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Sunday, March 05, 2006

First of all.. I would like to thank everyone who have voted for my dear nephew Hy.. Heee.. He got the champion.. Haha.. Reali I can't believe my eyes and ears.. Special thankz to Yujia and DD.. My special supporters.. We shall share the prize.. Hehehe.. =P

Inv suxs loh.. Reali duno what the hell is all those weird stuffs.. Zzz.. Arghhh.. Only left 4days to test.. Hopefully like what Mok said.. If duno juz put the ans as "d".. Well.. I guess I will believe him.. The most funny thing is he said if all put "d" can make a pass.. Wahahaha.. Alrite.. Shall hiong liao lah.. Go Go Go!!

Does heart moves? I guess it do.. Esp in term of r/s.. Does anyone has the feeling of liking someone so deeply that u can't live without that person? There is bound a proportion of ppl are like that.. Another scenario is u dun have feelings for the person at first.. But as time passes u started to like that person.. Last scenario is u like the person but the feelings faded as the person ignored u.. Whichever the category u might be in now.. Juz be true to urself and believe that u are choosing the right path..

For me I guess I have gone through all the three trials before.. Whether it's for gd or bad.. I have learned some lessons from it.. The cycle from happiness to sadness.. And from disappointment to heartache.. All these emotions juz kept invading me even until now..

I always agree with BB that secretly like a person is better than declaring I like that person.. The reason is becuz I can be juz as xingfu as other couples.. Deceiving myself in hope that the person might also like me.. Right ppl? I believe everyone did such things before too.. Another reason is the hopes I see in that person.. She can give me hopes and chances intentionally or even unintentionally.. Even though I know it's false hope.. But the thing is.. There is no winner in this game until the veri last moment.. And so the mistake I made caves in and everything come to an end.. Finali checkmate for me..

They always said a person only live for a lifetime.. Unless there is reali future reincarnation.. So I feel that what I did is right afterall.. At least I know it's not a moment of folly.. And it's NOT a substitution of another person.. This is NOT a soccer match or whatever sports which allow substitution.. Anyway at least I have not let myself down in whichever ways.. Trying the best is the best one can do.. If reali put in all I have.. Then even if loses also wun regret.. Battle of r/s is fair and square.. Like what Shishio said before.. In the end.. It's only the fittest that survives.. If u are strong u live.. If u are weak u die.. And that's the veri truth..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Pondering Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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