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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Morning HR.. Den noon IF.. That's the first full day class for me.. LY.. Step.. And Torri.. I should say ever since Sem 3 ended.. We do not have any full day class.. Sem 4 there is no more full day classes until halfway of Sem 5.. And soon Sem 5 is ending again..

I reali dun feel so well cuz of that day been caught in rain at town.. I came for HR lecture sneezing all the way.. And I juz hate it when I spread to LY and the rest.. And I feel so sleepy and cold.. It was only until teabreak that I finali came out for tea from LY's persuasion..

And our dear Mr Chua Chong Hock scared the hell outta me loh.. During teabreak he was calling some names as I entered the LT.. I tot he calling to see who around.. So I went out again to join the rest.. When the class ended.. He called my name and a few.. Den said those names been called must go and see him after class.. o_O"

When I was at the front with him and the other seven ppl.. He asked me what's my name.. So I said loh.. He den said how cum I'm here.. He tot I not around.. Cuz he din see I put up my hand.. But I got put up loh.. Den kena suan by him saying that my hand veri heavy is it.. >_<~ And den he said.. U guys are in deep trouble.. I was thinking what the hell happened loh.. Nehneh de lah.. In the end it's something positive.. =)


And I sometimes juz wonder how cum ppl in the same clique dun zap stuff for the rest of their clique members.. It's not the first time that I saw that.. Hmm.. I was thinking maybe their clique is big.. That's why.. But I was told that last time ours also used to be big.. Also not like that.. We did zap for everyone also.. Hmm.. True also.. Anyway I juz can't stand fishmongers (If u know what it means).. Or is there a better word to use? LoLz.. ^^

Went for YT's Super Sunday event today.. It was fun.. I was delegated to Haunted House.. Well.. Of cuz my role is to scare the hell outta ppl loh.. LoLz.. Aiya.. I'm so nice how to scare ppl.. In the end maybe kena scared by ppl instead.. Keke.. =p

I think not bad leh.. Manage to scare till ppl cried and ppl vomitted.. Haha.. Powerful rite.. Some of them kept on playing again and again.. Anyway first time might be scared but after the second or subsequent time.. These ppl will know where are the locations of the traps and ghosts le.. Blah blah blah.. And den wanna be hero and tell ppl there got one.. And there got another one.. Yaya papaya loh..

Some even discuss STRATEGIES outside before entering.. Machiam acting like Ghostbusters loh.. LoLz.. So funny.. Like so serious in playing this game..

Commander of Ghostbuster: U stay here.. U cover him.. And u follow me..
Ghostbuster Member 1: Yes Sir!!
Ghostbuster Member 2: Roger Sir!!
Ghostbuster Member 3: Affirmative Sir!!

Got one gal quite brave de.. Many times ppl tried to scare her she's not been scared at all.. And den I was sitting on the table resting.. She touched my thigh.. And den touched again.. Den duno what is that.. I juz moved away the newspapers den shouted out "Dun eat my tofu lah!!".. Muwahahaha.. She jumped up.. LOLz.. This shows that the more one tried to act zaizai and fearless.. The more timid they are.. Haha.. =X

Anna is funny.. She act well.. But the way she projected her role I juz wanna LOL.. Hahaha.. Juz can't stop laughing.. Anyway I think not bad leh.. As in our overall earnings.. Was quite alot.. Business is gd.. LoLz..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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