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Monday, February 27, 2006

Whether remarks are made unintentionally or intentionally.. The genuine remarks are always the casual one.. I believe this is reali true.. But how can one made remarks which are genuine without hurting the other party? Even the sophisticated ppl can't promise they can achieve that.. Cuz not everyone have the same level of tolerance.. The reaction one perceives from the other party might not be the same for another party.. Anyway what I feel is.. Think before speaking.. Think of what is the consequences.. Etc..

Was talking to xh yest nite.. Her frenz say she seem to put on weight le.. And it came from a guy.. That's why her nick say.. "I must start exercising!!!".. LoLz.. And she said dun go observe my fats hor.. Wahahaha.. Damn cute!! I can't stop laughing.. And so I purposely said.. Now that u remind me hor.. I think I will try to observe.. Wakakakaka.. >_<~ But frankly speaking.. She where got put on weight.. Her frenz blind huh? Well.. Maybe few years ago she did look different to her frenz ba.. Juz read abt xh's entry on how Drew celebrated bday with her.. So sweet sia.. He sang a sweet sweet song for her.. The best a guy can ever do is giving surprise at a time where the gal know that he wun be accompanying her due to some unforeseenable circumstances.. That disappointment is so overwhelming that she feel so down.. Anyway glad that Drew made it in the end.. At least Heaven is kind enuff to spare him some time.. *Glad* Seeing xh so happy is also a happy thing for me.. Cuz at least I know that there is one less unhappy event in the world..

Tomolow will be having P/M test 1.. Hopefully will not be tricky.. Hard.. Pattern pattern.. And that's all words I could use to describe.. Although oni 20 qns and an hour paper.. But to me that 20 qns are always damn hard.. And no matter how many times I studied and revised.. It's still the same.. Then Steph always like to tease by saying how many times I studied le.. Then he will add.. 你读了"N"百遍 liao rite.. LoLz.. Anyway gd luck to all the ppl I knw.. Ad.. Aly.. Bun.. Cas.. Cin.. Cy.. Col.. Eric.. Eve.. Jenn.. Joy.. Ly.. Man.. Mx.. Paul.. Pink.. Raz.. R3.. Sf.. Steph.. Tif.. Wm.. Xf.. Xh.. Xx.. Yj.. Yt.. Zoe.. And the list goes on.. Blah blah blah.. All the best.. *Ganbatte*

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Glad Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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