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Monday, March 20, 2006

Was having Covenant almost whole day yest.. And finali got to Asuka Platform.. Alrite shall call it a day.. Went to piang my OTD.. Deadline alreadi set be our dear leader.. Deadline is motivator (Ly, 2006).. Haha.. Quite true hor.. If no deadline.. Everyone will be slacking like potato liao.. Right now I believe everyone is rushing their OTD also.. If not tomolow will have mass massarce conducted by our leader.. LoLz.. I gonna hide liao.. Keke.. *Digging tunnel at Street 73*

Sherman once again is complaining abt us.. What happened this time round? It's still the same old thing.. Haha.. No food for him loh.. Actuali I also kinda agree with him.. Some of our classmates are like monsters.. Imagine one person can take lotsa food in his or her hand.. Sometimes I understand it's becuz they taking for their frenz also mah.. I dun have any objections for that.. But again there are some ppl that are juz too much.. Even if take for frenz also got limit one.. The snacks there are not freeflow ok!! Pls spare a tot for those that are behind the queue..

The tea today is spoilt.. I wanted to take it.. But Bunn cum and stop me.. Claiming the tea is sour.. I said wow now use goat milk for tea liao ar.. LoLz.. *Lame* But in actual fact the tea is spoilt.. The Megabites manager came into our LT and apologized for that.. And he claimed his ppl took wrongly.. I was wondering what he meant by "took wrongly".. In the first place we are the morning class.. So there shouldn't be any possibility of leftover tea.. Unless it's from yest nite class.. But I doubt so.. My second point is.. If he said took wrongly.. Then does he meant that the sour tea is dedicated for some other grp? So contradicting loh.. Anyway he promised in exchange he will give us more "powerful" snacks next time.. I juz feel that he is sending the nice snacks for this afternoon class.. Thinking that it's the same class in the morning.. =/

Sherr was saying that why I din take bus with Bunn and Hm.. I said they going swimming leh.. Ly said ya also.. But Sherr said Hm going Bunn's place.. Huh? o_O? And Sherr is rite.. Why I say so? Cuz I missed both buses back home.. So I decided to walk back instead.. And when I'm near Starlight zone.. I saw Bunn and Hm walking from opp bstop.. Haha.. This is what I called "Yuan Fen" aka fate.. I also can't believe with my own eyes.. And when I saw the green familiar top.. Haha.. I know it's them..

So we went to Bunn usual hideout to settle down.. Haha.. Usual hideout huh.. Keke.. We bought some snacks to eat.. I saw this candy in a barrel.. I was kinda attracted to it.. When I first read it.. I read it as "Super Squirrel".. Then I wowed myself.. So unique sia the name.. Then I noticed the packaging dun look like squirrel leh.. So I read again.. In the end it's "Super Barrel" instead.. Not I blind or colourblind.. But anyone who first glanced it will tot it's "Super Squirrel" loh.. Hm also agree that it do like "Super Squirrel" instead of "Super Barrel"..

This week schedule is damn packed for me.. Tomolow will be having a veri impt date.. And Wed needa chiong Inv and Winning 11.. Oops.. *Ly hiding his ps2* Haha.. Thurs and Fri have courses to attend.. Fri nite itself needa attend party.. Sat has Ippt and Inv.. Sun might have activation for Healthway.. Gosh.. So many things.. And that's life mah.. Enjoy ourselves while we can mah..

I was nearly blushed to death when ppl popped such a hypothetical qns for me to ans.. Somemore in front of someone I know.. I duno how to react.. I duno what to say.. And I duno what to do.. I juz wish I can a mute for that split seconds.. Of cuz I know yes means yes while no means no.. And what's so difficult to give either yes or no.. To me it's difficult.. Esp with someone around.. Maybe I'm juz trying to avoid ba..

Today kena a few assaults from three ppl.. First time is when OTD lesson is over.. Cuz din get to sign the attendance.. So I went down to sign it with my clique.. Outta nowhere someone poked me with a pen.. LoLz.. Scared me.. Heng I immune to tickle attack.. I turned over and saw Xh.. Haha.. It's her.. And then she interrogated me with some stuffs again.. Keke..

Second time is when I wanted to sign liao.. Was signing for Sf also.. Then Eve came over.. Say I cut queue.. Haha.. Got meh.. Eve was asking my name is Sf meh? *Fainted* Eve ar Eve.. Haha.. Not noticing anything.. The tip of the pen poked me again.. Xhhhhh!!! Wahahahaha..

Third time is when Ly and I were leaving the LT.. I saw the door handle ring falls off.. So I took it out.. During this time Bunn was chatting on phone.. So I went over to match the ring on her ears.. LoLz.. And kena her 45 degree kick.. *Pain* But the ring suits her leh.. Keke..

Fourth time is when we decided to leave for canteen.. Jenn and Van walked over.. Jenn wanted to say something.. But before Jenn managed to say anything.. I said juz now playing twisting of hand veri shiok hor.. Then she said how I know!! And straight came two slaps from her to my arm.. Haha.. I was all the while observing at what Van was doing leh.. Is that magic? Haha who knows.. But it's indeed interesting.. Juz a pen and two hands can reali do such wonder ar..

I believe almost everyone is jumping over Chelsea's defeat.. Haha.. Though I'm not into EPL or any other league.. But I was happy too.. That Mr Arrogant still dare to say it's the referee's fault.. Well done Fulham.. ^^

Juz fin watching Campus Superstar.. Haha.. That two gals Clara and Teresa are damn sweet leh.. Keke.. =P But of cuz it's comparing btwn vocal skills rather than looks mah.. But honestly I feel a person's look also earn some points loh.. Well.. That's what I say reality.. Like their complexion alot.. Those tanned type.. Heee.. The guys I think I only like Zhiyang.. He those that dun act seh one.. Gd..

Right now I was wishing that tomolow will cum soon.. I was waiting for some unexpected surprises.. Lalalala.. Hmm.. Let's see what should I wear tomolow.. Maybe wear as usual? Maybe wear couples' wear? Heeee.. So excited that I can't slp.. Shall force myself to study PM asap since this week and next week is full of motivators for me.. I have one tomolow.. I have one on Fri.. And I have one on next Tues..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Motivated Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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