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Monday, May 29, 2006

300m of paddling is nothing to some.. But if u ever tried tat for tat non-stop cum and go.. And the number of sets are dependent on the number of crew onboard.. I wondered how many can reali sustain and persevere in the end.. I glad I did it.. And of cuz the rest too.. I was delighted by the comment JS gave us.. It was definitely a motivation for all of us..

I juz saw Amos juz now at TM.. Was there for a movie.. Amos one of the ex-crew.. He was definitely a valuable asset to us.. I was persuading him to return but he reali can't due to work and study at the same time..

When u heard from ur frenz that her dar is flying away to study abroad and will be back for 2yrs.. How will u feel? I definitely feel down for her.. It's 2yrs not few mths.. And of cuz study dun take mths to complete.. This point I truly understand.. So wat I can do now is hope that Heaven can speed up the time and let the luved one return asap..

Will u be in a shock when u heard tat someone holding a impt position in sch Council embezzle the funds? Somemore it abt 1k+ funds.. I was stunned too.. Of cuz I know who embezzled the funds.. The person is asked to step down.. Hmm.. I tot it should be the case of commercial crime.. Haha.. Imagine a team of ppl walked towards that person.. Screening their cards and said "ICAC!!".. U have the right to remain silent.. However watever u said now will be taken to Court as evidence..

I shan't care so much of some stuff rite now.. Even if my frenz probed me abt wat happened.. I wun say much either cuz I know they have eyes to see.. They can judge for themselves.. Now it's not a matter of rite and wrong.. Nor I wan the so-called justice to be done.. It's a matter of principle.. Well said by our forefathers before "Actions speak louder than words.." Speak abt how much one yearn to perform some tasks and in the end it becum a case of "say say" oni? How will u feel? Imagine I promise u something and den I break the promise without any valid reasons.. Will u feel the same as I feel? Sometimes been too nice is juz asking for headaches.. Cuz u will been taken for granted in the end.. Anyway there are other ppl for me to care.. Shouldn't juz keep on holding on to a particular one.. It's time to let go..

Superband results is out.. Tat Xi Ri Feng get in again.. And Amber is the victim.. Who will be the one next round? Well.. Stay tune..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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