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Friday, April 14, 2006

Countdown to a week and more.. And the first showdown will be cuming soon.. Sianz.. Inv reali quite disturbing.. Haiz.. I wondered how the rest is doing.. I hope they are doing fine.. Haha.. So that I can ask them qns mah.. Called Sf today.. Then he said he not yet started.. I said "U still dun start!!" The rest all started OTD alreadi liao.. LOLz.. Sf was damn shocked when he heard that.. Hahaha.. Of cuz I purposely bluff him said everyone finished revising their specialization liao loh.. Now starting OTD.. If not this fellow will take forever to start.. LoLz..

I was reali delighted when the owner of the auction finali get back to me.. Alreadi so many days le.. So I tot he sold it le.. I know the item is alreadi six years old from the day it is released.. So thinking of getting it in SG will definitely be a veri difficult task for me.. And I reali dun have any idea of where to look for it.. Maybe alreadi extinct le.. But again I believe Heaven will reali help those that are reali sincere and determined to get the stuff.. Keke.. Would like to thank Wh for offering her hand to help me look for the item too.. Xiexie.. ^^

Few days ago.. Wh was watching Final Destination 3.. So I told her veri erxin one leh.. She say is it? So I told her abt the sun-tanning and pellet gun part.. Haha.. She said oh no the sun-tanning part is here.. Haha.. Immediately she off it.. LoLz.. Btwn I din watched it yet.. I juz made up the story as from I heard from frenz.. Keke..

While Xh was grumbling over that they are the first grp for DPP presentation.. I'm grumbling over that we are the last grp for the presentation.. Haha.. Been first and last is always not gd one loh.. Sianz Sianz Sianz..

I wondering how u all study one.. Did u ppl set urself some motivation at nite? As in u will study veri hard from morning till noon then when it cums to nite.. U will be having some leisure.. Like gaming.. Listening to music.. Blogging.. Or even chatting online with some special ppl.. Haha.. I guess I choose the last choice then.. Keke.. Imagine every nite chatted with some special ppl till near 3am.. Hahaha.. That's shiok!!

Oh.. It's time for Big Intestine!! Haha.. Some of u that duno must wondering what's that rite.. Haha.. Anyway it's the korean drama Da Chang Jin.. Da Chang = Big intestine mah.. Hahaha.. Lame rite.. I did mention this in my earlier entry.. Juz to refresh for those that din read my earlier entry.. Actuali I reali made an honest mistake that time.. I wanted to type "大长今" one.. Then I go entered "大肠今".. LoLz.. Only then I realized why so weird huh.. Haaa.. Since then all my frenz will say "Hey time for big intestine!!" They will say in English so as to suan me.. Cuz in Mandarin "Da Chang" sounds the almost the same whether it is the correct or wrong vocab mah.. So use English will be more distinctive.. LoLz.. Alrite.. Time to go watch le.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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