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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today was kinda an exciting day for most ppl.. And the news from tv said so.. Cuz today is the Nomination Day for all the PAP and Opposition Parties like SDA.. SDP.. and WP.. When I saw the news.. I was like wow.. Are the civilians reali so on ar? Early in the morning alreadi went to their respective SMCs and GRCs to support.. I was thinking in SG the PAP definitely has the greatest number of fans than any other asian popstars.. Haha.. Ironic to say that there is no triple threats in any SMCs and GRCs.. Which I feel disappointed in.. Haha.. Maybe the opposition parties set an agreement that they will not pit against one another..

It has generally been assumed that for the first time since 1988.. PAP will not be returned to power on the Nomination Day itself.. And if the past three elections are a yardstick to many.. Should PAP be returning to power again today? Or will it? Anyway there could be a twist in the tale today.. Like what is reported.. This year General Election will be involving the greatest number of ppl of SG.. A simple majority of 43 out of 47 seats are needed to form the government today.. So vote wisely for those who are involved.. Anyway based on juz war cries alone is not enuff to win the battles..

Toking abt war cries.. I believe soon I will start seeing lorries with loud speakers roaming ard screaming.. LoLz.. This reminds me of CNY's atmosphere where the lion dance's crews will be travelling ard SG.. Gonna stuffed my ears with ear plugs.. If not how to study for OTD.. LoLz..

Anyway I seriously hope there wun be any Opposition Parties in my GRC.. So I no need vote and can study PM loh.. But the chance is veri low.. Almost zero.. Reason is becuz it's a GRC.. And almost all GRCs are hot spots area.. No one will give up GRCs so easily unless they are simply not interested in that particular areas..

When the tv screened the logo of which party vs which party.. And the lineup of that particular party.. I reali feel like LOL.. It's machiam like a football match.. See who will win the league.. Haha.. So interesting..

As expected that there will be some areas been walkover by the PAP.. Reasons are simple.. Either the PAP opponents are veri powerful or the opposition are not interested in it.. Areas with Mentor Goh and Lee guarding simply means no need to fight.. Juz like u are a Lvl 1 Hero fighting a Lvl 99 Boss.. LoLz.. There is simply no ways to win.. Unless use cheat codes loh.. Hahaha.. >_<~

This time round oni the East and North is involved in the General Election.. Seem like the Opposition Parties are interested in East more.. I wondered why.. Is it becuz East side is more impt? LoLz.. Maybe.. Or maybe they knw that AU FC elites are all in the East and Northeast? Muwahahaha.. Maybe hor AU FC can join in the election too.. Let's see.. Hmm.. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Haha.. Juz nice to take part in Tampines GRC.. Keke.. Maybe wait for five years for the next election.. Wahahaha..

Have u ppl seen the pizza hut advertisement.. Starring Michelle Chia.. Haha.. Like kinda vague.. Still got part two.. To be continue.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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