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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And guess what I will answer when ppl asked me why so long never update on entries.. I will juz said busy loh.. I think I reali use up my time until like not enuff liao.. Ok exclusive of slping time.. Slping time needs at least 8 hrs.. Still got 16 hrs.. Juz chionging anime alone will took up more than half a day liao.. Says about 10 hrs for that.. Den 3 hrs for TV series on Channel U and Channel 8.. 3 different drama of an hour each.. Left 3 hrs more before going to bed.. So the rest of the 3 hrs will be doing some other stuffs here and there loh.. Such as chatting.. Doing some project stuffs.. Pacifying my little fiancée.. Blah blah blah..

All these add up liao.. Time sure not enuff to use de mah.. LoLz.. So what to do if 24 hrs is not enuff for ya? Haha.. Of cuz is to go to the Watch Shop "25-Hrs" to buy a watch from there so that when u put on the watch.. U will have 25 hrs instead of 24.. LoLz.. If still not enuff.. Go buy a "8-Days" magazine so that u have "8 days every weekkkk!!!" LoLz.. =P

Dialogue btwn Step and me:
Step: Why so long never update blog liao?
Kira™: Cuz I'm busy flirting loh.. =D
Step: I TOT SO TOO!!..
Kira™: .....

*A punch flew over to Step*


And I was been told that I spelled wrongly the name Palawan Beach.. I spelled Padawan Beach instead.. LoLz.. Well I do loves the sun alot but I dun go to Sentosa that often de.. In fact duno got one year one time or not.. Haha.. I only know got three beaches loh.. Obviously I only know Siloso.. Haha.. I juz went to check what is that third beach name.. It's called Tanjong Beach.. o_O" I keep checking whether I spell correctly or not loh.. If not some days later.. Ppl will be cuming to me telling me "Hey the beach name u spell wrongly again!!".. LOLz.. =X


Our dear lecturer Jeffery Goh always tok abt these two stuffs in his lecture.. Either it's abt SAF!! If not it's abt sex!! Buay tahan him loh.. Feel like DDT him after he said "Men can't live without sex!!" Mao him loh.. *BISH* (Dun cum asking me what is DDT hor!!)

But his lame jokes are undeniable funny to some extent.. And he was saying about jobs' positions in the industry.. Guess he is correct.. Nowadays powerful job titles dun mean that u hold a impt position in the company.. Like what he said.. Clerks have different job title allocated to them.. What makes me laugh is about what he say about the pros in Geylang..

Re-enactment of what Jeffery Goh said:
Jeffery Goh: Where u work?
Lady A: Oh I work at Geylang..
Jeffery Goh: Oic.. Den what is ur job den?
Lady A: Oh I'm a sex therapist..
Jeffery Goh: What the..

The reaction of the class:
Whole class: Hahahaha..
LY: Hahahaha..
Step: Wahahahaha..
And for me I will of cuz MUWAHAHAHAHAHA loh!! >_<~


The word Altruism like veri powerful leh.. That the new stuff Jeffery Goh taught.. Machiam like some saintly word to me.. Juz remind me of ex BF lecturer.. He always like to say this is mathematical truism..


And Jeffery Goh said something about Fa Lun Gong (法轮功) ppl going out for demonstration in SG.. Den all kena arrested..

*Note: Actual dialogue is in Mandarin*

Dialogue about Discussions of "Fa Lun Gong Part One":
Step: Do u know what is Fa Lun Gong's Highest Level (最高境界)?
Kira™: Erm.. Duno.. What is it?
Step: The Secret to Fa Lun Gong's Highest Level is..
Kira™: Is what?
Step: The sky will drop a "Wheel" down..
Kira™: ......

*Few mins later.. I drew something on the paper.. I showed it to Step..*

Dialogue about Discussions of "Fa Lun Gong Part Two":
Kira™: Do u know what is the "Name" of Fa Lun Gong Highest Level called?
Step: Duno.. *Shaking head*
Kira™: Did u see this pic?
Step: Ya.. Why?
Kira™: This pic reveals the Secret to Fa Lun Gong Highest Level..
Kira™: And it's called "Tian Xia Da Lun (天下大轮)!!"
Step: ......
Kira™: Muwahahahaha.. >_<~


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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