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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

As the Window draws closer.. How I wish I can dun take the torturing test.. But then this time round will be totally different cuz I got new companies.. LoLz.. As usual Sf will be going.. But this time Ly will be going too.. How abt Steph leh? Hehe.. Alrite my kakis.. Take note of the following announcement of the dates and time available at 6SIR..

04th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
07th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
08th Mar Wed 1700hrs-2100hrs
09th Mar Thur 1700hrs-2100hrs
11th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
14th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
15th Mar Wed 1700hrs-2100hrs
16th Mar Thur 1700hrs-2100hrs
18th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
21th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
25th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs

Hmm.. Think u ppl also wan morning rite? So it's only Sat liao.. Morning air better.. No sun.. Haha.. Can enjoy the run.. Eh Ly.. U tell me what are ur choices after u see this ba.. Then we take the best possible date.. As for Sf.. No need ask him.. He will definitely follow us.. LoLz..

Ok as for the training cuming nxt week.. We will see how it goes.. Maybe can go Tamp Stadium trial out.. See whether can pass the min standard 1220min.. LoLz.. Should be can ba.. I have faith in us.. Wakakaka.. =P

Back to today event.. Today PM.. The lecturer was saying "sausage".. So I tot he pronounced wrong again.. So I started to laugh.. Hey but in the end it's me that's wrong.. I asked Ly.. "Sau-Sage" or "Sau-Tage".. Ly said the former.. Oh gosh.. Then I always pronounced as "Sau-Tage".. LMAO.. *Faint*

And the lecturer said something like.. Oh for the test.. Majority did well.. In Class B.. Quite a number scored full marks.. Which mean 20/20.. And he added.. However those that din scored full marks one.. Scored 19 and below.. LoLz.. Of cuz din scored full marks one will score 19 and below lah.. ROFL.. Like what Ly said.. Arbo then scored 21/20 meh.. Wahahaha.. That Mr L reali damn funny.. Why called him Mr L? It's becuz Steph said he can't pronounce words with "L" in it.. Such as Billion.. Million.. Supply and etc..

For those who have seen the video on "Boring Guard Duty".. Do u ppl think it's real? One thing is for sure that the person use hp to take the video.. However it's a fact that using hp to take video.. There is no way to edit the video at all even if the video is converted into mpeg file in computer.. So how the sound of that "thing" cum in.. And what that "shadow" lurking over the camp gate.. Ly replied said he only saw sort of cardboard thing.. While Sherry din dare to continue seeing after she heard that "thing" laughing voice..

I observed whether that "shadow" is there in the first place.. Conclusion is no.. It's only so called appeared after the sentry indian 3SG said "WTF is that sound".. Blah blah blah.. No doubt it's from SG camp.. As for which camp got no idea.. Juz one suspicious point.. If one reali saw that kind of "thing" will they run away straight away without doing anything? Or will they run away while maintaining shooting that "thing" with the hp.. Kinda arguable loh.. A fully sensible person will run away without thinking.. So the former is more rational than the latter.. But from the video.. It seems that they continued shooting the scene as they run away.. Weird rite? Aiya but who knows.. Whether real or fake.. Only they themselves know..

Today see Jenn sitting alone above.. So asked her why she din go down sit with Jd and Kw they all.. She said came late loh.. Hmm.. But I always seen her sitting above during all Class B's PM classes leh.. Can't be everytime also late mah.. And she said I see her lonely then why nvr go over and sit with her.. Haaa.. Aiya cuz the lecture is alreadi going on liao.. Can't be I take my notes and go up.. Confirm alot of eyes staring at me.. Actuali hor I was reali tempt to go over and joined her.. Heee.. Hmm.. Why ar.. Becuz it's an honour to sit with her.. Juz like Sam.. Also an honour to sit with her too.. But probably is becuz of the top she wear made me wanna go over and sit with her.. Her top looks like Juventus jersey.. Haha.. But I know it's not.. Or maybe the aura she possesses.. Hehe.. Anyway hor.. If I go up then Ly will be lonely below.. LoLz.. I gonna push the blame to the two heroes that din cum for lecture today.. Owned up.. LoLz.. No wonder so spacious ard us.. *Winkz*

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Smiling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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