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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finali had our PM test today.. Went to pick up the number card.. And it happened to be behind Eve.. I walked past and said dun slp liao lah.. Haha.. She woke up.. We started chatting non stop.. I was telling her abt Aaron wanna mao her cuz she always parked at the handicap lot.. LoLz.. Anyway Aaron meant it in a veri jokeful manner.. Not as if he reali wanna mao Eve lah.. I can imagine how Aaron said it.. Must be damn funny.. I think if it's me.. Aaron will probably said "Oh that yeKai ar.. Always parked at the handicap lot.. Must mao him till he becum handicap.. So that he will qualify to be one.." Hahaha..

I reali got to thankz Eve for today.. Keke.. U all must be asking why.. But I choose not to say in here.. I will tell u ppl if u ppl are interested to know.. Anyway at first I tot Eve was juz joking only.. But she reali did what she promise.. And I nvr even think that it will happen.. I should use the word "honour" to describe her.. She honoured her words despite we know that it's not rite to do such things.. Anyway I reali reali have to thankz her for been so generous.. As far as I'm concern.. I know not many ppl can be like her..

After the test.. I saw Xh.. I showed her my top.. She asked why I wear a jacket over it.. Aiya cuz it's cold mah.. And my clique ppl left the hall.. Proceeding to toilet.. The guys were outside waiting for the rest.. Eve and Xh.. Together with Gai and Jac went past us.. Eve had a cheeky smile.. While Xh pat my back and said nice top huh.. Who give one.. Keke.. Well.. Only the Eve and Xh know who give one.. Hahahaha.. *Fainted*

Today had my celebration with my dearest clique.. Seven ppl squeezed into one car.. Was kinda a big challenge.. However it still done afterall.. I drove down to Bugis to go to the place where Stephen suggested to hold the celebration.. It's still early so we went to shop a while at Bugis Junction.. Went from toys dept to Kino.. I saw some funny books.. And I saw this Bart Simpson book.. It has alot of stuffs inside.. However.. I juz interested in the area of how to cheat in test or exam.. Haha.. I read it and realised it's only valid for "True/False and MCQs type of tests.."

When ppl said they wanna buy me present.. But I dun reali yearn to have present.. It's the company I yearned for instead.. Esp with ppl I like and care.. Even if it's juz for that fast and short five hrs.. Or even an hour.. I also feel satisfied le.. Even if I get teased or suan by u.. I wun mind also.. Cuz stuffs like these are juz trivial to me now.. I have learnt and grow from the past.. And the mistakes.. What I wan now is seeing u happy and that's all I wish for..

What happened when u said the wrong things the wrong time.. And I believe that happened to u ppl also.. It can be disastrous.. So what is the remedy for it.. I duno either.. Let's juz hope that time can change and calm things down.. I dun wan to say much either.. Having a World War is juz another part of life.. Like what I told Eve today at Hall.. She asked me what happened.. Haix.. I duno how to tell her also.. What I can said is the usage of languages.. The usage of sensitive words.. All happened too fast and sudden..

Saw Sam in sch today.. Walked past me.. I looked at her.. She keep smiling in a weird way.. o_O" I wondered why.. But I guess that the way she behaves.. The times when I was with her and Jenn.. She kinda behaves in this manner also.. Keep smiling non stop..

I was tired after the whole day excursion.. Eyelids are forcing itself to close.. Tomolow still got class.. And veri fast.. It's left with only three lectures.. It's fast.. Another sem is over soon again.. And when the exams cum.. Everyone will be mugging once again.. Saying abt mugging.. And I saw a lame joke today.. It's abt mug and cup.. It says a cup is smaller than a mug becuz the mug has gone to gym while the cup din.. Haha.. Funny and lame..

Song dedicated to Xh.. The translation of the song totally describes the feelings she have now.. The feeling of missing someone.. Though Drew is far far away.. But the Earth is round.. No matter how far u and Drew is separated.. The time will cum again when u and Drew can see each other again.. Rem the separated ones go beyond time and space and get together again.. Stay happy for the time being k..

Lastly.. I would like to thankz those that made their presence for today.. Esp Yt for making the effort to cum down even it's so late.. Sorri that we had waste ur time.. For those who din.. I understand the situation u ppl have..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Sighy Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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