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Friday, March 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Joy!!

PM is fun on Wed.. Mr L said his eyesight can only see far not near.. Unless he wear goggles.. LoLz.. WTF? Goggles? Lame to a great extent.. And he said abt the second test thingy.. He said second test will be on topic 4 to 6.. He said will be abit hard compared to the first one.. And he added.. As we all know.. Topic one two three is topic one two three.. LoLz.. Forever lame..

Saw Kelvin on Wed itself.. Chatted with him during teabreak.. The last time I saw him is at the Tsunami Fundraising at Teck Ghee CC with Yt and the rest.. He was there with his ppl playing basketball.. Anyway he said I like becum hot chap among the ppl liao hor.. Well.. Is it? Nvr realised also.. Haaa.. Claiming that I not like last time so quiet liao.. Ya I agree to that.. Ppl do change somehow.. Whether change for gd or bad.. I think I change for gd ba.. And he said is xXx my gf.. Wahahaha.. Yea I wish she is.. But too bad..

Again Mr L said that the sample of qns of the second test mcqs is below.. So later go grab one and zap it.. Again it's limited copies.. Last time is Ly go grabbed so this time round I go grabbed.. Went to Lib to zap it.. Thinking zapping juz for our ppl.. So I think a while should I give my copy to ***.. So that their grp no need to go grab.. Been totful for other ppl always get one nowhere.. And everything I did I dun ask for whatever payback in whichever form.. I juz wanna do my part as a frenz.. That's all.. Nothing more or less..

If dun wan juz said dun wan.. Or juz said it's ok we can get for ourselves.. Must one says "U got printed xtra copy is it?" What is the meaning of this? Am I so cheapo? Only have xtra then I give ppl? Since when I'm this type of person to u? I always learn from my mum that dun ever give food that u can't fin to other ppl.. Cuz it's rude.. It's juz like pitying that person.. Same goes for this.. I rather use that xtra copy as rough paper if I have one.. If not I juz throw it away.. Must I go to that extend of giving it to ppl juz becuz I have an xtra copy and I dun wan to waste it? Even when I saw Jenn.. I asked her whether she have it.. If no then I helped her zap one copy.. Simple as that.. Now it's like whatever I do I like have a motive for it.. Whatever loh.. I wun bother to think for some ppl again.. *Pissed*

Had a veri long chat with Jenn on Wed nite.. Woo.. Shiok.. But her that pic reali scare me out.. The eye of hers.. Her frenz uses those professional cam to take for her one.. Veri scary lah.. We chatted abt her from Sem one till now.. The evolution she and Sam made.. She made my day for that nite.. Esp when I'm so pissed off on that day itself.. Was reali fun and happy toking to her..

Went to sch today.. Although paper is in the evening.. But we meet early for revision.. Bus 74 was damn cramped.. Full of students.. Alighting at sch.. Walked towards the way to find the rest.. Din realised *** is in front of me.. Anyway I feel that *** did saw me.. Maybe I'm wrong.. Anyway my policy is veri simple.. If someone pretend not to see me.. I will also.. That's the most sensible alternative.. Anyway juz the day before.. When Ly.. Steph and me is boarding the bus.. *** is alighting also.. But again I feel *** is pretending not to see us.. But again I might be wrong.. The analysis I made is.. Ppl inside the bus can see clearly who is outside the bus.. Unlike ppl from outside the bus.. They can't see clearly what is inside of the bus.. Theoretically it's true.. Even if it's put into practical it's also damn true..

And I believe whatever I do.. I dun need to explain myself to ppl.. Cuz I dun own them an explanation at all.. Simple as that.. If someone wan to question me.. Fine with me.. But when I give the explanation.. He or she better jolly well believe it.. If he or she dun believe it.. Then ask me in the first place for what.. Might as well dun ask.. I juz feel like dedicating Point of Authority for these ppl..

And today finali fin our Inv paper.. Hmm.. Soso ba.. At least the tips is useful afterall.. Nvrtheless juz hope to tikum correct ans loh.. Yest went to FS 85 for supper after Inv class.. While today went to FS 85 again.. This time round is to celebrate the paper over.. Steph reali damn jialat leh.. Illegal crossing of road when the lights is alreadi red.. LOLz.. I was wondering why Sf said heng he nvr dashed the traffic in the next junction.. Cuz there is red light cam there.. If dash confirm tio liao.. At first I tot Sf din know he dashed the traffic.. But the case turn out to be he know abt it.. Haha.. I tot only I know nia.. Then Steph said why I know din stop him.. Actuali Steph is subconciously dashing the traffic thinking that it's green.. Somemore in front of the police station.. LoLz.. Must be challenging the police.. Haha.. =P

Ly.. Sf and Steph sensed that something is wrong with me.. From the period when I left the toilet.. I started keeping silent.. I mean can see one.. When someone is not right.. Ppl ard him can feel it too.. They keep probing me what happened.. I also duno why.. I think maybe it's the effect of missing someone u cared.. That's what I can said ba.. Discussed with someone before that caring for someone dun reali need to say it out verbally.. Sweet and simple things one did for that person is enuff to show the care and concern..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Normal Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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