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Sunday, July 16, 2006

So the Chalet finali ended.. I was roaming ard the first day fetching Yol and den went down to Ag's place.. Where we stayed up for a while and den when to an industrial park at AMK to find Ag's ahma.. Her ahma will be preparing beehoon and fried rice.. When we are abt to leave to look for Cl at his place.. I drove towards the exit.. A guy was walking and he din realized that I'm all the while moving slowly behind him.. He reali deserve to be knock down.. Even the roads belong to the industrial park and he is a worker there.. That does not imply the road belong to him.. I stopped by his side and he still duno.. Was so frustrated.. Until he knock into my bonnet den he realized.. And show me the signal of apologizing.. Zzz..

Grilling the wings and pork chop is definitely my fav job.. After the eating.. At 2200hrs sharp we will be having uniform cosplay.. LoLz.. Sounds kinda fetish.. But it was reali damn fun.. Watching everyone in their sec schs uniforms.. Jc uniforms.. And other uniforms.. From gal guides to nerdy sch boys to Tkd Gi.. And of cuz military uniforms too.. Well.. I definitely threw mine sec schs uniforms away le.. And I not from jc.. So no uniforms too.. And poly dun have uniforms also.. So my uniform will be home clothes.. Wahahaha.. And Cl wanna whacked me for that.. In the end I brought my number three and number four there.. And Joel said I look gd in number four.. Wahahaha.. Yea.. I tot tat too.. >_<~ And so the medals presenting ceremony is done with everyone in their own and unique uniforms..

We have waterbombs battle at the coast.. It was fun.. I headshot Jc and Noel.. Muwahahaha.. Long time no cs le.. LoLz.. And the one I kena from Jeremy is reali veri painful.. Straight to the chest.. Ppl walking past will kinda see us like kids.. Running and throwing like mad.. And they are so bad loh.. All aimed me.. Threw me into the sea.. Nehneh de.. And one by one becum victims.. Hahaha..

At Changi V.. One of the must do things is to go see bapoks.. So we set off ard 0400hrs which is the peak time where there will be most bapoks ard.. We walked past one of the grp of bapoks.. And one of them said loudly.. The red one is cute.. The blue one is cute too.. I tot what sia.. The bapok is saying me and Cl loh.. We wore red and blue respectively.. Yucks.. Anyway the bapoks always kena whacked by cdo.. Cuz Hendon camp is juz nearly oni.. That why they are always scared of the cdo.. LoLz..

U knw how sad one can be when u saw ur frenz breaking down in front of u.. And when u feel that u wan to help but u are juz so much limited in ur ability.. Juz like wat Mike said.. "Promises - Made by boys.. Fulfilled by men.. Broken by jackasses.."

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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