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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Alrite juz a quick blogging on what happened today.. Anyway today is our first meeting for Inv at Ly's place.. And I seriously made a fool of myself.. Sf and me reached Ly's place.. So I called Ly and he said he will come down and fetched us.. Waiting for some time and Sf said why not go up ourselves.. And so I think a while.. Ok so off we go.. And on the way up.. I duno which floor.. It's either fifth or seventh..

So I called Ly's home again.. This time round a gal picked up the phone.. Cuz I know Sherry was at Ly's place also.. So I tot that gal speaking on the phone is Sherry.. And I said "Eh Sherry.. Ly leh?" The gal replied he's not around.." And so the conversation is Sherry here and there.. Without realising that the gal is Nana loh.. *Fainted*

But I duno why I came to such confidence that she is Sherry.." I kept on toking and toking without giving Nana a chance to explain.. LoLz.. Until one point when Nana said that she is not Sherry.. And I said dun bluff lah.. LoLz.. She said Ly and Sherry went down alreadi.. OMG.. And when I saw another incoming call from Ly.. I know for myself that.. Oh NOoo!! That gal is reali Nana.. *Knock my head* Nana came out of the house and saw Sf and me.. I was so paiseh.. Kept saying sorry sorry.. Haha.. And that stupid Sf kept luffing non stop.. And Nana said to Ly "Kor.. My voice reali sound like Sherry meh?" Haha.. >_<~

And so I finali book for my test le.. So does Ly.. And that Sf.. Win liao.. I wanna book for him too.. And when I tried to book.. It says pls book for ur RT.. LoLz.. I luff till beng.. So it means this time round only Ly and me will be taking for our window..

Yest I wanna type "大长今" in my msn one.. But I type wrongly and it became "大肠今".. LoLz.. In English it means "Big intestine".. Wahahaha.. I think Ly and Steph were saying that their family alreadi watched fin the show.. And now kinda watching the third time..

And today watched a funny show at Ly's place.. I rem got one part when four fellows intro themselves.. And two of them said they are from Cambridge Uni.. And so the Cambrige fellows asked the other two fellows which Uni they are from.. As we know that "U" is short form of "University".. The other two duno what to say.. So in the end they replied "Oh we are from Fuck U.." Wahahaha.. So funny loh.. >_<~

The exciting moment for today.. And I reali enjoyed myself.. Winning Eleven is so fun when there are alot of ppl playing.. The four of us versus com is so fun.. No matter what we are still the Amoral United FC.. LoLz.. The first match lost becuz of me.. Cuz I failed to score that penalty.. Damn it.. Haiz.. Then Steph kept saying walau u erxin lah.. Penalty also can't score.. =/

Anyway the second match onwards I tried to compensate for the mistake I made le.. Pass here and there.. Shoot and shoot.. And unknowingly I had becum the so called saviour of our team.. So tyco that I scored quite a number of goals.. And we finali got to the final.. But lost in the end.. Anyway I glad that we had so much fun and laughter.. After which we went for our dinner.. And then Ly send us home..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Smiling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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