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Friday, May 05, 2006

My mum received a letter from the SAF today.. And told me that is it I needa go for ICT again.. I said wtf? Again? I looked at the outside cover.. It says NS Annual Statement.. Hmm.. Dun seem like it leh.. And somemore now all becum electronized le.. If have I should receive a sms loh.. I opened it.. It's not.. Haha.. Juz some money and credit stuff.. Hmm.. I din realised until today that taking IPPT also got allowance pay.. Ly should received soon also.. Haha..

And yest at exam hall.. After the paper.. Sherman was toking to us.. So I asked Eve whether she needa vote or not.. She said no.. Then she asked me whether I need or not.. I said need.. Then she asked me who I vote.. Then I said "投票是密秘的!!" LoLz.. Kena diao by her..

The following are qns oni for those whu din watched Guessx3 juz now.. Clue: All these terms are used when chatting online..

Qns 1: What does 3166 means?
Qns 2: What does the following symbol means? <{=

Let's say a guy or gal is dying.. And he or she juz yearned so much for the person he or she like to say "I like u too".. Given this critical situation will u ppl be a gd person and pretend to say that u like him or her? Or insist by ur principles by saying no?

How I wish that this holiday I can be resting on full time basis.. But seem like I can't le.. Straight after WIL presentation.. The following next week will be intensive training for Regatta.. I looked at the schedule and was shocked.. Hmm.. I understand why so much training.. Cuz Regatta is impt afterall.. The only rest day for me is Mon.. Haiz.. One week seven days.. Needa compromised four days.. The other two days is for other trainings.. Arghhh.. Ok maybe that's called living without regret? Haha.. Maybe..

I have a reali damn interesting webby for u ppl.. Reali veri power loh.. Must see.. It's a live world map.. The map can zoom into SG somemore.. And can find ur house.. Reali.. When I tried to find my house.. I realised SG ain't that small loh.. Keke.. Gd luck to u all for finding ur house..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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