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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Shall say abt today event.. Reveilled at 0555hrs.. In fact automatically wake up at 0545hrs.. Set off from home.. Drove to Ly's place.. Haha.. Ly asked me to bring banana.. But I dun have.. Juz like what Xh said.. Banana is a high energy food.. And almost all sports person took it before any event.. Juz a boost of power.. But I believe in creatine more.. LoLz..

Reaching Maju.. Went to register.. Saw Bunn's frenz.. Yz.. Went up the hall.. Do stretching.. Juz dun feel having enuff warmup.. 1st station: Shuttle run.. 2nd station: Situp.. 3rd station: SBJ.. 4th station: Chinups.. Last station no need say.. Everyone also know it's the most difficult hurdle to cross.. Actuali performance this time round is not much different from my last window last year.. Well.. Slacking alot.. But I promised myself to achieve the timing I had before.. At least before I grad.. No pain no gain.. Like what Law of Alchemy says "One can only achieve something if he or she put in the amount of effort in return.." And that's the basic principle of equal trade.. Yes it's reali true..

Actuali I think Ly and me did well in the static stations.. But when it cums to the running.. Kinda misperformed.. Any way when the run started.. I juz ran as normal.. Not like last time so fast.. But it's only the first 400m.. And I feel there's a sharp pain occurring at my abdominal area.. I know that it liao.. So fast pain means I can't last long.. What a joke to the rest if I fall out now.. Merely 400m only.. I wan to raise the white flag.. Worst thing is I saw the medic vehicle beside me.. What a huge temptation!! Nvrtheless still piang my way through.. I duno what strive me on.. Juz before the anything commence.. Ly asked me what persevered me to go on.. Hmm.. Actuali for me I think what led me on is becuz of the ppl I like and luv.. I think of them when my determination depleted.. And for today.. I juz think of someone I like.. And so that determination to run for that someone juz gushed through the mind and body..

Anyway I'm glad that I cleared the window before I totally becum CAT Y.. Haha.. Old liao loh.. Today is my last CAT X window.. Will miss it loh.. Keke.. Anyway been old is nothing to worry abt also.. Everyone will go through this stage.. Maybe CAT Y is much easier to achieve the 400bucks.. Heee.. =P That time can't get more money is becuz SBJ lacks of 4cm.. Today can't get more money is becuz exceeds 2secs.. @_@" Sianz.. Nvm.. I will take again with Ly some time in May ba.. That will be after my bday where the new window reopened again for abt me..

Ok now for yest event.. Went to Tiffy's party.. Went to meet Ly and Sherry at his place.. I followed Ly's vehicle as closely as possible.. But somehow I failed to catch up with him due to the huge number of vehicles on the road.. I can't imagine this area is so jammed.. But I juz tried to maintain my sight on his vehicle.. In the end still managed to catch up.. Reaching Aranda.. We went to look for the bday gal.. Yup.. And Su Ann opened the door for us.. The rest were behind bbqing.. Almost the whole grp of Zoe is here.. And Max that grp is here too.. Yt arrived with Chan Ru and Kharmaine.. Finali the cake is been cutted.. And then the rest all stayed inside to play mahjong.. Two tables of mahjong.. Wow.. All also know how to play.. For Chan Ru and Kharmaine I think must be Yt teach them one ba.. King of Mahjong mah.. LoLz.. Anyway.. Ly.. Sherry.. Yt and me went out to eat food.. Din reali have food.. So I ate up Kharmaine's food.. Same goes for Chan Ru.. Kaixin and Winston's food.. The rest of us juz attacked their food.. Keke.. Well.. We are doing a gd deed in fact.. Ants are roaming liao mah.. So we save the food by protecting them from the ants..

Today having Mok's lecture.. Was slping throughout the lecture.. Today only got Ly and me.. Steph and Sf din cum.. So Ly must be damn bored cuz I zzz throughout.. Except when Mok said lame jokes that woke me up.. Haha.. Ok today he said why ppl dun wan to use DHL for delivery.. And the ans is DHL stands for Delivery Halfway Lost!! *Lame*

Was darn tired now.. Ly must be too.. Haha.. And the thing is we gotta work tomolow at 140 TP West.. Sianz.. Anyway it's doing a form of community work also.. Although Jenn is stationed at TP Central CC while Sam is not activated at all.. Haix.. But I juz hope it will be juz as fun.. How I wish I stationed at TP CCC.. Anyway should be grateful that the first assignment is at home ground.. Haha.. Home ground advantage.. Keke..

I think I still have some stuffs to write on.. But I juz can't rem.. Think time to KO le.. I shall continue next time..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Shag Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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