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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It was kinda frustrating when u heard that Starhub tried to block the satellite signal from M'sia to SG for World Cup (WC).. I mean who the hell are they to commit such acts.. Do they have the rights or not in the first place.. First of all I feel that those who subsribed ESPN channel should have the privileges to watch WC.. Cuz it's a sports channel after all.. And to make things worst.. In order to watch WC in SCV u need to subscribe another special channel for WC.. WTF is this loh..

Happy Bday to my bro yest.. Rae was so sweet cuz she planned to give my bro a surprise.. So two days before the actual day she sms me to plot the event.. And today is our great Mike's bday.. Been part of our crew.. He always seem so cheeky and motivating to us.. NUS's gal team approached us to help them took a group photo.. So YP and Mike went to help them.. Juz as they finished taking.. We started to sing bday song for Mike.. Haha.. And it becum louder and louder.. Ironically the NUS gals joined in the singing too.. LoLz.. So paiseh for Mike.. Even the ironman like Mike also blushed.. Haha..

Heard from Ivy that her bf kena revoked license for 13 mths.. I was so curious so I asked her why.. She told me that her bf on duty beat red light with the red rhino.. Hmm.. I was wondering that if it's an emergency how cum can't beat red light.. Actuali the punishment her bf get is kinda harsh.. Cuz if a normal civilian beating the red light wun get license revoked unless consecutive offenders.. For civilians maybe juz a fine and demerit points.. But of all traffic offences.. Beating red light is viewed as the most serious form of offences compared to speeding etc.. Cuz the price one has to pay is a high demerit points of min eight points and it can go as high as duno how many points..

And few weeks before was in sch for training.. Happened to saw our ex-classmate Felicia.. She was in sch studying for exam.. Unlike the RMIT and UOL all finished and enjoying their holiday.. She told me that Ivy accompanied her to study and Ivy was studying for Sem five stuff le.. I was like wow!! So fast meh.. Sch haven even started yet leh.. Anyway our holiday is ending soon.. And I seem dun reali have the time to enjoy it.. Haiz.. But my sacrifices for this holiday is reali bopian one.. Or should I say I do not have any choices.. As I mentioned long time ago about the principle of equal trade.. One cannot gain anything without sacrifices.. In order to create something else that's of equal value.. One must give in something of same value to the former..

The last sea training was a memorable one for me.. And I feel the most satisfied among all I had before.. The words JS said.. The encouragement he gave.. All these juz deeply engraved in my mind.. Glad I was in sweat and the tears in my eyes seem like juz some yawning of tiredness.. I duno why I becum so sentimental..

I feel damn stupid today loh.. Anyway this is what happened.. Today I was on my way to Stadium Road.. Hmm.. I was at the road juz beside Suntec.. It was red light so I waited for the green to go.. Well.. The moment it turned green and the right turning arrow showed red.. Zoom.. Off I go.. But I realized why no car followed me to go off leh.. Den I quickly braked cuz I tot that the green light is not for me.. Aiyo den in the end it's the left lorry slow in moving off.. While the right lane vehicle can't move off cuz of that red arrow loh.. Scared me loh.. I tot I beat red light.. Nehneh one.. Ppl behind must tot I crazy or trying to be funny loh.. Cuz I braked near the yellow box but not yet in.. LoLz.. Cuming to think of it I reali damn gong..

Today at Stadium saw Campus Superstar Champion Zhiyang and also the pretti gal Teresa.. They are there for NDP rehersal ba.. Finali the sixty episodes Da Chang Jin is ending today.. And it clashes with Portugal and Mexico match.. My best technique is switching channels here and there.. Haha.. Today the gals were screaming that JS's lancer got Xiaoqiang in it.. I was like huh? (o_O)" Cockroach!! Hmm.. First time heard cockroach in car.. But why would cockroach wan to make a car their habitat.. Haha.. Funny.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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