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Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy Bday Advin!!!

Today had the last OTD lecture by Sherman.. Actuali quite can't bear to leave him.. Though first sight I dun reali have liking for him.. And it's not fair to judge a person by first impression.. And I finali realised how much I miss him.. LoLz.. Ly juz told me that our PM lecturer angmoh name is Manfred.. LoLz.. He was saying who the hell is Manfred.. Haha.. Manfred sounds like sibei man hor..

Went to Ly's place to study PM.. Nearly split my legs when I walked on that slippery drainage cover.. Haha.. Heng I din.. If not now in hospital liao..

Today I would like to thankz many of my sweet frenz who send me greetings.. Thankz to Advin.. Andy.. Cheshire.. Colin.. Cy.. Eve.. Jenn.. Jol.. Kelv.. Ly.. Ps.. Rae.. Sherr.. Step.. Tri.. Xh.. Xr.. Yj.. Yt.. I hope I din miss out anyone..

Thankz Advin for wishing me.. And he falls on the same day as me.. ^^

Thankz Andy for remembering my Bday and his concern for my grading.. ^^

Thankz Cheshire for taking the effort to find out my number and send me the greetings on behalf of my crew.. ^^

Thankz Colin for making the effort to sms me the greetings even though it's late.. ^^

Thankz Cy for wishing me "zao sheng gui zi".. LoLz.. I wish I can.. ^^

Thankz Eve for making the effort to call me to wish me Happy Bday.. Reali appreciate it deeply.. So paiseh that I ran off so hastely to do some stuffs.. ^^

Thankz Jenn for sending me sweet sms which brightened up my day.. And the Hallmark Bday card is nice.. Muackz.. Next time I wan a hug.. Keke.. ^^

Thankz Jol for greeting me online.. ^^

Thankz Kelv for sending me greetings.. I din know that he know the actual day.. LoLz.. Anyway thankz.. ^^

Thankz Ly for spending his time to teach me PM for the whole day.. ^^

Thankz Ps for the offer to celebrate my Bday for me.. ^^

Thankz my bro's gf.. Rae.. For giving me a surprise msg.. ^^

Thankz Sherr for making that blur blur Happy Bday greetings.. Haha.. ^^

Thankz Step for been the number two to wish me.. ^^

Thankz Tri for the greetings and the blessings.. ^^

Thankz Xh for the nice and sweet card.. Make me blushed when I read it.. Keke.. Thankz for the encouragement u give.. I will definitely wait patiently as u said.. I reali like the sayings "God has his plans!!" It's juz meant to me that there's hope in this world.. And also not to forget the great prezzie she give.. I luv it.. ^^

Thankz Xr for asking me to be happy always.. I will.. ^^

Thankz Yj for offering ur dear Er-Ma's hug to me ar.. LoLz.. But I wan ur kiss instead.. Keke.. ^^

Thankz Yt for that "zao sheng gui zi" too.. LoLz.. ^^

And I received a prezzie from my Dar too.. Thankz Dar.. I luv it.. Muackz.. ^^

Tomolow is PM test two.. Hmm.. I duno whether I can make it or not.. But I will try my best to do it.. With the help of Ly.. I believe I can at least make a pass in it.. Ganbatte to all who is taking PM.. And gd luck to all.. All the best..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

=) Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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