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Friday, February 24, 2006

Useful insight into the male psyche.. Hehe..


At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down.. Finally the guys' side of the story.. I must admit.. It's pretty good.. We ALWAYS hear "The rules" from the female side.. Now here are the rules from the male side..

These are our rules!!
Please note.. These are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!!

1. Men ARE not mind readers..

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.. U're a big girl.. If it's up.. Put it down.. We need it UP.. U need it DOWN.. U dun hear us complaining about u leaving it DOWN..

1. Sunday sports.. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.. Let it be..

1. Shopping is NOT a sport.. And no.. We are nvr going to think of it that way..

1. Crying is blackmail..

1. Ask for what u want.. Let us be clear on this one.. Subtle hints do not work!! Strong hints do not work!! Obvious hints do not work!! Juz say it!!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question..

1. Come to us with a problem only.. If u want help solving it.. That's what we do.. Sympathy is what ur girlfriends are for..

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem.. See a doctor..

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.. In fact.. All comments becum null and void after 7 days..

1. If u wun dress like the Victoria's Secret girls.. Dun expect us to act like soap opera guys..

1. If u think u're fat.. U probably are.. Dun ask us..

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes u sad or angry.. We meant the other one..

1. U can either ask us to do something.. Or tell us how you want it done.. Not both.. If u already know best how to do it.. Juz do it urself..

1. Whenever possible.. Please say whatever u have to say during commercials..

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we..

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors.. Like Windows default settings Peach.. For example.. Is a fruit.. Not a color.. Pumpkin is also a fruit.. We have no idea what mauve is..

1. If it itches.. It will be scratched.. We do that..

1. If we ask what is wrong and u say "nothing".. We will act like nothing's wrong.. We know u are lying.. But it's juz not worth the hassle..

1. If u ask a question u dun want an answer to.. Expect an answer u dun want to hear..

1. When we have to go somewhere.. Absolutely anything u wear is fine.. Reali..

1. Dun ask us what we're thinking about unless u are prepared to discuss such topics as football.. Automobiles.. Or golf..

1. U have enough clothes..

1. U have too many shoes..

1. I am in shape.. Round IS a shape!!

1. Thank you for reading this.. Yes.. I know.. I have to sleep on the couch tonight.. But did u know men reali dun mind that? It's like camping..

Well.. Well.. After I read it.. Realised some of it is kinda true.. Then again whether it is the rules of gal or guy.. It juz dun matter.. Becuz by nature.. Gal and guy coexist together.. The actual fact behind the coexistance is to live peacefully with one another.. It juz dun matter whether it's the gal's rules that are dominant or is it the guy's rules that are more.. At the end of the day.. They still need each other..

24 FEB 2006

And today had our veri first meeting on Project Amoral.. Location is my place.. In the end.. The meeting ended up playing games.. LoLz.. Aiya.. Dun say until we are so slacked.. We got studied PM one hor.. Well.. Maybe ninety percent is playing and ten percent doing work loh.. LoLz.. Watching the fun mahjong show.. Laughed till beng loh.. Looking forward to Shadow Hearts later.. Hehehe.. Slacking again.. So sinful!!

22/23 FEB 2006

Yest was reali a great day for me.. Why? Becuz I went to find DD as I promised.. And we went out for awhile only.. Cuz later at evening had to go for HMG training.. Was kinda looking forward to it.. I told DD that later maybe can hold Sam's hand cuz finger pricking must hold hand one mah.. Hehe.. And DD said I se.. LoLz..

Well.. Sam is my all time idol mah.. So holding her hand definitely is my pleasure mah.. Cuz second chance dun cum by easily.. And I jolly know this FACT deep inside my heart.. Anyway there always some ppl that dun cherish the opportunity they have in their hands.. And when it slip away then regret.. What for!! It's juz too late.. A well known chinese saying "早知今日.. 何必当初.." And DD was complaining why I din say I wanna hold her hand.. LoLz.. Of cuz can't mah.. If can I also wan leh.. Heee.. Oops!!

Anyway the pricking is fun.. Fun at the expense of other pain.. LoLz.. Poor Ly kena pricked so many times.. The last time is the most painful one.. And Sher juz give it to him.. One.. Two.. Two and a half.. Three.. *Fire* LoLz.. And when I saw how Yy handled Ed's hand.. I wanna laughed.. Where got ppl like that pricked and squeezed blood one.. LoLz.. Poor Ed nearly have his hand twisted.. I pricked Yy.. And Ed pricked me.. Rotation of everyone.. Sam and Van one team.. Haiz.. No chance to grab Sam's hand liao loh.. But nvm.. I still get to hold Jenn's hand.. Hehe.. My plan is to hold both of their hands.. Wahahaha.. *Greed*

The last PM lesson was so fun that whenever I see the notes.. I wanna ROFL loh.. Reali can't help it.. And the most funny thing is what Xh did.. It was during break that I saw her.. I saw her and she saw me.. I smiled to her.. So did she.. She walked down the stairs of the LT with tea and snacks.. And with my back facing her.. She keep coughing alot of times behind me.. *Ahem* x10.. LoLz.. I know what she meant.. Teasing me loh.. Hehe.. But I was reali veri happy and glad with it.. Hmm.. Duno why also.. Then she stood behind me while waiting for Eve and Jac.. I stopped myself from turning over.. Cuz wait I turned over my seat and faced her.. She might teased me till my face turned red.. Heee.. =P

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Giggling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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