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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Imagine u are in the middle of the sea enchanted with heavy rain pouring.. Strong wind blowing.. Big waves fluctuating and lightning striking.. That will be the most exciting journey outta sea for anyone of u.. The fear and fun is something unable to describe unless one go experienced it himself or herself.. Fear of been thrown out of the boat by the strong waves.. Fear of been struck by the lightning any point of time.. Coxson quickly took cover by squatting down.. It's kinda obvious that in the middle of the sea there is nothing for the lightning to strike.. LoLz.. Anyway if our dear coxson kena strike then all of us will kena too.. No horse run..

Ter lead us for a run from HQ.. This run is the most challenging run I ever have before.. The route is from HQ to Suntec.. Then from there run all the way up Shears' Bridge.. It's nice to view scenary from the top of Shears' Bridge.. But to have that.. One needa sacrifice to travel up the steep upward sloping route.. It's not easy to run up a slope.. Esp when u duno where exactly is the end of the slope.. I slowed down and waited for Jef.. But he signalled me to go ahead.. I was reali drained off when I finali reached the peak of the bridge..

Went to Ly's place yest to do Inv.. Took the bus and it jammed all the way.. Damn sianz loh.. If not I alreadi reach Bedok Central early and rendezvous with Sf and Step.. Anyway what exactly happened is becuz of the heavy rain.. And the road there becum flooded.. Some cars juz can't resist the flood.. So they broke down on the road.. And it's not juz one car.. It's a number of them.. Now that explained the jam..

Reaching Bedok.. Went to look for the two of them.. Craving for fried hokkien mee aka "Vomitted Noodles" (Bunn, 2006).. The queue is damn long.. So give up in the end.. While we were eating.. Someone went up to this fried kway teow stall and asked whether got fried bee hoon.. @_@" Wtf loh.. He is obviously trying to be funny.. Well lamers are everywhere..

Rem Yy was asking me who I buying food for.. I din ans him.. Haha.. He said must be buying for gal rite.. LoLz.. Then I said why canot buy for guy? He kinda refuse to believe.. So I told him that if I told him I'm not straight.. Will he believe or not.. He dun believe at first.. Then after walking for some time.. He asked me again.. U reali buying for guy ar? U reali reali not straight ar? Wahahaha.. Damn funny..

The feeling is so nice when u know someone care for ya.. Esp when u will be doing something unpredictable the next day.. For others it might not be dangerous.. But for me it's certainly is.. Hmm.. Let me see how many sms I got from her.. Heee.. And it so warmth when u insist to wait for someone yet she told ya to go rest early.. And she added that if she call me and my voice sounds sleepy.. She will scold me.. Keke.. The feeling is juz like my.. Hahaha.. I dun dare to dream of it also.. =P

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

=) Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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