early lunch le.. And so the two of us settled down at the usual kopitiam.. After which we headed towards LY's place.. When we were there.. SF was there also.. Den we all went to watch LY played World of WC.. Seems nice.. And SF is kinda hooked by it.. But the problem is the game is not free.. Not as if u bought the game den can play online for free.. Investing in it will kinda need much reserves.. Esp for SF who still have gf to feed.. Hahaha.. I also have someone to feed.. So will be hard to make ends meet.. LoLz..

And so after some discussions.. We set our foot off to the sacred ground at Loyang.. At first the interview was still alrite.. But as it go on non-stop for the next 2 hrs plus.. I started to feel sleeply.. I was gg to doze off le.. I pryed open my eyelids to prevent that from becuming reality.. Was so scared that I can't endure anymore.. And den pong.. Drop dead on the table.. >_<~

Was ushered around by the manager.. Looking at different places.. Different tasks and jobs.. And there was this earplug thingy.. It juz looks exactly like those candy machine.. Put coins in den turn and turn.. Den candy will cum out.. And it's called Soft Ear.. LoLz.. Machiam name of a candy..

By the time everything ended.. It's late alreadi.. Not forgetting I have to go for appointment later on.. After dropping the rest at Bedok.. I rushed home for dinner in hope that I can make it for later appointment.. The urge to see someone is juz so great that u juz wanna go down straight and throw aside all other stuffs.. It's juz that difficult to describe ba.. I guess most of u will have that kind of feelings many times in their life.. Juz as much as u wan to see someone again as if u haven seen her for a decades.. And it merely less than 28hrs.. That eagerness in one's heart is so hard to fathom afterall..

Sometimes what many said abt it's better to be late than not to cum.. How true is this? I feel it will depend on what circumstances one is in.. Imagine if u are dealing with a conservative and tradition person.. Will u rather be late or dun cum at all? I would preferably choose the latter juz to avoid any unnecessary troubles.. But sometimes it will kinda even makes things worst if choose the latter.. So sometimes I reali duno what paths to choose from.. It juz seem that either one will end up the same afterall..

Picking up the phone is not hard.. The hardest thing is dialing the number u wan.. How many times have u ever hesitate whether to call that her or that him? And it was nvr difficult if it's frenz..

I juz like this phrase.. "Happy Moments, Praise God.. Difficult Moments, Seek God.. Quiet Moments, Worship God.. Painful Moments, Trust God.. And Every Moment, Thankz God!!" It's juz that meaningful..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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